John wrote:
I knew of the Dell article, as I have all of those saved for reference.
[1] I was just wondering if you knew of any that were for someone knew
to Linux. You know the Microsoft type tutorials that have screenshot
with them. That's the question I get asked a lot of times from around my
home area.
In turn when these users that are new to Linux they get discouraged when
they can't visualy see pictures or have to edit some text file. They
just use to doing things the M$ Way. CentOS could have a much broader
user base (Huge), the biggest user base around if simple things like
this could be done. i realize though it take volunteers to do this on
the wiki.
Hi John,
Apologies for not being Alan ;)
As an occasional Wiki author, I thought I'd offer you my personal
insight on this topic. I try to write articles/documentation that is
broad reaching hence why it tends to be command line based - not
everyone has a GUI installed, so any guide that relies on GUI methods
instantly fails to reach a section of the community. I firmly believe
well written command line based documentation can and should be easy to
follow, even for the novice user.
Also, IMHO GUI-based tools are not always a good thing. I remember
struggling with the horrible up2date GUI interface in my Red Hat Linux
days. It was only a GUI frontend to RPM (??) but it was buggy as hell.
It didn't take me long to figure out it was far easier to manually
download updates by ftp and apply them with 'rpm -Fvh *.rpm'. Things
evolve and now we can simply do 'yum update'. Why add an additional
layer of complexity where it isn't needed?
Whilst I sympathise with your observation, and I'm sure we all know
users like that, CentOS isn't Windows and I wouldn't want it to be. I
would rather we try to educate users to the Linux way of doing things
rather than turn Linux into a Windows clone. I guess I feel the same
about documentation to an extent.
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