Kai Schaetzl wrote:
Jason Pyeron wrote on Thu, 26 Jun 2008 18:03:49 -0400:
Any ideas what the "dangerous" inode confusion is about? Is it relevant today?
I have no idea. I think the proposed problem is that the client doesn't know
that it's traversing filesystems, so, the same inode number on filesystem / and
/b is each time the inode number on /. I have no idea if this can actually
happen or how this is worked out or if it is still a problem.
But I think the way it is now by default is not a good solution. As I wrote you
can work and copy to these faked folders and they disappear and reappear with
mounting although they are actually somewhere on the local filesystem. It looks
like the mounting creates a local directory listing that is only available when
it's mounted. The way it works without nohide is really able to trick you to
think you are writing to the remote side, but you aren't. I think this is
dangerous. They should indeed have *hidden* those folders instead of faking
them. The talk about "hidden" is wrong in my eyes. They do not hide they pretend
things that are not there.
>From that perspective I think using nohide is the better option. But I don't
know if that "inode problem" could really hit or not. I haven't seen it so far.
I think what would be a bad idea is to cross-mount the nfs shares themselves,
but this is prevented unless you explicitely export them.
I don't understand your talk about "fake" directories. They are not
fake, they truly exist in the filesystem. It's just that another
filesystem is being overlaid in that dir. Some fs like dev, proc, sys
exist only in memory and are created on the fly at boottime, others are
just disk partitions. Nothing mysterious there.
That NFS only exports a single partition at a time is probably due to
the duplicate inode problem - maybe other stuff - I don't know. At any
rate, just export the additional fs and mount it where you like. Again,
nothing mysterious and it has been done that way since NFS was invented.
Want to prove that your "fake" dirs are not fake? Boot the rescue CD and
don't have it automatically find your Linux partitions. Mount what
ever's your / partition on /tmp/sysimage. There's /tmp/sysimage/dev and
it has an inode number. Let's mkdir
/tmp/sysimage/dev/testdirontherootpartition. That has an inode number
too. Boot back to the OS - /dev/testdirontherootpartition doesn't exist
- it's been overlaid by the udev system. Boot back to the resue CD -
/tmp/sysimage/dev/testdirontherootpartition is there - same inode as it
was before.
Same goes for your /home dir when it's a separate partition - if /home
is not mounted, anything you write there will be written to the root
partition and will be hidden when /home is mounted.
Toby Bluhm
Alltech Medical Systems America, Inc.
30825 Aurora Road Suite 100
Solon Ohio 44139
440-424-2240 ext203
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