Re: Interim RPMs for vmsplice() issue

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Michael A. Peters wrote:

I would like to suggest if you could is that you also make 53.1.4 (maybe put 53.1.4.cve20080600 as the release tag) patched available since a lot of people have to run 53.1.4 because of broken nfs in 53.1.6

untested by me but I think attached spec file and patch would do it.

install the 53.1.4 source.rpm
put the patch in rpm/SOURCES/
put the spec in rpm/SPECS/ (replacing spec file from centos src.rpm)

rpmbuild --nodeps -bs kernel-2.6.spec

That *should* give you a src.rpm you can then build in mock if you need to make patched 53.1.4
Summary: The Linux kernel (the core of the Linux operating system)

# What parts do we want to build?  We must build at least one kernel.
# These are the kernels that are built IF the architecture allows it.
# All should default to 1 (enabled) and be flipped to 0 (disabled)
# by later arch-specific checks

# The following build options are enabled by default.
# Use either --without <opt> in your rpmbuild command or force values
# to 0 in here to disable them
# standard kernel
%define with_up      %{?_without_up:      0} %{?!_without_up:      1}
# kernel-smp (only valid for ppc 32-bit, sparc64)
%define with_smp     %{?_without_smp:     0} %{?!_without_smp:     1}
# kernel-PAE (only valid for i686)
%define with_pae     %{?_without_pae:     0} %{?!_without_pae:     1}
# kernel-xen (only valid for i686, x86_64 and ia64)
%define with_xen     %{?_without_xen:     0} %{?!_without_xen:     1}
# kernel-kdump (only valid for ppc64)
%define with_kdump   %{?_without_kdump:   0} %{?!_without_kdump:   1}
# kernel-debug
%define with_debug   %{?_without_debug:   0} %{!?_without_debug:   1}
# kernel-doc
%define with_doc     %{?_without_doc:     0} %{?!_without_doc:     1}
# kernel-headers
%define with_headers %{?_without_headers: 0} %{?!_without_headers: 1}

# Control whether we perform a compat. check against published ABI.
%define with_kabichk %{?_without_kabichk: 0} %{?!_without_kabichk: 1}

# Additional options for user-friendly one-off kernel building:
# Only build the base kernel (--with baseonly):
%define with_baseonly %{?_with_baseonly: 1} %{?!_with_baseonly: 0}
# Only build the smp kernel (--with smponly):
%define with_smponly  %{?_with_smponly:  1} %{?!_with_smponly:  0}

# Whether to apply the Xen patches -- leave this enabled.
%define includexen 1

# Set debugbuildsenabled to 1 for production (build separate debug kernels)
#  and 0 for rawhide (all kernels are debug kernels).
# See also 'make debug' and 'make release'.
%define debugbuildsenabled 1

# Versions of various parts

# After branching, please hardcode these values as the
# %dist and %rhel tags are not reliable yet
# For example dist -> .el5 and rhel -> 5
%define dist .el5
%define rhel 5

# Values used for RHEL version info in version.h
%define rh_release_major %{rhel}
%define rh_release_minor 1

# Polite request for people who spin their own kernel rpms:
# please modify the "buildid" define in a way that identifies
# that the kernel isn't the stock distribution kernel, for example,
# by setting the define to ".local" or ".bz123456"
%define buildid .cve20080600
%define sublevel 18
%define kversion 2.6.%{sublevel}
%define rpmversion 2.6.%{sublevel}
%define release 53.1.4%{?dist}%{?buildid}
%define signmodules 0
%define xen_hv_cset 15042
%define xen_abi_ver 3.1
%define make_target bzImage
%define kernel_image x86
%define xen_flags verbose=y crash_debug=y XEN_VENDORVERSION=-%{PACKAGE_RELEASE}
%define xen_target vmlinuz
%define xen_image vmlinuz

%define hdrarch %_target_cpu

# if requested, only build base kernel
%if %{with_baseonly}
%define with_smp 0
%define with_pae 0
%define with_xen 0
%define with_kdump 0
%define with_debug 0

# if requested, only build smp kernel
%if %{with_smponly}
%define with_up 0
%define with_pae 0
%define with_xen 0
%define with_kdump 0
%define with_debug 0

# groups of related archs
#OLPC stuff
%if 0%{?olpc}
%define with_xen 0
%define with_kdump 0
# Don't build 586 kernels for RHEL builds.
%if 0%{?rhel}
%define all_x86 i386 i686
# we differ here b/c of the reloc patches
%ifarch i686 x86_64
%define with_kdump 0
%define all_x86 i386 i586 i686

# Overrides for generic default options

# Only ppc and sparc64 need separate smp kernels
%ifnarch ppc sparc64
%define with_smp 0

# pae is only valid on i686
%ifnarch i686
%define with_pae 0

# xen only builds on i686, x86_64 and ia64
%ifnarch i686 x86_64 ia64
%define with_xen 0

# only build kernel-kdump on i686, x86_64 and ppc64
%ifnarch i686 x86_64 ppc64 ppc64iseries
%define with_kdump 0

# only package docs noarch
%ifnarch noarch
%define with_doc 0

# no need to build headers again for these arches,
# they can just use i386 and ppc64 headers
%ifarch i586 i686 ppc64iseries
%define with_headers 0

# obviously, don't build noarch kernels or headers
%ifarch noarch
%define with_up 0
%define with_headers 0
%define with_debug 0
%define all_arch_configs $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/kernel-%{kversion}-*.config

# Per-arch tweaks

%ifarch %{all_x86}
%define all_arch_configs $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/kernel-%{kversion}-i?86*.config
%define image_install_path boot
%define signmodules 1
%define hdrarch i386

%ifarch i686
# we build always xen i686 HV with pae
%define xen_flags verbose=y crash_debug=y pae=y XEN_VENDORVERSION=-%{PACKAGE_RELEASE}

%ifarch x86_64
%define all_arch_configs $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/kernel-%{kversion}-x86_64*.config
%define image_install_path boot
%define signmodules 1

%ifarch ppc64 ppc64iseries
%define all_arch_configs $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/kernel-%{kversion}-ppc64*.config
%define image_install_path boot
%define signmodules 1
%define make_target vmlinux
%define kernel_image vmlinux
%define kernel_image_elf 1
%define hdrarch powerpc

%ifarch s390
%define all_arch_configs $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/kernel-%{kversion}-s390*.config
%define image_install_path boot
%define make_target image
%define kernel_image arch/s390/boot/image

%ifarch s390x
%define all_arch_configs $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/kernel-%{kversion}-s390x*.config
%define image_install_path boot
%define make_target image
%define kernel_image arch/s390/boot/image
%define hdrarch s390

%ifarch sparc
%define all_arch_configs $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/kernel-%{kversion}-sparc.config
%define make_target image
%define kernel_image image

%ifarch sparc64
%define all_arch_configs $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/kernel-%{kversion}-sparc64*.config
%define make_target image
%define kernel_image image

%ifarch ppc
%define all_arch_configs $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/kernel-%{kversion}-ppc{-,.}*config
%define image_install_path boot
%define make_target vmlinux
%define kernel_image vmlinux
%define kernel_image_elf 1
%define hdrarch powerpc

%ifarch ia64
%define all_arch_configs $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/kernel-%{kversion}-ia64*.config
%define image_install_path boot/efi/EFI/redhat
%define signmodules 1
%define make_target compressed
%define kernel_image vmlinux.gz
# ia64 xen HV doesn't build with debug=y at the moment
%define xen_flags verbose=y crash_debug=y XEN_VENDORVERSION=-%{PACKAGE_RELEASE}
%define xen_target compressed
%define xen_image vmlinux.gz

# To temporarily exclude an architecture from being built, add it to
# %nobuildarches. Do _NOT_ use the ExclusiveArch: line, because if we
# don't build kernel-headers then the new build system will no longer let
# us use the previous build of that package -- it'll just be completely AWOL.
# Which is a BadThing(tm).

# We don't build a kernel on i386 or s390x or ppc -- we only do kernel-headers there.
%define nobuildarches i386 s390 ppc

%ifarch %nobuildarches
%define with_up 0
%define with_smp 0
%define with_pae 0
%define with_xen 0
%define with_kdump 0
%define with_debug 0
%define _enable_debug_packages 0

# Three sets of minimum package version requirements in the form of Conflicts:
# to versions below the minimum

# First the general kernel 2.6 required versions as per
# Documentation/Changes
%define kernel_dot_org_conflicts  ppp < 2.4.3-3, isdn4k-utils < 3.2-32, nfs-utils < 1.0.7-12, e2fsprogs < 1.37-4, util-linux < 2.12, jfsutils < 1.1.7-2, reiserfs-utils < 3.6.19-2, xfsprogs < 2.6.13-4, procps < 3.2.5-6.3, oprofile < 0.9.1-2

# Then a series of requirements that are distribution specific, either
# because we add patches for something, or the older versions have
# problems with the newer kernel or lack certain things that make
# integration in the distro harder than needed.
%define package_conflicts initscripts < 7.23, udev < 063-6, iptables < 1.3.2-1, ipw2200-firmware < 2.4, selinux-policy-targeted < 1.25.3-14

# The file we install uses syntax older ldconfig's don't grok.
%define xen_conflicts glibc < 2.3.5-1, xen < 3.0.1

# Packages that need to be installed before the kernel is, because the %post
# scripts use them.
%define kernel_prereq  fileutils, module-init-tools, initscripts >= 8.11.1-1, mkinitrd >= 4.2.21-1

Name: kernel
Group: System Environment/Kernel
License: GPLv2
Version: %{rpmversion}
Release: %{release}
%if 0%{?olpc}
ExclusiveArch: i386 i586
# SET %nobuildarches (ABOVE) INSTEAD
ExclusiveArch: noarch %{all_x86} x86_64 ppc ppc64 ia64 sparc sparc64 s390 s390x
ExclusiveOS: Linux
Provides: kernel = %{version}
Provides: kernel-drm = 4.3.0
Provides: kernel-%{_target_cpu} = %{rpmversion}-%{release}
Prereq: %{kernel_prereq}
Conflicts: %{kernel_dot_org_conflicts}
Conflicts: %{package_conflicts}
# We can't let RPM do the dependencies automatic because it'll then pick up
# a correct but undesirable perl dependency from the module headers which
# isn't required for the kernel proper to function
AutoReq: no
AutoProv: yes

# List the packages used during the kernel build
BuildPreReq: module-init-tools, patch >= 2.5.4, bash >= 2.03, sh-utils, tar
BuildPreReq: bzip2, findutils, gzip, m4, perl, make >= 3.78, diffutils
%if %{signmodules}
BuildPreReq: gnupg
BuildRequires: gcc >= 3.4.2, binutils >= 2.12, redhat-rpm-config
%if %{with_headers}
BuildRequires: unifdef
BuildConflicts: rhbuildsys(DiskFree) < 500Mb

Source1: xen-%{xen_hv_cset}.tar.bz2

Source10: COPYING.modules
Source11: genkey
Source12: kabitool
Source14: find-provides

Source20: kernel-%{kversion}-i586.config
Source21: kernel-%{kversion}-i686.config
Source22: kernel-%{kversion}-i686-debug.config
Source23: kernel-%{kversion}-i686-PAE.config

Source24: kernel-%{kversion}-x86_64.config
Source25: kernel-%{kversion}-x86_64-debug.config
#Source26: kernel-%{kversion}-x86_64-kdump.config

Source27: kernel-%{kversion}-ppc.config
Source28: kernel-%{kversion}-ppc-smp.config
Source29: kernel-%{kversion}-ppc64.config
Source29: kernel-%{kversion}-ppc64-debug.config
Source30: kernel-%{kversion}-ppc64-kdump.config
#Source31: kernel-%{kversion}-ppc64iseries.config

Source32: kernel-%{kversion}-s390.config
Source33: kernel-%{kversion}-s390x.config
Source34: kernel-%{kversion}-s390x-debug.config

Source35: kernel-%{kversion}-ia64.config
Source36: kernel-%{kversion}-ia64-debug.config

Source37: kernel-%{kversion}-i686-xen.config
Source38: kernel-%{kversion}-x86_64-xen.config
#Source39: kernel-%{kversion}-i686-kdump.config
Source40: kernel-%{kversion}-ia64-xen.config
#Source41: kernel-%{kversion}-ppc64iseries-kdump.config

#Source66: kernel-%{kversion}-sparc.config
#Source67: kernel-%{kversion}-sparc64.config
#Source68: kernel-%{kversion}-sparc64-smp.config

Source80: config-rhel-generic
Source82: config-rhel-ppc64-generic
Source83: config-olpc-generic

Source100: kabi_whitelist_i686
Source101: kabi_whitelist_i686PAE
Source102: kabi_whitelist_i686xen
Source103: kabi_whitelist_ia64
Source104: kabi_whitelist_ia64xen
Source105: kabi_whitelist_ppc64
Source106: kabi_whitelist_ppc64kdump
#Source107: kabi_whitelist_ppc64iseries
#Source108: kabi_whitelist_ppc64iserieskdump
Source109: kabi_whitelist_s390x
Source110: kabi_whitelist_x86_64
Source111: kabi_whitelist_x86_64xen

Source120: Module.kabi_i686
Source121: Module.kabi_i686PAE
Source122: Module.kabi_i686xen
Source123: Module.kabi_ia64
#Source124: Module.kabi_ia64xen
Source125: Module.kabi_ppc64
Source126: Module.kabi_ppc64kdump
Source127: Module.kabi_s390x
Source128: Module.kabi_x86_64
Source129: Module.kabi_x86_64xen

