Jerry Geis wrote:
Running e2label /dev/sda1 reports that in fact the partition is "/"
My kernel boot line is infact "root=LABEL=/"
My issue here is that I did the initial install. This install boots with
the LABEL=/ just fine.
After the custom kernel build it does not boot. I'm trying to find out
if there is an option in the config
that is needed for these label boots. Perhaps one of these: (I dont know
if I am fishing here and/or which one would do it)
How about Diff the config's from the stock kernel and yours ? Although,
if the kernel speaks ext3 it should be fine for labels, as far as I can
tell off the top of my head.
I did search and wasn't finding what I was looking for, then I posted.
I have not changed the line to try root=/dev/sda1 as I was trying to
make it work the same way.
That might be worth trying, its a simple hack and it will tell you if
your kernel even boots or not.
Karanbir Singh : : 2522219@icq
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