rajeev sharma wrote:
Hi All,
I am Rajeev. I have download centOS 5.1 i386 files for installing
Linux. I tried my ways but my DVD is not getting recognised while
booting. I have windows XP SP2 32-bit. Let me know the files that need
to be burned for installing centOS 5.1 i386.
Queries :
1. Whether I need to burn the files in CD or DVD?
2. I have download 9 iso files, 3 torrent files and 4 txt files from
http://mirror.averse.net/centos/5.1/isos/i386/ Please tell me which
files I need to burn?
3. If I need to burn more than 1 iso file, how do I do that?
4. How do I install the centOS 5.1 i386 when the system starts reading
the CD or DVD? (The commands please)
I am going to work in Linux from now on. This is very urgent. Please
help me to learn Linux and discover new stuffs. Help is required
urgently. Please help me.
Thanks & Regards,
does the computer you want to install CentOS on have a DVD drive or CD
If it has a DVD drive use [and burn it onto a DVD] -
If it had a CD drive use [and burn it onto CD - well, a total of 6] -
[and the rest, up to 6of6]
Probably check out something like this...
When you said your going to work in Linux, I just guesses that this
would be a desktop system.
Google is your friend, and also check things like the CentOS wiki
Subjects are great things too ;-)
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