Source130: check-kabi

# Patches 0 through 100 are meant for core subsystem upgrades
Patch1: patch-
#Patch2: patch-2.6.18-rc7-git4.bz2
Patch3: git-geode.patch
Patch4: git-agpgart.patch

# this is for patches we backported the whole fix for later in spec file
# currently just the bcm43xx driver and infiniband stuff
Patch9: stable-patch-reverts.patch

# Patches 10 through 99 are for things that are going upstream really soon.
Patch10: linux-2.6-utrace.patch

# enable sysrq-c on all kernels, not only kexec
Patch20: linux-2.6-sysrq-c.patch
Patch21: linux-2.6-sysrq-w.patch

# emergency patch
Patch99: linux-2.6-cve20080600.patch

# Patches 100 through 500 are meant for architecture patches

# 200 - 299   x86(-64)

Patch200: linux-2.6-x86-tune-generic.patch
Patch201: linux-2.6-x86-vga-vidfail.patch
Patch202: linux-2.6-x86-64-edac-support.patch
Patch203: linux-2.6-x86_64-silence-up-apic-errors.patch
Patch207: linux-2.6-x86_64-tif-restore-sigmask.patch
Patch208: linux-2.6-x86_64-add-ppoll-pselect.patch
Patch209: linux-2.6-x86_64-opterons-synchronize-p-state-using-TSC.patch
Patch210: linux-2.6-x86_64-memory-hotplug.patch
Patch211: linux-2.6-x86-relocatable.patch
Patch212: linux-2.6-x86-support-rdtscp-for-gtod.patch
Patch213: linux-2.6-x86-unwinder-fixes.patch
#temp patch for now
Patch214: linux-2.6-x86-disable-mmconfig.patch
Patch215: linux-2.6-x86_64-page-align-e820-area.patch
Patch216: linux-2.6-x86_64-dirty-page-tracking.patch

# 300 - 399   ppc(64)
Patch302: linux-2.6-hvc-console.patch
Patch303: linux-2.6-ppc-rtas-check.patch
Patch304: linux-2.6-ppc64-export-copypage.patch
Patch306: linux-2.6-powerpc-audit.patch
Patch307: linux-2.6-powerpc-seccomp.patch
Patch308: linux-2.6-powerpc-power6-disable-ci_large_page.patch

# 400 - 499   ia64
Patch400: linux-2.6-ia64-futex.patch
Patch401: linux-2.6-ia64-robust-list.patch
Patch402: linux-2.6-ia64-kexec-kdump.patch
Patch404: linux-2.6-ia64-exports-for-xpmem-driver.patch
Patch405: linux-2.6-ia64-kprobes-fixes.patch

# 500 - 599   s390(x)
Patch500: linux-2.6-s390-kprobes.patch
Patch501: linux-2.6-s390-add-uevent-to-ccw.patch
Patch502: linux-2.6-s390-kprobes-fixes.patch
Patch503: linux-2.6-s390-net-ctcmpc-driver.patch
# 600 - 699   sparc(64)

# Patches 800 through 899 are reserved for bugfixes to the core system
# and patches related to how RPMs are build
Patch800: linux-2.6-build-nonintconfig.patch
Patch801: linux-2.6-build-userspace-headers-warning.patch
Patch802: linux-2.6-build-deprecate-configh-include.patch

# Exec-shield.
Patch810: linux-2.6-execshield.patch
Patch811: linux-2.6-warn-c-p-a.patch

# Module signing infrastructure.
Patch900: linux-2.6-modsign-core.patch
Patch901: linux-2.6-modsign-crypto.patch
Patch902: linux-2.6-modsign-ksign.patch
Patch903: linux-2.6-modsign-mpilib.patch
Patch904: linux-2.6-modsign-script.patch
Patch905: linux-2.6-modsign-include.patch

# Tux http accelerator.
Patch910: linux-2.6-tux.patch

# 950 - 999 Xen
Patch950: linux-2.6-xen.patch
Patch951: linux-2.6-xen-utrace.patch
Patch952: linux-2.6-xen-x86_64-silence-up-apic-errors.patch
Patch953: linux-2.6-xen-x86_64-add-ppoll-pselect.patch
Patch954: linux-2.6-xen-execshield.patch
Patch955: linux-2.6-xen-tux.patch
Patch957: linux-2.6-xen-x86-relocatable.patch
Patch958: linux-2.6-ia64-kexec-kdump-xen-conflict.patch
Patch959: linux-2.6-xen-x86-unwinder.patch
Patch960: linux-2.6-xen-blktap-fixes.patch
Patch961: linux-2.6-xen-pae-handle-64bit-addresses-correctly.patch
Patch962: linux-2.6-xen-remove-bug-from-evtchn-during-retrigger.patch

# Patches 1000 to 5000 are reserved for bugfixes to drivers and filesystems

Patch1010: linux-2.6-debug-sizeof-structs.patch
Patch1011: linux-2.6-debug-slab-backtrace.patch
Patch1012: linux-2.6-debug-list_head.patch
Patch1013: linux-2.6-debug-taint-vm.patch
Patch1014: linux-2.6-debug-singlebiterror.patch
Patch1015: linux-2.6-debug-spinlock-taint.patch
Patch1016: linux-2.6-debug-Wundef.patch
Patch1017: linux-2.6-debug-disable-builtins.patch
Patch1018: linux-2.6-debug-sleep-in-irq-warning.patch
Patch1019: linux-2.6-debug-must_check.patch
Patch1020: linux-2.6-debug-no-quiet.patch
Patch1021: linux-2.6-debug-boot-delay.patch
Patch1022: linux-2.6-debug-sysfs-crash-debugging.patch
Patch1023: linux-2.6-debug-sysfs-crash-debugging-xen.patch

# Restrict /dev/mem usage.
Patch1050: linux-2.6-devmem.patch
Patch1051: linux-2.6-devmem-xen.patch

# Provide read only /dev/crash driver.
Patch1060: linux-2.6-crash-driver.patch
Patch1061: linux-2.6-crash-driver-xen.patch

Patch1070: linux-2.6-sleepon.patch

# SCSI bits.
Patch1102: linux-2.6-scsi-advansys-pcitable.patch
Patch1103: linux-2.6-iscsi-add-qla4xxx2.patch
Patch1104: linux-2.6-iscsi-update-to-2-6-19-rc1.upstream.patch
Patch1105: linux-2.6-aic9400-adp94xx-updates.patch
Patch1106: linux-2.6-scsi-ipr-supports-sas-attached-sata.patch
Patch1107: linux-2.6-scsi-dont-add-devices-for-pq1-pdt01f.patch
Patch1108: linux-2.6-scsi-remove-userspace-hooks-from-qla4xxx.patch
Patch1109: linux-2.6-scsi-allow-cat-proc-scsi-to-work.patch
Patch1110: linux-2.6-scsi-add-qla3xxx.patch
Patch1111: linux-2.6-scsi-update-blacklist.patch
Patch1112: linux-2.6-iscsi-remove-old-code.patch
Patch1113: linux-2.6-scsi-fix-shared-tag-maps.patch
Patch1114: linux-2.6-scsi-add-promise-stex-driver.patch
Patch1115: linux-2.6-scsi-sg-allow-large-page-sizes.patch
Patch1116: linux-2.6-scsi-qla4xxx-ioctl-hooks.patch
Patch1117: linux-2.6-scsi-update-transport-fc.patch
Patch1118: linux-2.6-scsi-update-emulex-lpfc.patch
Patch1119: linux-2.6-scsi-emulex-ioctl-hooks.patch
Patch1120: linux-2.6-scsi-update-lsi-megaraid.patch
Patch1121: linux-2.6-scsi-ibmvscsi-migration-fix.patch

# NFS bits.
Patch1200: linux-2.6-NFSD-ctlbits.patch
Patch1201: linux-2.6-NFSD-badness.patch

# core networking changes.
Patch1300: linux-2.6-net-ipsec-labelling.patch
Patch1301: linux-2.6-net-netlabel-cipso.patch
Patch1302: linux-2.6-net-netlabel-labeled-network-support.patch
Patch1303: linux-2.6-net-netlabel-audit-config-changes.patch
Patch1304: linux-2.6-net-netlabel-oops-in-cache.patch
Patch1305: linux-2.6-net-netlabel-label-empty-packets-unlabeled.patch
Patch1306: linux-2.6-net-netlabel-fix-ipsec-leak.patch

# Network driver updates
Patch1350: linux-2.6-bcm43xx-periodic-work.patch
Patch1351: linux-2.6-net-e1000-updates.patch

# Filesystem stuff.
# Squashfs
Patch1400: linux-2.6-squashfs.patch
Patch1401: linux-2.6-squashfs-s390-dirty-memory-fix.patch
Patch1410: linux-2.6-gfs2-dlm.patch
Patch1411: linux-2.6-gfs2-tux.patch
Patch1412: linux-2.6-gfs2-locking-exports.patch
Patch1413: linux-2.6-gfs2-move-fs-flags-to-fs_h.patch
Patch1414: linux-2.6-gfs2-dlm-fix-mount-issues.patch
Patch1415: linux-2.6-gfs2-dlm-clear-sbflags-lock-master.patch
Patch1416: linux-2.6-gfs2-dlm-add-tcp-communications.patch
Patch1417: linux-2.6-gfs2-dlm-reset-recover_locks-when-aborted.patch
Patch1418: linux-2.6-gfs2-dlm-fix-incorrect-fs-sync-behaviour.patch
Patch1419: linux-2.6-gfs2-dlm-fix-kref_put-oops.patch

Patch1420: linux-2.6-inode_diet-replace-inodeugeneric_ip-with-inodei_private.patch
Patch1421: linux-2.6-inode-diet-move-i_pipe-into-a-union.patch
Patch1422: linux-2.6-inode-diet-move-i_bdev-into-a-union.patch
Patch1423: linux-2.6-inode-diet-move-i_cdev-into-a-union.patch
Patch1424: linux-2.6-inode-diet-eliminate-i_blksize-and-use-a-per-superblock-default.patch
Patch1425: linux-2.6-inode-diet-squashfs.patch

# NFS superblock sharing
Patch1430: linux-2.6-nfs-unified-sb-os-support.patch
Patch1431: linux-2.6-nfs-unified-sb.patch
# CacheFiles support
Patch1432: linux-2.6-cachefiles-os-support.patch
Patch1433: linux-2.6-cachefiles.patch
# FS-Cache support
Patch1434: linux-2.6-fscache-os-support.patch
Patch1435: linux-2.6-fscache.patch
Patch1436: linux-2.6-fscache-nfs.patch
Patch1437: linux-2.6-fscache-afs.patch

# Various NFS changes.
# double d_drop
Patch1440: linux-2.6-nfs-client-double_d-drop.patch
# NFS uses 64-bit inodes
Patch1441: linux-2.6-nfs-64-bit-inode-support.patch
# Fix NFS/Selinux oops.
Patch1442: linux-2.6-nfs-selinux-oops.patch
Patch1443: linux-2.6-nfs-client-dentry-oops.patch
Patch1444: linux-2.6-nfs-acl-cache-to-nfs-client.patch
Patch1445: linux-2.6-nfs-release-page-fix.patch
Patch1446: linux-2.6-nfs-v4-server-use-after-free.patch
Patch1447: linux-2.6-nfs-handle-rpc-error-properly.patch
Patch1448: linux-2.6-nfs-oops-in-nfs_cancel_commit_list.patch
Patch1449: linux-2.6-nfs-fs-locations-support.patch
Patch1450: linux-2.6-nfs-disassociate-the-fsc-cookie-from-fh.patch

# EXT3 fixes
Patch1460: linux-2.6-ext3-16tb-overflow-fixes.patch
Patch1461: linux-2.6-ext3-check-for-unmapped-buffer.patch
Patch1462: linux-2.6-ext3-handle-directory-corruption-better.patch

# CIFS fixes
Patch1465: linux-2.6-cifs-invalid-readdirs.patch

# VFS fixes
Patch1470: linux-2.6-vfs-dentries-destroy.patch

# AFS fixes
Patch1475: linux-2.6-afs-dentries-refs.patch

# IPV6 routing
Patch1480: linux-2.6-ipv6-multiple-routing-tables-policy.patch
Patch1481: linux-2.6-ipv6-routing-rules-fixes.patch
Patch1482: linux-2.6-ipv6-prohibit-and-blackhole-fixes.patch
Patch1483: linux-2.6-ipv6-init-tb6_lock-through-rwlock_init.patch

# AUTOFS fixes
Patch1490: linux-2.6-autofs4-fixes.patch
Patch1491: linux-2.6-autofs4-cannot-shutdown-when-timeout-zero.patch

# Device mapper / MD layer
Patch1500: linux-2.6-dm-mirroring.patch
Patch1501: linux-2.6-dm-multipath-ioctl-support.patch
Patch1502: linux-2.6-dm-alloc_dev-error-path-fix.patch
Patch1503: linux-2.6-dm-snapshot-invalid-enomem-fix.patch
Patch1504: linux-2.6-dm-snapshot-remove-chunk_size-param.patch
Patch1505: linux-2.6-dm-snapshot-metadata-error-handling.patch
Patch1506: linux-2.6-dm-snapshot-metadata-suspend-fix.patch
Patch1507: linux-2.6-dm-snapshot-removal-seg-fault.patch
Patch1508: linux-2.6-dm-mirror-trailing-space.patch
Patch1509: linux-2.6-dm-add-uevent-change-on-resume.patch
Patch1510: linux-2.6-dm-crypt-clear-key-when-suspend.patch
Patch1511: linux-2.6-dm-use-biosets-to-avoid-deadlock.patch
Patch1512: linux-2.6-dm-add-feature-flags-to-structs.patch
Patch1513: linux-2.6-dm-mpath-fix-io-errors-on-new-path.patch

