Karanbir Singh wrote:
Hi John,
John wrote:
http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/DisklessClients . The only other option
you have if you have to run CentOS 5 and > is to use Cobbler.
Why is that the only option ? it takes 6 seconds to write the /tftpboot/
specs. Given a set of decent docs, anyone can just do that.
Cobbler is
available in the CentOS Testing repository but there is very slim
support for it. More information is available from here:
http://cobbler.et.redhat.com/ .
I am also not sure what you mean by there is very slim support for it.
Its in very wide scale use in many thousands of places, there is a very
active community behind it and there are a lot of CentOS users using it
as well. How did you work out there was very slim support for it ?
oops, not really OFFList is it ?
sorry, ignore my last email to the list
Karanbir Singh : http://www.karan.org/ : 2522219@icq
CentOS mailing list