thanks but I have a hunch....
Max Hetrick wrote:
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Robert Moskowitz wrote:
Where does NetworkManager keep its information? There was no
/etc/sysconf/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1 file. I made one (but don't know
how to get PTK passphrases into the file). No change.
I'm not sure mine stores anything anywhere. Every time I connect it asks
me for my passphrase information when I attempt to connect.
Not good if you have a really good passphrase! You can be more secure if
the passphrase is kept protected on your system and is hard to enter,
than have one that is 'easy'to remember and enter.
When I go home and turn the wireless on, I can search my logs to see if
it's storing that anywhere and get back to you.
What is NetworkManager using for its 802.1X supplicant code?
I think I can see that it cannot be teh wpa_supplicant. It only supports
the ipw2200, I have figured out. Not the ipw3945. So I will uninstall
that. The xsupplicant rpm? or something internal?
BTW, I turned on an AP with no security, and connected right to it with
NetworkManager. This really tends to narrow my problem to WPA support.
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