# Misc bits.
Patch1600: linux-2.6-module_version.patch
Patch1610: linux-2.6-input-kill-stupid-messages.patch
Patch1620: linux-2.6-serial-tickle-nmi.patch
Patch1630: linux-2.6-mm-suspend-improvements.patch
Patch1640: linux-2.6-autofs-revalidate-lookup.patch
Patch1650: linux-2.6-serial-460800.patch
Patch1660: linux-2.6-drm-i965.patch
Patch1670: linux-2.6-softcursor-persistent-alloc.patch
Patch1680: linux-2.6-reiserfs-dentry-ref.patch
Patch1700: linux-2.6-ide-jmicron-fixup.patch
Patch1710: linux-2.6-sched-up-migration-cost.patch
Patch1720: linux-2.6-proc-self-maps-fix.patch
Patch1740: linux-2.6-softlockup-disable.patch
Patch1741: linux-2.6-optimise-spinlock-debug.patch
Patch1742: linux-2.6-ehea-ethernet-driver.patch
Patch1743: linux-2.6-drivers-add-qlogic-firmware.patch
Patch1744: linux-2.6-libertas.diff
Patch1745: linux-2.6-olpc-touchpad.diff
Patch1746: linux-2.6-asix-usbnet-update.patch
Patch1747: linux-2.6-bnep-compat.patch
Patch1748: linux-2.6-hidp-compat.patch
Patch1749: linux-2.6-cmtp-compat.patch
Patch1751: linux-2.6-module-unaligned-access-fix.patch
Patch1753: linux-2.6-poll-einval-conforms-to-posix.patch
Patch1754: linux-2.6-allow-booting-from-raid-partition.patch
Patch1755: linux-2.6-snd-update-sigmatel-codecs.patch
Patch1756: linux-2.6-net-e100-error-recovery-fix.patch
Patch1758: linux-2.6-block-detect-cpqarray.patch
Patch1760: linux-2.6-net-veth-proc-entry-fix.patch
Patch1761: linux-2.6-tty-locking-cleanup.patch
Patch1762: linux-2.6-net-ibmveth-kdump-panic.patch
Patch1763: linux-2.6-mm-dio-prevent-populating-page-cache.patch
Patch1764: linux-2.6-pci-hotplug-p2p-bridge-ioapic-fixes.patch
Patch1765: linux-2.6-fs-bd_mount_mutex-to-sem.patch
Patch1767: linux-2.6-net-ehea-support-64k-pages.patch
Patch1768: linux-2.6-cpu-hotplug-fails-trying-to-bsp-offline.patch
Patch1769: linux-2.6-pci-sort-devices-in-breadth-first-order.patch
Patch1770: linux-2.6-drivers-export-bus-add-remove.patch

# SELinux/audit patches.
Patch1801: linux-2.6-selinux-mprotect-checks.patch
Patch1802: linux-2.6-selinux-support-range-transitions.patch
Patch1803: linux-2.6-audit-code-walking-out-of-bounds.patch
Patch1804: linux-2.6-audit-allow-filtering-by-ppid.patch
Patch1805: linux-2.6-audit-disallow-meaningless-arch-filters.patch

# Warn about usage of various obsolete functionality that may go away.
Patch1900: linux-2.6-obsolete-oss-warning.patch

# no external module should use these symbols.
Patch1910: linux-2.6-unexport-symbols.patch

# VM bits.
Patch2001: linux-2.6-vm-silence-atomic-alloc-failures.patch
Patch2002: linux-2.6-mm-tracking-dirty-pages.patch
Patch2004: linux-2.6-mm-prevent-oom-fixes.patch
Patch2005: linux-2.6-mm-release-page-with-non-zero-gfp-mask.patch

# Tweak some defaults.
Patch2100: linux-2.6-defaults-fat-utf8.patch
Patch2101: linux-2.6-defaults-firmware-loader-timeout.patch
Patch2102: linux-2.6-defaults-phys-start.patch
Patch2103: linux-2.6-defaults-unicode-vt.patch
Patch2104: linux-2.6-defaults-disable-split-ptlock.patch
Patch2105: linux-2.6-panic-on-oops.patch

# SATA Bits
Patch2200: linux-2.6-sata-promise-pata-ports.patch
Patch2201: linux-2.6-sata-ahci-suspend.patch
Patch2202: linux-2.6-sata-sas-adapters-support.patch

# ACPI bits

# Lockdep fixes.
Patch2400: linux-2.6-lockdep-fixes.patch

# Infiniband driver
Patch2600: linux-2.6-openib-sdp.patch
Patch2601: linux-2.6-openib-ehca.patch
Patch2602: linux-2.6-openib-ofed-1_1-update.patch

# kprobes changes.
Patch2700: linux-2.6-kprobes-portable.patch
Patch2701: linux-2.6-kprobes-documentation.patch
Patch2702: linux-2.6-kprobes-add-regs_return_value-helper.patch
Patch2703: linux-2.6-kprobes-deadlock-fixes.patch
Patch2704: linux-2.6-kprobes-opcode-16-byte-alignment.patch

# Wireless driver
Patch2801: linux-2.6-wireless-ipw2200-1_2_0-update.patch

# 10000 to 20000 is for stuff that has to come last due to the
# amount of drivers they touch. But only these should go here.
# Not patches you're too lazy for to put in the proper place.

Patch10000: linux-2.6-compile-fixes.patch

# Xen hypervisor patches (20000+)
Patch20001: xen-ugly-console.patch
Patch20002: xen-amd-s-asid-implementation.patch
Patch20003: xen-add-amd-v-support-for-domain-live-migration.patch
Patch20004: xen-windows-hvm-guest-image-migration-causes-blue-screen.patch
Patch20005: xen-guest-access-to-msr-may-cause-crash-data-corruption.patch
Patch20006: xen-ia64-guest-os-hangs-on-ipf-montetito.patch
Patch20007: xen-ia64-domu-panics-by-save-restore.patch
Patch20008: xen-ia64-hvm-domain-creation-panics-if-xenheap-not-enough.patch
Patch20009: xen-ia64-cannot-create-guest-domain-due-to-rid-problem.patch
Patch20010: xen-ia64-hvm-guest-hangs-on-vcpu-migration.patch
Patch20011: xen-ia64-boot-46-guestos-makes-dom0-hang.patch
Patch20012: xen-ia64-windows-guest-panic-by-incorrect-ld4-s-emulation.patch
Patch20013: xen-ia64-dom0-boot-fails-on-numa-hardware.patch
Patch20014: xen-ia64-smp-windows-guest-boot-fails-sometimes.patch
Patch20015: xen-ia64-windows-guest-cannot-boot-with-debug-mode.patch
Patch20016: xen-ia64-hv-with-crash_debug-y-doesnt-boot-on-numa-machine.patch
Patch20017: xen-make-crashkernel-foo-16m-work.patch
Patch20018: xen-x86-hv-workaround-for-invalid-pae-pte-clears.patch
Patch20019: xen-amd-v-fix-for-w2k3-guest-w-nested-paging.patch
Patch20020: xen-ia64-fix-for-hang-when-running-gdb.patch
Patch20021: xen-set-correct-paging-bit-identifier-when-np-enabled.patch
Patch20022: xen-fix-mce-errors-on-amd-v.patch
Patch20023: xen-allow-dom0-to-boot-with-greater-than-2-vcpus.patch
Patch20024: xen-ia64-support-nvram.patch
Patch20025: xen-ia64-use-panic_notifier-list.patch
Patch20026: xen-remove-assumption-first-numa-node-discovered-is-node0.patch
Patch20027: xen-increase-limits-to-boot-large-ia64-platforms.patch
Patch20028: xen-ia64-set-nodes_shift-to-8.patch
Patch20029: xen-x86-32-bit-asid-mode-hangs-dom0-on-amd.patch
# end of Xen patches

