One of our applications has some very specific requirements regarding
PHP, so I had to rebuild it to add some functionality that's not
included in the default configuration.
First thing I removed every PHP-related package that was installed on
the system:
# yum remove `rpm -qa | grep php`
Then I downloaded the PHP SRPM from
http://mirror.centos.org/centos/5.1/os/SRPMS/ and installed it.
Next I installed all the build dependencies using yum-builddep.
I edited php.spec according to my needs and then built PHP:
# rpmbuild -bb --clean php.spec
Finally, I installed the resulting packages using 'rpm -ivh', in that order:
- php-common
- php-cli
- php
- php-ldap
Problem: when I run 'yum check-update', Yum wants to update these php
packages immediately, with some packages coming from [base] (not from
[updates]). I'm puzzled, because PHP is not in [updates], only in [base].
Now I know I could simply add a line to /etc/yum.conf, something like:
But I *do* want to be notified somehow in case there's an update to PHP,
so I can download the new SRPM from the updates/ directory and then
rebuild it again.
Any suggestions about this?
PS: on my desktop I use Arch Linux, where I have some individually
rebuilt packages. When I do this, I simply increase the build number, so
my packages don't get squashed, but I get an update notification when a
new version is available. Maybe this is the way to go, but I don't know
how I would do this with RPM.
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