Patch21007: linux-2.6-netlabel-error-checking-cleanups.patch
Patch21008: linux-2.6-xen-fix-spinlock-when-removing-xennet-device.patch
Patch21009: linux-2.6-ia64-fix-panic-in-cpu-hotplug.patch
Patch21010: linux-2.6-acpi-cleanup-output-messages.patch
Patch21011: linux-2.6-xen-privcmd-range-check-hypercall-index.patch
Patch21012: linux-2.6-fs-catch-blocks-beyond-pagecache-limit.patch
Patch21013: linux-2.6-mm-noisy-stack-trace-by-memory-hotplug.patch
Patch21014: linux-2.6-net-compute-checksum-in-netpoll_send_udp.patch
Patch21015: linux-2.6-cifs-explicitly-set-stat-blksize.patch
Patch21016: linux-2.6-configfs-mutex_lock_nested-fix.patch
Patch21017: linux-2.6-openib-ehca-fix-64k-page-table.patch
Patch21018: linux-2.6-dm-sys-block-entries-remain-after-removal.patch
Patch21019: linux-2.6-proc-readdir-race-fix.patch
Patch21021: linux-2.6-sound-hda-fix-typo-in-patch_realtek-c.patch
Patch21022: linux-2.6-net-bnx2-update-firmware-to-correct-rx-problem.patch
Patch21023: linux-2.6-xen-fix-profiling.patch
Patch21024: linux-2.6-xen-netback-reenable-tx-queueing.patch
Patch21025: linux-2.6-x86-remove-microcode-size-check.patch
Patch21026: linux-2.6-s390-add-missing-ctcmpc-target.patch
Patch21027: linux-2.6-xen-avoid-touching-watchdog-when-gone-too-long.patch
Patch21028: linux-2.6-hp-fix-bogus-warning-in-lock_cpu_hotplug.patch
Patch21029: linux-2.6-usb-add-raritan-kvm-usb-dongle-to-usb-blacklist.patch
Patch21030: linux-2.6-x86_64-kdump-mptable-reservation-fix.patch
Patch21031: linux-2.6-dlm-dont-accept-replies-to-old-recovery-messages.patch
Patch21032: linux-2.6-dlm-fix-add_requestqueue-checking-nodes-list.patch
Patch21033: linux-2.6-dlm-fix-size-of-status_reply-message.patch
Patch21034: linux-2.6-net-enable-netpoll-netconsole-for-ibmveth.patch
Patch21035: linux-2.6-net-fix-flowi-clobbering.patch
Patch21036: linux-2.6-xen-iscsi-oops-on-x86_64-xen-domu.patch
Patch21037: linux-2.6-lockdep-ide-proc-interaction-fix.patch
Patch21038: linux-2.6-xen-make-netfront-device-permanent.patch
Patch21039: linux-2.6-x86_64-make-the-boot-gdt-limit-exact.patch
Patch21040: linux-2.6-net-ibmveth-panic-when-buffer-rolls-over.patch
Patch21041: linux-2.6-mm-write-failure-on-swapout-could-corrupt-data.patch
Patch21042: linux-2.6-ppc-update_flash-is-broken.patch
Patch21043: linux-2.6-ppc-power6-illegal-instruction-on-install.patch
Patch21044: linux-2.6-net-e1000-add-device-ids.patch
Patch21045: linux-2.6-ppc-reduce-iommu-page-size-to-4k.patch
Patch21046: linux-2.6-agp-corruption-fixes.patch
Patch21047: linux-2.6-acpi-allow-highest-frequency-if-bios-think-so.patch
Patch21048: linux-2.6-xen-blkback-fix-first_sect-check.patch
Patch21049: linux-2.6-selinux-fix-oops-with-non-mls-policies.patch
Patch21050: linux-2.6-selinux-give-correct-responce-to-get_peercon.patch
Patch21051: linux-2.6-netlabel-send-audit-messages-if-audit-is-on.patch
Patch21052: linux-2.6-dlm-check-for-incompatible-protocol-version.patch
Patch21053: linux-2.6-dlm-resend-lock-during-recovery-if-master-not-ready.patch
Patch21054: linux-2.6-dlm-use-recovery-seq-number-to-discard-old-replies.patch
Patch21056: linux-2.6-xen-fix-2tb-overflow-in-virtual-disk-driver.patch
Patch21057: linux-2.6-hfs-return-error-code-in-case-of-error.patch
Patch21058: linux-2.6-megaraid-initialization-fix-for-kdump.patch
Patch21059: linux-2.6-xen-netback-fix-transmit-credit-scheduler-wrap.patch
Patch21060: linux-2.6-netlabel-disallow-ip-editing-on-cipso-socket.patch
Patch21061: linux-2.6-mm-prevent-hugepages_rsvd-from-going-negative.patch
Patch21062: linux-2.6-net-e1000-reset-all-functions-after-a-pci-error.patch
Patch21063: linux-2.6-sata-ata_piix-map-values.patch
Patch21064: linux-2.6-net-tg3-bcm5752m-crippled-after-reset.patch
Patch21065: linux-2.6-net-tg3-support-broadcom-5756m-5756me-controller.patch
Patch21066: linux-2.6-netlabel-bring-current-with-upstream-bugs.patch
Patch21067: linux-2.6-netlabel-bring-current-with-upstream-performance.patch
Patch21068: linux-2.6-netlabel-bring-current-with-upstream-cleanup-future-work.patch
Patch21069: linux-2.6-xen-blkback-copy-shared-data-before-verification.patch
Patch21070: linux-2.6-xen-blkback-fix-potential-grant-entry-leaks-on-error.patch
Patch21071: linux-2.6-nfs-set-correct-mode-during-create-operation.patch
Patch21072: linux-2.6-char-ipmi-multiple-baseboard-management-centers.patch
Patch21073: linux-2.6-cachefiles-cachefiles_write_page-should-not-error-twice.patch
Patch21074: linux-2.6-pciehp-reenabling-the-slot-disables-the-slot.patch
Patch21075: linux-2.6-pciehp-info-messages-are-confusing.patch
Patch21076: linux-2.6-pciehp-parallel-hotplug-operations-cause-panic.patch
Patch21077: linux-2.6-pciehp-pci_disable_msi-called-to-early.patch
Patch21078: linux-2.6-pciehp-free_irq-called-twice.patch
Patch21079: linux-2.6-shpchp-driver-does-not-work-in-poll-mode.patch
Patch21080: linux-2.6-shpchp-driver-fails-on-system-under-heavy-load.patch
Patch21081: linux-2.6-xen-properly-close-blkfront-on-non-existant-file.patch
Patch21082: linux-2.6-xen-ia64-get-it-working.patch
Patch21083: linux-2.6-xen-ia64-kernel-unaligned-access.patch
Patch21084: linux-2.6-wireless-d80211-kabi-pre-compatibility.patch
Patch21085: linux-2.6-ide-spurious-interrups-from-esb2-in-native-mode.patch
Patch21086: linux-2.6-s390-common-i-o-layer-fixes.patch
Patch21087: linux-2.6-xen-copy-shared-data-before-verification.patch
Patch21088: linux-2.6-dm-mirroring-fix-sync-status-change.patch
Patch21089: linux-2.6-dlm-fix-send_args-lvb-copying.patch
Patch21090: linux-2.6-dlm-fix-receive_request-lvb-copying.patch
Patch21091: linux-2.6-scsi-ide-and-ide-cdrom-module-load-race-fix.patch
Patch21092: linux-2.6-gfs2-fix-bmap-to-map-extents-properly.patch
Patch21093: linux-2.6-gfs2-tidy-up-bmap-and-fix-boundary-bug.patch
Patch21094: linux-2.6-fs-fix-rescan_partitions-to-return-errors-properly.patch
Patch21095: linux-2.6-fs-check_partition-routines-to-continue-on-errors.patch
Patch21096: linux-2.6-gfs2-fix-incorrect-fs-sync-behaviour.patch
Patch21097: linux-2.6-gfs2-simplify-glops-functions.patch
Patch21098: linux-2.6-gfs2-fix-journal-flush-problem.patch
Patch21099: linux-2.6-gfs2-fix-memory-allocation-in-glock-c.patch
Patch21100: linux-2.6-cifs-fix-mount-failure-when-domain-not-specified.patch
Patch21101: linux-2.6-gfs2-fix-recursive-locking-in-gfs2_getattr.patch
Patch21102: linux-2.6-gfs2-fix-recursive-locking-in-gfs2_permission.patch
Patch21103: linux-2.6-scsi-fix-stex_intr-signature.patch
Patch21104: linux-2.6-xen-fix-swiotlb-for-b44-module-kernel-patch.patch
Patch21105: linux-2.6-cramfs-fix-zlib_inflate-oops-with-corrupted-image.patch
Patch21106: linux-2.6-gfs2-fix-mount-failure.patch
Patch21107: linux-2.6-x86_64-fix-time-skew-on-intel-core-2-processors.patch
Patch21109: linux-2.6-x86_64-disable-pci-mmconf-on-hp-xw9300-9400.patch
Patch21110: linux-2.6-gfs2-don-t-flush-everything-on-fdatasync.patch
Patch21111: linux-2.6-gfs2-fix-uninitialised-variable.patch
Patch21112: linux-2.6-xen-make-ballooning-work-right.patch
Patch21113: linux-2.6-selinux-quoted-commas-for-certain-context-mounts.patch
Patch21114: linux-2.6-i386-touch-softdog-during-oops.patch
Patch21115: linux-2.6-connector-exessive-unaligned-access.patch
Patch21116: linux-2.6-cachefiles-handle-enospc-on-create-mkdir-better.patch
Patch21117: linux-2.6-ia64-pal_get_pstate-implementation.patch
Patch21118: linux-2.6-gfs2-fix-size-caclulation-passed-to-the-allocator.patch
Patch21119: linux-2.6-gfs2-dirent-format-compatible-with-gfs1.patch
Patch21121: linux-2.6-gfs2-don-t-try-to-lockfs-after-shutdown.patch
Patch21122: linux-2.6-scsi-fc-transport-removal-of-target-configurable.patch
Patch21123: linux-2.6-mpt-fusion-bugfix-and-maintaince-improvements.patch
Patch21124: linux-2.6-scsi-qla2xxx-add-missing-pci-device-ids.patch
Patch21125: linux-2.6-mm-reject-corrupt-swapfiles-earlier.patch
Patch21126: linux-2.6-mm-gpl-export-truncate_complete_page.patch
Patch21127: linux-2.6-x86_64-enable-nx-bit-support-during-resume.patch
Patch21128: linux-2.6-x86_64-fix-execshield-randomization-for-heap.patch
Patch21129: linux-2.6-net-bonding-don-t-release-slaves-when-master-down.patch
Patch21130: linux-2.6-gfs2-readpages-fix.patch
Patch21131: linux-2.6-gfs2-readpages-fix-2.patch
Patch21132: linux-2.6-gfs2-use-try-locks-in-readpages.patch
Patch21133: linux-2.6-gfs2-fails-back-to-readpage-for-stuffed-files.patch
Patch21134: linux-2.6-cachefiles-improve-fix-reference-counting.patch
Patch21135: linux-2.6-dlm-fix-lost-flags-in-stub-replies.patch
Patch21136: linux-2.6-gfs2-fix-dio-deadlock.patch
Patch21137: linux-2.6-scsi-govault-not-accessible-due-to-software-reset.patch
Patch21138: linux-2.6-nfs-disable-solaris-nfs_acl-version-2.patch
Patch21139: linux-2.6-xen-pvfb.patch
Patch21140: linux-2.6-xen-pvfb-fixes.patch
Patch21141: linux-2.6-scsi-ibmvscsi-empty-hostx-config-file.patch
Patch21142: linux-2.6-ia64-sn_sal_set_cpu_number-called-twice-on-cpu-0.patch
Patch21143: linux-2.6-cciss-bugfixes.patch
Patch21144: linux-2.6-x86_64-create-calgary-boot-knob.patch
Patch21145: linux-2.6-bluetooth-packet-size-checks-for-capi-messages.patch
Patch21146: linux-2.6-scsi-emulex-lpfc-update-to-8-1-10-2.patch
Patch21147: linux-2.6-xen-fix-agp-on-x86_64-under-xen.patch
Patch21148: linux-2.6-scsi-emulex-lpfc-ioctl-on-ppc.patch
Patch21149: linux-2.6-scsi-oops-in-iscsi-packet-transfer-path.patch
Patch21150: linux-2.6-gfs2-change-nlink-panic.patch
Patch21151: linux-2.6-x86-handle-_pss-object-range-speedstep-centrino.patch
Patch21152: linux-2.6-gfs2-initialization-of-security-acls.patch
Patch21153: linux-2.6-misc-export-tasklist_lock.patch
Patch21154: linux-2.6-ia64-hp-zx1-systems-initalize-swiotlb-in-kdump.patch
Patch21155: linux-2.6-ppc64-dlpar-virtual-cpu-removal-failure-cppr-bits.patch
Patch21156: linux-2.6-squashfs-fixup.patch
Patch21157: linux-2.6-scsi-structs-for-future-known-features-and-fixes.patch
Patch21158: linux-2.6-audit-xfrm-config-change-auditing.patch
Patch21159: linux-2.6-scsi-add-qla4032-and-fix-some-bugs.patch
Patch21160: linux-2.6-scsi-fix-bus-reset-in-qla1280-driver.patch
Patch21161: linux-2.6-e1000-truncated-tso-tcp-header-with-82544-workaround.patch
Patch21162: linux-2.6-xen-blktap-fix-potential-grant-entry-leaks-on-error.patch
Patch21163: linux-2.6-splice-must-fully-check-for-fifos.patch
Patch21164: linux-2.6-ia64-kexec-kdump-on-sgi-machines-fixes.patch
Patch21165: linux-2.6-xen-use-swiotlb-mask-for-coherent-mappings-too.patch
Patch21166: linux-2.6-fscache-dueling-read-write-processes-fix.patch
Patch21167: linux-2.6-isdn-ppp-call-init_timer-for-reset-state.patch
Patch21168: linux-2.6-mm-mincore-fix-race-condition.patch
Patch21169: linux-2.6-acpi-increase-acpi_max_reference_count.patch
Patch21170: linux-2.6-net-netfilter-ipv6-ip6tables-vulnerabilities.patch
Patch21171: linux-2.6-nfs-system-stall-under-high-memory-pressure.patch
Patch21172: linux-2.6-audit-add-type-for-3rd-party-emit-key-for-events.patch
Patch21173: linux-2.6-mm-fix-race-in-shared-mmap-ed-page-writeback.patch
Patch21174: linux-2.6-scsi-iscsi-fix-sense-len-handling.patch
Patch21175: linux-2.6-netlabel-stricter-configuration-checking.patch
Patch21176: linux-2.6-x86-remove-unwinder-patches.patch
Patch21177: linux-2.6-ppc64-altivec-avoid-panic-from-userspace.patch
Patch21178: linux-2.6-net-act_gact-division-by-zero.patch
Patch21179: linux-2.6-autofs-fix-panic-on-mount-fail.patch
Patch21180: linux-2.6-net-b44-phy-reset-problem-that-leads-to-link-flap.patch
Patch21181: linux-2.6-net-make-inet-is_icsk-assignment-binary.patch
Patch21182: linux-2.6-cpei-prevent-relocating-hotplug-irqs.patch
Patch21183: linux-2.6-fs-ext2_check_page-denial-of-service.patch
Patch21184: linux-2.6-dlm-disable-debugging-output.patch
Patch21185: linux-2.6-dlm-change-some-log_error-to-log_debug.patch
Patch21186: linux-2.6-x86_64-enabling-lockdep-hangs-the-system.patch
Patch21187: linux-2.6-mm-fix-for-shmem_truncate_range-bug_on.patch
Patch21188: linux-2.6-xen-fix-nosegneg-detection.patch
Patch21189: linux-2.6-gfs2-fix-ordering-of-page-disposal-vs-glock_dq.patch
Patch21190: linux-2.6-gfs2-fix-gfs2_rename-lock-ordering.patch
Patch21191: linux-2.6-netfilter-ip_conntrack-fails-to-unload.patch
Patch21192: linux-2.6-ppc64-kdump-allow-booting-with-maxcpus-1.patch
Patch21193: linux-2.6-x86-add-panic-on-unrecovered-nmi.patch
Patch21194: linux-2.6-s390-inflate-spinlock-kabi.patch
Patch21195: linux-2.6-net-qla3xxx-panics-when-eth1-is-sending-pings.patch
Patch21196: linux-2.6-misc-remove-capability-req-to-read-cap-bound.patch
Patch21197: linux-2.6-cachefs-fix-object-struct-recycling.patch
Patch21198: linux-2.6-fs-listxattr-syscall-corrupt-user-space-programs.patch
Patch21200: linux-2.6-x86_64-clear_kernel_mapping-will-leak-memory.patch
Patch21201: linux-2.6-edac-fix-proc-bus-pci-devices-allow-x-to-start.patch
Patch21202: linux-2.6-xfrm-audit-correct-xfrm-auditing-panic.patch
Patch21203: linux-2.6-net-ipv6-panic-bringing-up-multiple-interfaces.patch
Patch21204: linux-2.6-sound-add-support-for-stac9205-codec.patch
Patch21205: linux-2.6-scsi-prevent-sym53c1510-claiming-wrong-pci-id.patch
Patch21206: linux-2.6-gfs2-return-error-for-null-inode.patch
Patch21207: linux-2.6-ppc64-initialization-of-hotplug-memory-fixes.patch
Patch21208: linux-2.6-xen-add-packet_auxdata-cmsg.patch
Patch21210: linux-2.6-sun-ami-virtual-floppy-issue.patch
Patch21211: linux-2.6-mm-fix-statistics-in-vmscan-c.patch
Patch21212: linux-2.6-netlabel-fix-locking-issues.patch
Patch21213: linux-2.6-netlabel-off-by-one-in-netlbl_cipsov4_add_common.patch
Patch21214: linux-2.6-sata-timeout-boot-message.patch
Patch21215: linux-2.6-misc-fix-vdso-in-core-dumps.patch
Patch21216: linux-2.6-sata-ahci-support-ahci-class-code.patch
Patch21217: linux-2.6-sata-support-legacy-ide-mode-of-sb600-sata.patch
Patch21218: linux-2.6-rng-check-to-see-if-bios-locked-device.patch
Patch21219: linux-2.6-mm-handle-map-of-memory-without-page-backing.patch
Patch21220: linux-2.6-audit-mask-upper-bits-on-32-bit-syscall-on-ppc64.patch
Patch21221: linux-2.6-scsi-fix-panic-on-ex8350-stex-ko.patch
Patch21222: linux-2.6-ipsec-incorrect-return-code-xfrm_policy_lookup.patch
Patch21223: linux-2.6-nfs-unable-to-mount-more-than-1-secure-mount.patch
Patch21224: linux-2.6-ia64-check-for-tio-errors-on-shub2-altix.patch
Patch21225: linux-2.6-x86-proc-mtrr-interface-mtrr-bug-fix.patch
Patch21226: linux-2.6-fs-core-dump-of-read-only-binarys.patch
Patch21227: linux-2.6-security-fix-key-serial-number-collision-problem.patch
Patch21228: linux-2.6-cpufreq-remove-__initdata-from-tscsync.patch
Patch21229: linux-2.6-pcmcia-buffer-overflow-in-omnikey-cardman-driver.patch
Patch21230: linux-2.6-utrace-exploit-and-unkillable-cpu-fixes.patch
Patch21231: linux-2.6-x86-fix-boot_params-and-pci_fixup-warnings.patch
Patch21232: linux-2.6-x86-cpu-hotplug-smpboot-misc-modpost-warning-fixes.patch
Patch21233: linux-2.6-x86-declare-functions-__init-to-avoid-compile-warnings.patch
Patch21234: linux-2.6-init-break-init-two-parts-avoid-modpost-warnings.patch
Patch21235: linux-2.6-serial-change-serial8250_console_setup-to-__init.patch
Patch21236: linux-2.6-x86-fix-apci-related-modpost-warnings.patch
Patch21237: linux-2.6-x86-apic-probe-__init-fixes.patch
Patch21238: linux-2.6-x86-change-__init-to-__cpuinit-data-in-smp-code.patch
Patch21239: linux-2.6-x86-remove-__init-from-efi_get_time.patch
Patch21240: linux-2.6-irq-remove-__init-from-noirqdebug_setup.patch
Patch21241: linux-2.6-x86-remove-__init-from-sysenter_setup.patch
Patch21242: linux-2.6-rtc-__init-to-__devinit-in-drivers-probe-functions.patch
Patch21243: linux-2.6-usb-__init-to-__devinit-in-isp116x_probe.patch
Patch21244: linux-2.6-video-change-nvidiafb_remove-to-__devexit.patch
Patch21245: linux-2.6-atm-fix-__initdata-declarations-in-he-c.patch
Patch21246: linux-2.6-x86-reorganize-smp_alternatives-sections-in-vmlinuz.patch
Patch21247: linux-2.6-video-change-rivafb_remove-to-__deviexit.patch
Patch21248: linux-2.6-net-__devinit-__devexit-cleanups-for-de2104x-driver.patch
Patch21249: linux-2.6-mm-remove-__initdata-from-initkmem_list3.patch
Patch21250: linux-2.6-sound-fix-data-declarations-in-sound-drivers.patch
Patch21251: linux-2.6-x86-fix-various-data-declarations-in-cyrix-c.patch
Patch21252: linux-2.6-nfs-version-2-over-udp-is-not-working-properly.patch
Patch21253: linux-2.6-audit-gfp_kernel-allocation-non-blocking-context.patch
Patch21254: linux-2.6-net-ipv6-security-holes-in-ipv6_sockglue-c-1.patch
Patch21255: linux-2.6-net-ipv6-security-holes-in-ipv6_sockglue-c-2.patch
Patch21256: linux-2.6-mm-gdb-does-not-accurately-output-the-backtrace.patch
Patch21257: linux-2.6-x86_64-dont-leak-nt-bit-into-next-task.patch
Patch21258: linux-2.6-dlm-fix-user-unlocking.patch
Patch21259: linux-2.6-dlm-fix-master-recovery.patch
Patch21260: linux-2.6-dlm-saved-dlm-message-can-be-dropped.patch
Patch21261: linux-2.6-dlm-can-miss-clearing-resend-flag.patch
Patch21262: linux-2.6-dlm-increase-default-lock-limit.patch
Patch21263: linux-2.6-dlm-make-lock_dlm-drop_count-tunable-in-sysfs.patch
Patch21264: linux-2.6-gfs2-fix-missing-unlock_page.patch
Patch21265: linux-2.6-gfs2-fix-list-corruption-in-lops-c.patch
Patch21266: linux-2.6-gfs2-shrink-in-core-inode-size.patch
Patch21267: linux-2.6-gfs2-occasional-panic-in-gfs2_unlink.patch
Patch21268: linux-2.6-gfs2-fix-softlockups.patch
Patch21269: linux-2.6-gfs2-correctly-display-revalidated-directories.patch
Patch21270: linux-2.6-sched-remove-__cpuinitdata-from-cpu_isolated_map.patch
Patch21271: linux-2.6-ppc-reduce-num_pmcs-to-6-for-power6.patch
Patch21272: linux-2.6-s390-page_mkclean-causes-data-corruption.patch
Patch21273: linux-2.6-nfs-fix-disabling-protocols-when-starting-server.patch
Patch21274: linux-2.6-misc-longer-cd-timeout.patch
Patch21275: linux-2.6-kdump-bounds-checking-for-crashkernel-args.patch
Patch21276: linux-2.6-acpi-fix-pci-root-bridge-querying-time.patch
Patch21277: linux-2.6-scsi-missing-pci-device-in-aic79xx-driver.patch
Patch21278: linux-2.6-ext3-return-enoent-from-ext3_link-race-with-unlink.patch
Patch21279: linux-2.6-misc-fix-race-in-efi-variable-delete-code.patch
Patch21280: linux-2.6-usb-airprime-corrupts-ppp-session-for-evdo-card.patch
Patch21281: linux-2.6-scsi-fix-incorrect-last-scatg-length.patch
Patch21282: linux-2.6-ext3-buffer-memorder-fix.patch
Patch21283: linux-2.6-suspend-fix-x86_64-relocatable-kernel-swsusp.patch
Patch21284: linux-2.6-s390-runtime-switch-for-dasd-erp-logging.patch
Patch21285: linux-2.6-cpu-hotplug-make-and-module-insertion-cause-panic.patch
Patch21286: linux-2.6-s390-crypto-support-for-3592-tape-devices.patch
Patch21287: linux-2.6-s390-direct-yield-for-spinlocks.patch
Patch21288: linux-2.6-gfs2-nfs-v2-mount-failure.patch
Patch21289: linux-2.6-gfs2-nfs-causes-recursive-locking.patch
Patch21290: linux-2.6-gfs2-inconsistent-inode-number-lookups.patch
Patch21291: linux-2.6-gfs2-remove-an-incorrect-assert.patch
Patch21292: linux-2.6-scsi-blacklist-touch-up.patch
Patch21293: linux-2.6-edac-add-support-for-revision-f-processors.patch
Patch21294: linux-2.6-s390-kprobes-breaks-bug_on.patch
Patch21295: linux-2.6-ipv6-anycast6-unbalanced-inet6_dev-refcnt.patch
Patch21296: linux-2.6-fs-fix-error-handling-in-check_partition-again.patch
Patch21297: linux-2.6-ext3-handle-orphan-inodes-vs-readonly-snapshots.patch
Patch21298: linux-2.6-pci-include-devices-in-nic-ordering-patch.patch
Patch21299: linux-2.6-s390-dump-on-panic-support.patch
Patch21300: linux-2.6-gfs2-resolve-deadlock-when-write-and-access-file.patch
Patch21301: linux-2.6-gfs2-honor-the-noalloc-flag-during-block-alloc.patch
Patch21303: linux-2.6-s390-pseudo-random-number-generator.patch
Patch21304: linux-2.6-xen-fix-netfront-teardown.patch
Patch21305: linux-2.6-misc-ipc-msgsnd-msgrcv-larger-than-64k-fix.patch
Patch21306: linux-2.6-module-module_firmware-support.patch
Patch21307: linux-2.6-cifs-recognize-when-a-file-is-no-longer-read-only.patch
Patch21308: linux-2.6-tux-date-overflow-fix.patch
Patch21309: linux-2.6-ipv6-fix-routing-regression.patch
Patch21310: linux-2.6-net-clean-up-xfrm_audit_log-interface.patch
Patch21311: linux-2.6-net-wait-for-ipsec-sa-resolution-socket-contexts.patch
Patch21312: linux-2.6-security-invalidate-flow-cache-after-policy-reload.patch
Patch21313: linux-2.6-mm-some-db2-operations-cause-system-to-hang.patch
Patch21314: linux-2.6-x86-ich9-device-ids.patch
Patch21315: linux-2.6-pcie-remove-warning-for-devices-with-no-irq-pin.patch
Patch21316: linux-2.6-scsi-ata_task_ioctl-should-return-ata-registers.patch
Patch21317: linux-2.6-ide-sb600-ide-only-has-one-channel.patch
Patch21318: linux-2.6-net-stop-leak-in-flow-cache-code.patch
Patch21319: linux-2.6-elevator-move-clearing-of-unplug-flag-earlier.patch
Patch21320: linux-2.6-x86-fix-mtrr-modpost-warnings.patch
Patch21321: linux-2.6-net-xfrm_policy-delete-security-check-misplaced.patch
Patch21322: linux-2.6-agp-agpgart-fixes-and-new-pci-ids.patch
Patch21323: linux-2.6-mm-make-do_brk-correctly-return-einval-for-ppc64.patch
Patch21324: linux-2.6-misc-amd-ati-sb600-smbus-support.patch
Patch21325: linux-2.6-dm-stalls-on-resume-if-noflush-is-used.patch
Patch21326: linux-2.6-ppc64-remove-bug_on-in-hugetlb_get_unmapped_area.patch
Patch21327: linux-2.6-fs-make-counters-in-new_inode-and-iunique-32-bits.patch
Patch21328: linux-2.6-xen-better-fix-for-netfront_tx_slot_available.patch
Patch21329: linux-2.6-net-expand-in-kernel-socket-api.patch
Patch21330: linux-2.6-ipc-mqueue-nested-locking-annotation.patch
Patch21331: linux-2.6-nfs-fix-multiple-dentries-point-to-same-dir-inode.patch
Patch21332: linux-2.6-ppc64-allow-vmsplice-to-work-in-32-bit-mode.patch
Patch21333: linux-2.6-nmi-change-watchdog-timeout-to-30-seconds.patch
Patch21334: linux-2.6-s390-crypto-driver-update.patch
Patch21335: linux-2.6-x86-fix-invalid-write-to-nmi-msr.patch
Patch21336: linux-2.6-s390-fix-dasd-reservations.patch
Patch21337: linux-2.6-ppc64-cell-platform-base-kernel-support.patch
Patch21338: linux-2.6-net-ipsec-panic-when-large-sec-context-in-acquire.patch
Patch21339: linux-2.6-gfs2-clean-up-of-glock-code.patch
Patch21340: linux-2.6-gfs2-incorrect-flushing-of-rgrps.patch
Patch21341: linux-2.6-gfs2-hangs-waiting-for-semaphore.patch
Patch21342: linux-2.6-x86-tick-divider.patch
Patch21343: linux-2.6-mm-oom-kills-current-process-on-memoryless-node.patch
Patch21344: linux-2.6-ppc64-handle-power6-partition-modes.patch
Patch21345: linux-2.6-ppc64-handle-power6-partition-modes-2.patch
Patch21346: linux-2.6-dlm-zero-new-user-lvbs.patch
Patch21347: linux-2.6-dlm-overlapping-cancel-and-unlock.patch
Patch21348: linux-2.6-dlm-split-create_message-function.patch
Patch21349: linux-2.6-dlm-add-orphan-purging-code.patch
Patch21350: linux-2.6-dlm-interface-for-purge.patch
Patch21351: linux-2.6-dlm-change-lkid-format.patch
Patch21352: linux-2.6-dlm-fix-mode-munging.patch
Patch21353: linux-2.6-gfs2-use-log_error-before-lm_out_error.patch
Patch21354: linux-2.6-x86_64-fix-misconfigured-k8-north-bridge.patch
Patch21355: linux-2.6-cifs-windows-server-bad-domain-null-terminator.patch
Patch21356: linux-2.6-ia64-fix-stack-layout-issues-when-using-ulimit-s.patch
Patch21357: linux-2.6-mm-unmap-memory-range-disturbs-page-referenced.patch
Patch21358: linux-2.6-net-kernel-headers-missing-include-of-types-h.patch
Patch21359: linux-2.6-gfs2-lockdump-support.patch
Patch21360: linux-2.6-x86_64-calgary-iommu-cleanups-and-fixes.patch
Patch21361: linux-2.6-misc-k8temp.patch
Patch21362: linux-2.6-gfs2_delete_inode-13.patch
Patch21363: linux-2.6-autofs4-fix-race-between-mount-and-expire.patch
Patch21364: linux-2.6-misc-efi-only-warn-on-pre-1-00-version.patch
Patch21365: linux-2.6-net-fix-user-oops-able-bug-in-fib-netlink.patch
Patch21366: linux-2.6-serial-panic-in-check_modem_status-on-8250.patch
Patch21367: linux-2.6-security-supress-selinux-printk-messages.patch
Patch21368: linux-2.6-dm-kmirrord-deadlock-when-dirty-log-on-mirror.patch
Patch21369: linux-2.6-dm-failures-when-creating-many-snapshots.patch
Patch21370: linux-2.6-gfs2-does-a-mutex_lock-instead-of-a-mutex_unlock.patch
Patch21371: linux-2.6-x86_64-gatt-pages-must-be-uncacheable.patch
Patch21372: linux-2.6-ipc-bounds-checking-for-shmmax.patch
Patch21373: linux-2.6-misc-getcpu-system-call.patch
Patch21374: linux-2.6-net-fib_semantics-c-out-of-bounds-check.patch
Patch21375: linux-2.6-net-disallow-rho-by-default.patch
Patch21376: linux-2.6-net-ipv6-fragments-bypass-nf_conntrack-netfilter.patch
Patch21377: linux-2.6-net-null-pointer-dereferences-in-netfilter-code.patch
Patch21378: linux-2.6-mm-null-current-mm-in-grab_swap_token-causes-oops.patch
Patch21379: linux-2.6-dlm-rename-dlm_config_info-fields.patch
Patch21380: linux-2.6-dlm-add-config-entry-to-enable-log_debug.patch
Patch21381: linux-2.6-dlm-expose-dlm_config_info-fields-in-configfs.patch
Patch21382: linux-2.6-net-ipv6_fl_socklist-is-inadvertently-shared.patch
Patch21383: linux-2.6-e1000-fix-watchdog-timeout-panics.patch
Patch21385: linux-2.6-ixgb-fix-early-tso-completion.patch
Patch21386: linux-2.6-intel-rng-fix-deadlock-in-smp_call_function.patch
Patch21387: linux-2.6-x86-greyhound-cpuinfo-output-cleanups.patch
Patch21388: linux-2.6-x86-fix-cpuid-calls-to-support-gh-processors.patch
Patch21389: linux-2.6-x86-fix-to-nmi-to-support-gh-processors.patch
Patch21390: linux-2.6-x86-use-cpuid-calls-to-check-for-mce.patch
Patch21391: linux-2.6-x86-tell-sysrq-m-to-poke-the-nmi-watchdog.patch
Patch21392: linux-2.6-mm-optimize-kill_bdev.patch
Patch21393: linux-2.6-ppc64-eeh-pci-error-recovery-support.patch
Patch21394: linux-2.6-scsi-scsi_transport_spi-sense-buffer-size-error.patch
Patch21395: linux-2.6-fs-stack-overflow-with-non-4k-page-size.patch
Patch21396: linux-2.6-mm-oom-killer-breaks-s390-cmm.patch
Patch21397: linux-2.6-scsi-update-qlogic-qla2xxx-driver-to-8-01-07-k6.patch
Patch21398: linux-2.6-v4l-use-__gfp_dma32-in-videobuf_vm_nopage.patch
Patch21399: linux-2.6-pty-race-could-lead-to-double-idr-index-free.patch
Patch21400: linux-2.6-misc-fix-softlockup-warnings-during-sysrq-t.patch
Patch21401: linux-2.6-gfs2-panic-if-you-try-to-rm-lost-found-directory.patch
Patch21402: linux-2.6-gfs2-deadlock-running-d_rwdirectlarge.patch
Patch21403: linux-2.6-gfs2-mmap-problems-with-distributed-test-cases.patch
Patch21404: linux-2.6-gfs2-flush-the-glock-completely-in-inode_go_sync.patch
Patch21406: linux-2.6-ia64-fpswa-exceptions-take-excessive-system-time.patch
Patch21407: linux-2.6-ia64-mca-init-issues-with-printk-messages-console.patch
Patch21408: linux-2.6-fs-prevent-oops-in-compat-sys-mount.patch
Patch21409: linux-2.6-mm-memory-less-node-support.patch
Patch21410: linux-2.6-misc-lockdep-annotate-declare_wait_queue_head.patch
Patch21411: linux-2.6-mm-vm-scalability-issues.patch
Patch21412: linux-2.6-net-rpc-simplify-data-check-remove-bug_on.patch
Patch21413: linux-2.6-md-dm-multipath-rr-path-order-is-inverted.patch
Patch21414: linux-2.6-md-dm-fix-suspend-error-path.patch
Patch21415: linux-2.6-md-dm-allow-offline-devices-in-table.patch
Patch21416: linux-2.6-scsi-update-for-new-sas-raid.patch
Patch21417: linux-2.6-gfs2-bring-gfs2-uptodate.patch
Patch21418: linux-2.6-misc-xen-fix-microcode-driver-for-new-firmware.patch
Patch21419: linux-2.6-net-high-tcp-latency-with-small-packets.patch
Patch21420: linux-2.6-ia64-platform_kernel_launch_event-is-a-noop.patch
Patch21421: linux-2.6-acpi-_cid-support-for-pci-root-bridge-detection.patch
Patch21422: linux-2.6-scsi-fix-bogus-warnings-from-sb600-dvd-drive.patch
Patch21424: linux-2.6-autofs-fix-panic-on-mount-fail-missing-module.patch
Patch21425: linux-2.6-nfs-add-nordirplus-option-to-nfs-client.patch
Patch21426: linux-2.6-fix-oom-wrongly-kill-processes-through-mpol_bind.patch
Patch21427: linux-2.6-ia64-sn-correctly-update-smp_affinity-mask.patch
Patch21428: linux-2.6-md-dm-crypt-fix-possible-data-corruptions.patch
Patch21429: linux-2.6-ia64-eliminate-deadlock-on-xpc-disconnects.patch
Patch21430: linux-2.6-md-incorrect-param-to-dm_io-causes-read-failures.patch
Patch21431: linux-2.6-nfs-rpc-downsized-response-buffer-checksum.patch
Patch21432: linux-2.6-md-dm-io-fix-panic-on-large-request.patch
Patch21433: linux-2.6-fs-invalid-segmentation-violation-during-exec.patch
Patch21434: linux-2.6-nfs-protocol-v3-write-procedure-patch.patch
Patch21435: linux-2.6-mm-bug_on-in-shmem_writepage-is-triggered.patch
Patch21436: linux-2.6-net-rpc-krb5-memory-leak.patch
Patch21437: linux-2.6-misc-bluetooth-setsockopt-information-leaks.patch
Patch21438: linux-2.6-gfs2-shrink-size-of-struct-gdlm_lock.patch
Patch21439: linux-2.6-gfs2-fixes-related-to-gfs2_grow.patch
Patch21440: linux-2.6-net-fix-dos-in-pppoe.patch
Patch21441: linux-2.6-misc-random-fix-error-in-entropy-extraction.patch
Patch21442: linux-2.6-nfs-nfsv4-referrals-support.patch
Patch21443: linux-2.6-acpi-update-ibm_acpi-module.patch
Patch21444: linux-2.6-misc-xen-kill-sys_lock-unlock-in-microcode-driver.patch
Patch21445: linux-2.6-net-enable-and-update-qla3xxx-networking-driver.patch
Patch21447: linux-2.6-ppc64-support-for-ibm-power-off-ups-rtas-call.patch
Patch21448: linux-2.6-pci-dynamic-add-and-remove-of-pci-e.patch
Patch21449: linux-2.6-ppc64-handle-symbol-lookup-for-kprobes.patch
Patch21450: linux-2.6-x86_64-wall-time-drops-lost-timer-ticks.patch
Patch21451: linux-2.6-mm-reduce-madv_dontneed-contention.patch
Patch21452: linux-2.6-audit-log-targets-of-signals.patch
Patch21453: linux-2.6-ppc64-fix-xmon-off-and-cleanup-xmon-init.patch
Patch21454: linux-2.6-net-ixgb-update-1-0-109-to-add-pci-error-recovery.patch
Patch21455: linux-2.6-ppc64-eeh-is-improperly-enabled-for-power4-system.patch
Patch21456: linux-2.6-nfs-nlm-fix-double-free-in-__nlm_async_call.patch
Patch21457: linux-2.6-dlm-consolidate-transport-protocols.patch
Patch21458: linux-2.6-dlm-block-scand-during-recovery.patch
Patch21459: linux-2.6-dlm-add-lock-timeouts-and-time-warning.patch
Patch21460: linux-2.6-dlm-cancel-in-conversion-deadlock.patch
Patch21461: linux-2.6-dlm-fix-new_lockspace-error-exit.patch
Patch21462: linux-2.6-dlm-wait-for-config-check-during-join.patch
Patch21463: linux-2.6-dlm-canceling-deadlocked-lock.patch
Patch21464: linux-2.6-dlm-dumping-master-locks.patch
Patch21465: linux-2.6-dlm-misc-device-removed-on-lockspace-removal-fail.patch
Patch21466: linux-2.6-dlm-fix-queue_work-oops.patch
Patch21467: linux-2.6-dlm-allow-users-to-create-the-default-lockspace.patch
Patch21468: linux-2.6-scsi-megaraid-update-version-reported-by-megaioc_qdrvrver.patch
Patch21469: linux-2.6-scsi-9650se-not-recognized-by-3w-9xxx-module.patch
Patch21470: linux-2.6-aio-fix-buggy-put_ioctx-call-in-aio_complete.patch
Patch21471: linux-2.6-mm-prevent-oom-kill-of-unkillable-children.patch
Patch21472: linux-2.6-edac-k8_edac-don-t-panic-on-pcc-check.patch
Patch21473: linux-2.6-misc-synclink_gt-fix-init-error-handling.patch
Patch21474: linux-2.6-s390-zfcp-driver-fixes.patch
Patch21475: linux-2.6-scsi-scsi_error-c-fix-lost-eh-commands.patch
Patch21476: linux-2.6-nfs-enable-nosharecache-mounts.patch
Patch21477: linux-2.6-s390-runtime-switch-for-qdio-performance-stats.patch
Patch21478: linux-2.6-scsi-add-kernel-support-for-areca-raid-controller.patch
Patch21479: linux-2.6-sata-move-sata-drivers-to-drivers-ata.patch
Patch21480: linux-2.6-sata-super-jumbo-update.patch
Patch21481: linux-2.6-pci-update-ata-msi-ichx-quirks.patch
Patch21482: linux-2.6-ipmi-update-to-latest.patch
Patch21483: linux-2.6-cpufreq-identifies-num-of-proc-in-powernow-k8.patch
Patch21484: linux-2.6-ppc64-cell-spe-and-performance.patch
Patch21485: linux-2.6-ppc64-spufs-move-to-sdk2-1.patch
Patch21486: linux-2.6-ppc64-update-ehea-driver-to-latest-version.patch
Patch21487: linux-2.6-ppc64-enable-dlpar-support-for-hea.patch
Patch21488: linux-2.6-ppc64-msi-support-for-pci-e.patch
Patch21489: linux-2.6-ppc64-dma-4gb-boundary-protection.patch
Patch21490: linux-2.6-x86_64-fix-a-cast-in-the-lost-ticks-code.patch
Patch21491: linux-2.6-audit-auditing-ptrace.patch
Patch21492: linux-2.6-audit-avc_path-handling.patch
Patch21493: linux-2.6-audit-add-subtrees-support.patch
Patch21494: linux-2.6-dio-clean-up-completion-phase-of-direct_io_worker.patch
Patch21495: linux-2.6-x86-add-greyhound-performance-counter-events.patch
Patch21496: linux-2.6-block-fix-null-bio-crash-in-loop-worker-thread.patch
Patch21497: linux-2.6-audit-pfkey_delete-and-xfrm_del_sa-hooks-wrong.patch
Patch21498: linux-2.6-net-netlabel-verify-level-has-valid-cipso-mapping.patch
Patch21499: linux-2.6-audit-xfrm_add_sa_expire-return-code-error.patch
Patch21500: linux-2.6-audit-init-audit-record-sid-information-to-zero.patch
Patch21501: linux-2.6-audit-collect-inode-info-for-all-f-xattr-cmds.patch
Patch21502: linux-2.6-audit-pfkey_spdget-does-not-audit-xrfm-changes.patch
Patch21503: linux-2.6-audit-match-proto-when-searching-for-larval-sa.patch
Patch21504: linux-2.6-audit-add-space-in-ipv6-xfrm-audit-record.patch
Patch21505: linux-2.6-audit-sad-spd-flush-have-no-security-check.patch
Patch21506: linux-2.6-s390-sclp-race-condition.patch
Patch21507: linux-2.6-s390-ifenslave-c-causes-panic-with-vlan-and-osa.patch
Patch21508: linux-2.6-dasd-prevent-dasd-from-flooding-the-console.patch
Patch21509: linux-2.6-dasd-export-dasd-status-to-userspace.patch
Patch21510: linux-2.6-ide-packet-command-error-when-installing-rpm.patch
Patch21511: linux-2.6-misc-include-taskstats-h-in-kernel-headers-pkg.patch
Patch21512: linux-2.6-nfs-numerous-oops-memory-leaks-and-hangs-upstream.patch
Patch21513: linux-2.6-mm-shared-page-table-for-hugetlb-page.patch
Patch21514: linux-2.6-nfs-fixed-oops-in-symlink-code.patch
Patch21515: linux-2.6-dio-invalidate-clean-pages-before-dio-write.patch
Patch21516: linux-2.6-audit-make-audit-config-immutable-in-kernel.patch
Patch21517: linux-2.6-cifs-update-to-version-1-48arh.patch
Patch21518: linux-2.6-s390-fix-possible-reboot-hang-on-s390.patch
Patch21519: linux-2.6-gfs2-cleanup-inode-number-handling.patch
Patch21520: linux-2.6-gfs2-quotas-non-functional.patch
Patch21521: linux-2.6-gfs2-fix-calc-for-log-blocks-with-small-sizes.patch
Patch21522: linux-2.6-scsi-update-mpt-fusion-to-3-04-04.patch
Patch21523: linux-2.6-scsi-fix-for-slow-dvd-drive.patch
Patch21524: linux-2.6-scsi-mpt-adds-did_bus_busy-status-on-scsi-busy.patch
Patch21525: linux-2.6-gfs2-statfs-sign-problem-and-cleanup-_host-struct.patch
Patch21526: linux-2.6-gfs2-add-nanosecond-timestamp-feature.patch
Patch21527: linux-2.6-md-unconditionalize-log-flush.patch
Patch21528: linux-2.6-md-rh_in_sync-should-be-allowed-to-block.patch
Patch21529: linux-2.6-dlm-fix-debugfs-ref-counting-problem.patch
Patch21530: linux-2.6-scsi-update-iser-driver.patch
Patch21531: linux-2.6-scsi-update-qla4xxx-driver.patch
Patch21532: linux-2.6-ide-serverworks-data-corruptor.patch
Patch21533: linux-2.6-scsi-update-qla2xxx-firmware.patch
Patch21534: linux-2.6-scsi-omnibus-lpfc-driver-update.patch
Patch21535: linux-2.6-pci-i-o-space-mismatch-with-p64h2.patch
Patch21536: linux-2.6-scsi-add-fc-link-speeds.patch
Patch21538: linux-2.6-x86-mce-thermal-throttling.patch
Patch21539: linux-2.6-fs-fix-ext2-overflows-on-filesystems-8t.patch
Patch21540: linux-2.6-scsi-megaraid_sas-update.patch
Patch21541: linux-2.6-x86-rtc-support-for-hpet-legacy-replacement-mode.patch
Patch21542: linux-2.6-x86_64-fix-regression-in-kexec.patch
Patch21543: linux-2.6-scsi-update-iscsi_tcp-driver.patch
Patch21544: linux-2.6-scsi-cciss-ignore-unsent-commands-on-kexec-boot.patch
Patch21545: linux-2.6-scsi-update-aacraid-driver-to-1-1-5-2437.patch
Patch21546: linux-2.6-gfs2-can-t-mount-file-system-on-aoe-device.patch
Patch21547: linux-2.6-gfs2-missing-lost-inode-recovery-code.patch
Patch21548: linux-2.6-ipsec-make-xfrm_acq_expires-proc-tunable.patch
Patch21549: linux-2.6-gfs2-journaled-data-issues.patch
Patch21550: linux-2.6-dlm-variable-allocation-types.patch
Patch21551: linux-2.6-fs-nfs-does-not-support-leases-send-correct-error.patch
Patch21552: linux-2.6-audit-softlockup-messages-loading-selinux-policy.patch
Patch21553: linux-2.6-misc-cpuset-information-leak.patch
Patch21554: linux-2.6-x86_64-disable-mmconf-for-hp-dc5700-microtower.patch
Patch21555: linux-2.6-x86_64-add-l3-cache-support-to-some-processors.patch
Patch21556: linux-2.6-audit-allow-audit-filtering-on-bit-operations.patch
Patch21557: linux-2.6-audit-broken-class-based-syscall-audit.patch
Patch21558: linux-2.6-usb-strange-urbs-and-running-out-iommu.patch
Patch21559: linux-2.6-net-ip_conntrack_sctp-remote-triggerable-panic.patch
Patch21560: linux-2.6-x86_64-sparsemem-memmap-allocation-above-4g.patch
Patch21561: linux-2.6-net-mac80211-inclusion.patch
Patch21562: linux-2.6-audit-0-does-not-disable-all-audit-messages.patch
Patch21563: linux-2.6-audit-when-opening-existing-messege-queue.patch
Patch21564: linux-2.6-scsi-spi-dv-fixup.patch
Patch21565: linux-2.6-ppc64-update-of-spidernet-to-2-0-a-for-cell.patch
Patch21566: linux-2.6-net-tg3-update-to-driver-version-3-76.patch
Patch21567: linux-2.6-net-bonding-update-to-driver-version-3-1-2.patch
Patch21568: linux-2.6-net-forcedeth-update-to-driver-version-0-60.patch
Patch21569: linux-2.6-net-sky2-update-to-version-1-14-from-2-6-21.patch
Patch21571: linux-2.6-net-b44-ethernet-driver-update.patch
Patch21572: linux-2.6-net-ipw200-backports-from-2-6-22-rc1.patch
Patch21573: linux-2.6-net-bnx2-update-to-driver-version-1-5-11.patch
Patch21574: linux-2.6-net-e1000-update-to-driver-version-7-3-20-k2.patch
Patch21575: linux-2.6-net-softmac-updates-from-2-6-21.patch
Patch21576: linux-2.6-net-bcm43xx-backport-from-2-6-22-rc1.patch
Patch21577: linux-2.6-net-allow-packet-drops-during-ipsec-larval-state.patch
Patch21578: linux-2.6-pci-irqbalance-causes-oops-during-pci-removal.patch
Patch21579: linux-2.6-x86_64-fix-tsc-reporting-with-constant-tsc.patch
Patch21581: linux-2.6-acpi-acpi_prt-list-incomplete.patch
Patch21582: linux-2.6-drm-agpgart-and-drm-support-for-bearlake-graphics.patch
Patch21583: linux-2.6-net-cxgb3-initial-support-for-chelsio-t3-card.patch
Patch21584: linux-2.6-net-netxen-initial-support-for-netxen-10gbe-nic.patch
Patch21585: linux-2.6-xen-bimodal-drivers-protocol-header.patch
Patch21586: linux-2.6-xen-bimodal-drivers-pvfb-frontend.patch
Patch21587: linux-2.6-xen-bimodal-drivers-blkfront-driver.patch
Patch21588: linux-2.6-xen-binmodal-drivers-block-backends.patch
Patch21589: linux-2.6-xen-blktap-kill-bogous-flush.patch
Patch21590: linux-2.6-xen-blktap-cleanups.patch
Patch21591: linux-2.6-xen-blktap-race-fix-1.patch
Patch21592: linux-2.6-xen-blktap-race-2.patch
Patch21593: linux-2.6-xen-blkback-blktap-fix-id-type.patch
Patch21594: linux-2.6-xen-save-restore-fix.patch
Patch21595: linux-2.6-xen-ia64-fix-hvm-interrupts-on-ipf.patch
Patch21596: linux-2.6-xen-ia64-fix-xm-mem-set-hypercall-on-ia64.patch
Patch21597: linux-2.6-xen-xen0-can-not-startx-in-tiger4.patch
Patch21598: linux-2.6-xen-ia64-uncorrectable-error-make-hypervisor-hung.patch
Patch21599: linux-2.6-xen-change-to-new-intr-deliver-mechanism.patch
Patch21600: linux-2.6-xen-ia64-changed-foreign-domain-page-map-semantic.patch
Patch21601: linux-2.6-xen-ia64-evtchn_callback-fix-and-clean.patch
Patch21602: linux-2.6-xen-ia64-kernel-panics-when-dom0_mem-is-specified.patch
Patch21603: linux-2.6-xen-ia64-para-domain-vmcore-not-work-under-crash.patch
Patch21604: linux-2.6-xen-ia64-improve-performance-of-system-call.patch
Patch21605: linux-2.6-xen-ia64-set-irq_per_cpu-status-on-percpu-irqs.patch
Patch21606: linux-2.6-xen-ia64-fix-for-irq_desc-missing-in-new-upstream.patch
Patch21607: linux-2.6-xen-support-new-xm-command-xm-trigger.patch
Patch21608: linux-2.6-xen-ia64-cannot-measure-process-time-accurately.patch
Patch21609: linux-2.6-xen-ia64-skip-mca-setup-on-domu.patch
Patch21610: linux-2.6-xen-ia64-xm-save-restore-does-not-work.patch
Patch21611: linux-2.6-xen-ia64-use-generic-swiotlb-h-header.patch
Patch21612: linux-2.6-xen-ia64-fix-pv-on-hvm-driver.patch
Patch21613: linux-2.6-xen-change-interface-version-for-3-1.patch
Patch21614: linux-2.6-xen-expand-vnif-num-per-guest-domain-to-over-four.patch
Patch21615: linux-2.6-xen-x86_64-fix-fs-gs-registers-for-vt-bootup.patch
Patch21616: linux-2.6-net-s2io--native-support-for-pci-error-recovery.patch
Patch21617: linux-2.6-fs-fuse-minor-vfs-change.patch
Patch21618: linux-2.6-md-move-fn-call-that-could-block-outside-spinlock.patch
Patch21619: linux-2.6-scsi-raid1-goes-read-only-after-resync.patch
Patch21620: linux-2.6-ppc64-donate-cycles-from-dedicated-cpu.patch
Patch21622: linux-2.6-openib-kernel-backports-for-ofed-1-2-update.patch
Patch21623: linux-2.6-openib-update-ofed-code-to-1-2.patch
Patch21624: linux-2.6-net-fix-tx_checksum-flag-bug-in-qla3xxx-driver.patch
Patch21625: linux-2.6-s390-qdio-system-hang-with-zfcp-adapter-problems.patch
Patch21626: linux-2.6-input-i8042_interrupt-race-deliver-bytes-swapped.patch
Patch21627: linux-2.6-gfs2-panic-in-unlink.patch
Patch21628: linux-2.6-gfs2-posix-lock-fixes.patch
Patch21629: linux-2.6-misc-disable-pnpacpi-on-ibm-x460.patch
Patch21630: linux-2.6-misc-utrace-update.patch
Patch21631: linux-2.6-net-update-netxen_nic-driver-to-version-3-x-x.patch
Patch21632: linux-2.6-net-ixgb-update-to-driver-version-1-0-126-k2.patch
Patch21633: linux-2.6-ia64-altix-acpi-support.patch
Patch21634: linux-2.6-security-allow-nfs-nohide-and-selinux-to-work.patch
Patch21635: linux-2.6-nfs-closes-and-umounts-are-racing.patch
Patch21636: linux-2.6-x86_64-system-panic-on-boot-up-no-memory-in-node0.patch
Patch21637: linux-2.6-fs-setuid-program-unable-to-read-own-proc-pid-map.patch
Patch21638: linux-2.6-x86_64-fix-casting-issue-in-tick-divider-patch.patch
Patch21639: linux-2.6-sound-alsa-update.patch
Patch21640: linux-2.6-md-add-dm-rdac-hardware-handler.patch
Patch21641: linux-2.6-pata-ide-hotplug-support-promise-pata_pdc2027x.patch
Patch21642: linux-2.6-pci-pci-x-pci-express-read-control-interface.patch
Patch21643: linux-2.6-ide-cannot-find-ide-device-with-ati-amd-sb700.patch
Patch21644: linux-2.6-i2c-smbus-does-not-work-on-ati-amd-sb700-chipset.patch
Patch21645: linux-2.6-x86_64-c-state-divisor-not-functioning-correctly.patch
Patch21646: linux-2.6-agp-fix-amd-64-agp-aperture-validation.patch
Patch21648: linux-2.6-gfs2-assert-fail-writing-to-journaled-file-umount.patch
Patch21649: linux-2.6-xen-kdump-kexec-support.patch
Patch21650: linux-2.6-firewire-new-stack-technology-preview.patch
Patch21651: linux-2.6-sata-combined-mode-regression-fix.patch
Patch21652: linux-2.6-scsi-cciss-driver-updates.patch
Patch21654: linux-2.6-md-fix-eio-on-writes-after-log-failure.patch
Patch21655: linux-2.6-xen-ia64-kernel-panics-when-dom0_mem-is-specified_2.patch
Patch21656: linux-2.6-scsi-update-aic94xx-and-libsas-to-1-0-3.patch
Patch21657: linux-2.6-audit-oops-when-audit-disabled-with-files-watched.patch
Patch21658: linux-2.6-xen-fix-kexec-highmem-failure.patch
Patch21659: linux-2.6-ppc64-data-buffer-miscompare.patch
Patch21660: linux-2.6-audit-subtree-watching-cleanups.patch
Patch21661: linux-2.6-gfs2-igrab-of-inode-in-wrong-state.patch
Patch21663: linux-2.6-gfs2-eio-error-from-gfs2_block_truncate_page.patch
Patch21664: linux-2.6-gfs2-obtaining-no_formal_ino-from-directory-entry.patch
Patch21665: linux-2.6-gfs2-remove-i_mode-pass-from-nfs-file-handle.patch
Patch21666: linux-2.6-gfs2-inode-size-inconsistency.patch
Patch21668: linux-2.6-dm-allow-invalid-snapshots-to-be-activated.patch
Patch21669: linux-2.6-dlm-tcp-connection-to-dlm-port-blocks-operations.patch
Patch21670: linux-2.6-misc-overflow-in-capi-subsystem.patch
Patch21671: linux-2.6-nfs-nfsd-oops-when-exporting-krb5p-mount.patch
Patch21672: linux-2.6-scsi-check-portstates-before-invoking-target-scan.patch
Patch21673: linux-2.6-xen-ia64-enable-blktap-driver.patch
Patch21674: linux-2.6-ppc64-fix-64k-pages-with-kexec-on-hash-table.patch
Patch21675: linux-2.6-ppc64-ehea-driver-cause-panic-on-recv-vlan-packet.patch
Patch21676: linux-2.6-pci-unable-to-reserve-mem-region-on-module-reload.patch
Patch21677: linux-2.6-sata-add-hitachi-to-ncq-blacklist.patch
Patch21678: linux-2.6-gfs2-lockup-detected-in-databuf_lo_before_commit.patch
Patch21679: linux-2.6-gfs2-mounted-file-system-won-t-suspend.patch
Patch21680: linux-2.6-edac-panic-memory-corruption-on-non-kdump-kernels.patch
Patch21681: linux-2.6-wireless-iwlwifi-add-driver.patch
Patch21682: linux-2.6-linux-2.6-dlm-clear-othercon-ptrs-when-connection-closed.patch
Patch21683: linux-2.6-linux-2.6-dlm-fix-null-reference-in-send_ls_not_ready.patch
Patch21684: linux-2.6-linux-2.6-gfs2-soft-lockup-in-rgblk_search.patch
Patch21685: linux-2.6-linux-2.6-xen-fix-time-going-backwards-gettimeofday.patch
Patch21686: linux-2.6-utrace-zombie-to-exit_dead-before-release_task.patch
Patch21687: linux-2.6-sata-regression-in-support-for-third-party-module.patch
Patch21688: linux-2.6-nfs-re-enable-force-umount.patch
Patch21689: linux-2.6-xen-race-load-xenblk-ko-and-scan-lvm-partitions.patch
Patch21690: linux-2.6-gfs2-locksmith-revolver-deadlocks.patch
Patch21691: linux-2.6-gfs2-fix-an-oops-in-the-glock-dumping-code.patch
Patch21692: linux-2.6-scsi-cciss-re-add-missing-kmalloc.patch
Patch21693: linux-2.6-scsi-update-stex-driver.patch
Patch21694: linux-2.6-ppc64-axon-mem-does-not-handle-double-bit-errors.patch
Patch21695: linux-2.6-xen-netloop-do-not-clobber-cloned-skb-page-frags.patch
Patch21696: linux-2.6-cifs-fix-signing-sec-mount-options.patch
Patch21697: linux-2.6-cifs-respect-umask-when-unix-extensions-enabled.patch
Patch21698: linux-2.6-x86-fix-tscsync-frequency-transitions.patch
Patch21699: linux-2.6-ppc-disable-pci-e-compl-timeouts-on-i-o-adapters.patch
Patch21700: linux-2.6-gfs2-bug-relating-to-inherit_jdata-flag-on-inodes.patch
Patch21701: linux-2.6-scsi-adaptec-add-sc-58300-hba-pci-id.patch
Patch21702: linux-2.6-gfs2-reduce-number-of-gfs2_scand-processes-to-one.patch
Patch21703: linux-2.6-ppc-no-boot-hang-response-for-pci-e-errors.patch
Patch21704: linux-2.6-net-e1000e-initial-support.patch
Patch21705: linux-2.6-net-igb-initial-support.patch
Patch21706: linux-2.6-net-e1000-add-support-for-hp-mezzanine-cards.patch
Patch21707: linux-2.6-net-e1000-add-support-for-bolton-nics.patch
Patch21708: linux-2.6-fs-move-msdos-compat-ioctl-to-msdos-dir.patch
Patch21709: linux-2.6-fs-fix-vfat-compat-ioctls-on-64-bit-systems.patch
Patch21710: linux-2.6-ata-add-additional-device-ids-for-sb700.patch
Patch21711: linux-2.6-ppc-pci-host-bridge-i-o-window-not-starting-at-0.patch
Patch21712: linux-2.6-net-tg3-small-update-for-kdump-fix.patch
Patch21713: linux-2.6-ppc-4k-userspace-page-map-support-in-64k-kernels.patch
Patch21714: linux-2.6-net-forcedeth-fix-nic-poll.patch
Patch21715: linux-2.6-scsi-cciss-support-for-p700m.patch
Patch21716: linux-2.6-scsi-pci-shutdown-for-cciss-driver.patch
Patch21717: linux-2.6-dlm-fix-basts-for-granted-pr-waiting-cw.patch
Patch21718: linux-2.6-x86-support-in-fid-did-to-frequency-conversion.patch
Patch21719: linux-2.6-fix-restore-path-for-5-1-pv-guests.patch
Patch21720: linux-2.6-misc-i915_dma-fix-batch-buffer-security-bit.patch
Patch21721: linux-2.6-xen-use-xencons-xvc-by-default-on-non-x86.patch
Patch21722: linux-2.6-gfs2-invalid-metadata-block.patch
Patch21723: linux-2.6-audit-sub-tree-cleanups.patch
Patch21724: linux-2.6-audit-sub-tree-memory-leaks.patch
Patch21725: linux-2.6-sub-tree-signal-handling-fix.patch
Patch21726: linux-2.6-ppc-ehca-driver-use-remap_4k_pfn-in-64k-kernel.patch
Patch21727: linux-2.6-wireless-iwlwifi-update-to-version-1-0-0.patch
Patch21728: linux-2.6-xen-ia64-cannot-use-e100-and-ide-controller.patch
Patch21729: linux-2.6-ppc-dlpar-remove-i-o-resource-failed.patch
Patch21731: linux-2.6-xen-netfront-avoid-deref-skb-after-freed.patch
Patch21732: linux-2.6-misc-workaround-for-qla2xxx-vs-xen-swiotlb.patch
Patch21733: linux-2.6-net-tg3-pci-ids-missed-during-backport.patch
Patch21734: linux-2.6-agp-945-965gme-bridge-id-bug-fix-and-cleanups.patch
Patch21735: linux-2.6-net-forcedeth-optimize-the-tx-data-path.patch
Patch21736: linux-2.6-xen-ia64-allow-guests-to-vga-install.patch
Patch21737: linux-2.6-sound-audio-playback-does-not-work.patch
Patch21738: linux-2.6-scsi-fix-qla4xxx-underrun-and-online-handling.patch
Patch21739: linux-2.6-mm-prevent-the-stack-growth-into-hugetlb-regions.patch
Patch21740: linux-2.6-misc-miss-critical-phys_to_virt-in-lib-swiotlb-c.patch
Patch21741: linux-2.6-x86-blacklist-for-hp-dl585g2-and-hp-dc5700.patch
Patch21742: linux-2.6-ia64-fsys_gettimeofday-leaps-days-with-nojitter.patch
Patch21743: linux-2.6-xen-blktap-tries-to-access-beyond-end-of-disk.patch
Patch21744: linux-2.6-net-s2io-update-to-driver-version-2-0-25-1.patch
Patch21745: linux-2.6-scsi-cciss-increase-max-sectors-to-2048.patch
Patch21746: linux-2.6-misc-fix-broken-altsysrq-f.patch
Patch21747: linux-2.6-mm-separate-mapped-file-and-anon-page-in-show_mem.patch
Patch21748: linux-2.6-sound-fix-panic-in-hda_codec.patch
Patch21749: linux-2.6-misc-cpu-hotplug-notifiers-to-use-raw_notifier.patch
Patch21750: linux-2.6-x86_64-fix-mmio-config-space-quirks.patch
Patch21751: linux-2.6-gfs2-hang-when-using-a-large-sparse-quota-file.patch
Patch21752: linux-2.6-net-fix-dlpar-remove-of-ehea-logical-port.patch
Patch21753: linux-2.6-gfs2-unstuff-quota-inode.patch
Patch21754: linux-2.6-ppc-fix-detection-of-pci-e-based-devices.patch
Patch21755: linux-2.6-scsi-fix-iscsi-write-handling-regression.patch
Patch21756: linux-2.6-sound-support-ad1984-codec.patch
Patch21757: linux-2.6-fs-cifs-fix-deadlock-in-cifs_get_inode_info_unix.patch
Patch21758: linux-2.6-gfs2-panic-after-can-t-parse-mount-arguments.patch
Patch21759: linux-2.6-gfs2-fix-truncate-panic.patch
Patch21760: linux-2.6-scsi-sata-raid-150-4-6-do-not-support-64-bit-dma.patch
Patch21761: linux-2.6-scsi-uninitialized-field-in-gdth-c.patch
Patch21762: linux-2.6-audit-stop-multiple-messages-from-being-printed.patch
Patch21763: linux-2.6-2-scsi-cciss-set-max-command-queue-depth.patch
Patch21764: linux-2.6-ppc-eeh-better-status-string-detection.patch
Patch21765: linux-2.6-dlm-reuse-connections-rather-than-freeing-them.patch
Patch21766: linux-2.6-gfs2-more-problems-unstuffing-journaled-files.patch
Patch21767: linux-2.6-scsi-qla2xxx-disable-msi-x-by-default.patch
Patch21768: linux-2.6-gfs2-glock-dump-dumps-glocks-for-all-file-systems.patch
Patch21769: linux-2.6-misc-microphone-stops-working.patch
Patch21770: linux-2.6-fs-hugetlb-fix-prio_tree-unit.patch
Patch21771: linux-2.6-gfs2-bad-mount-option-causes-panic-null-sb-ptr.patch
Patch21772: linux-2.6-gfs2-fix-inode-meta-data-corruption.patch
Patch21773: linux-2.6-gfs2-distributed-mmap-test-cases-deadlock.patch
Patch21774: linux-2.6-net-tg3-update-to-fix-suspend-resume-problems.patch
Patch21775: linux-2.6-openib-fix-two-ipath-controllers-on-same-subnet.patch
Patch21776: linux-2.6-gfs2-fix-lock-ordering-of-unlink.patch
Patch21777: linux-2.6-nfs-nfs4-closes-and-umounts-are-racing.patch
Patch21778: linux-2.6-autofs-autofs4-fix-race-between-mount-and-expire.patch
Patch21779: linux-2.6-xen-fix-privcmd-to-remove-nopage-handler.patch
Patch21780: linux-2.6-misc-re-export-some-symbols-as-export_symbol_gpl.patch
Patch21781: linux-2.6-mm-madvise-call-to-kernel-loops-forever.patch
Patch21782: linux-2.6-net-igmp-check-null-when-allocate-gfp_atomic-skbs.patch
Patch21783: linux-2.6-net-qla3xxx-read-iscsi-target-disk-fail.patch
Patch21784: linux-2.6-scsi-iscsi-borked-kmalloc.patch
Patch21785: linux-2.6-scsi-qla2xxx-nvram-vpd-upd-produce-soft-lockups.patch
Patch21786: linux-2.6-xen-ia64-alloc-with-gfp_kernel-in-inter-ctxt-fix.patch
Patch21787: linux-2.6-ptrace-null-pointer-dereference-triggered.patch
Patch21788: linux-2.6-xen-allow-32-bit-xen-to-kdump-4g-physical-memory.patch
Patch21789: linux-2.6-s390-hypfs-inode-corruption-due-to-missing-lock.patch
Patch21790: linux-2.6-scsi-megaraid_sas-intercept-cmd-and-throttle-io.patch
Patch21791: linux-2.6-scsi-fusion-allow-vmwares-emulator-to-work-again.patch
Patch21792: linux-2.6-s390-qdio-refresh-buffer-for-iqdio-asynch-out-q.patch
Patch21793: linux-2.6-ppc64-fix-spu-slb-sz-and-invalid-hugepage-faults.patch
Patch21794: linux-2.6-misc-bounds-check-ordering-issue-in-random-driver.patch
Patch21795: linux-2.6-usb-usblcd-locally-triggerable-memory-consumption.patch
Patch21796: linux-2.6-nfs-enable-nosharecache-mounts-fixes.patch
Patch21797: linux-2.6-autofs4-fix-deadlock-during-directory-create.patch
Patch21798: linux-2.6-x86_64-fix-32-bit-ptrace-access-to-debug-regs.patch
Patch21799: linux-2.6-dlm-make-dlm_sendd-cond_resched-more.patch
Patch21800: linux-2.6-gfs2-move-inode-delete-logic-out-of-blocking_cb.patch
Patch21801: linux-2.6-gfs2-mount-hung-after-recovery.patch
Patch21802: linux-2.6-fs-reset-current-pdeath_signal-on-suid-execution.patch
Patch21803: linux-2.6-scsi-qlogic-nvram-vpd-update-memory-corruptions.patch
Patch21804: linux-2.6-gfs2-operations-hang-after-mount-resend.patch
Patch21805: linux-2.6-gfs2-allow-proc-to-handle-multiple-flocks-on-file.patch
Patch21806: linux-2.6-fs-ext3-do_split-leaves-free-space-in-both-blocks.patch
Patch21807: linux-2.6-net-s2io-check-for-error_state-in-isr.patch
Patch21808: linux-2.6-net-cxgb3-backport-fixups-and-sysfs-corrections.patch
Patch21809: linux-2.6-sata-libata-probing-fixes-and-other-cleanups.patch
Patch21810: linux-2.6-net-s2io-check-for-error_state-in-isr-more.patch
Patch21811: linux-2.6-gfs2-deadlock-run-revolver-load-with-lock_nolock.patch
Patch21812: linux-2.6-gfs2-fix-i_cache-stale-entry.patch
Patch21813: linux-2.6-x86_64-syscall-vulnerability.patch
Patch21814: linux-2.6-gfs2-solve-journal-release-invalidate-page-issues.patch
Patch21815: linux-2.6-scsi-aacraid-missing-ioctl-permission-checks.patch
Patch21816: linux-2.6-gfs2-gfs2_writepage-workaround.patch
Patch21817: linux-2.6-gfs2-dlm-schedule-during-recovery-loops.patch
Patch21818: linux-2.6-gfs2-get-super-block-a-different-way.patch
Patch21819: linux-2.6-net-iwlwifi-avoid-bug_on-in-tx-cmd-queue-process.patch
Patch21820: linux-2.6-sound-allow-creation-of-null-parent-devices.patch
Patch21821: linux-2.6-scsi-megaraid_sas-kabi-fix-for-proc-entries.patch
Patch21822: linux-2.6-gfs2-handle-multiple-demote-requests.patch
Patch21823: linux-2.6-net-bnx2-add-phy-workaround-for-5709-a1.patch 
Patch21824: linux-2.6-cifs-fix-mem-corruption-due-to-bad-error-handling.patch 
Patch21825: linux-2.6-audit-improper-handle-of-audit_log_start-ret-val.patch 
Patch21826: linux-2.6-fs-jbd-wait-for-t_sync_datalist-buf-to-complete.patch 
Patch21827: linux-2.6-mm-ia64-flush-i-cache-before-set_pte.patch 
Patch21828: linux-2.6-x86-fixes-for-the-tick-divider-patch.patch 
Patch21829: linux-2.6-alsa-convert-snd-page-alloc-proc-file-to-seq_file.patch 
Patch21830: linux-2.6-ppc-kexec-kdump-kernel-hung-on-p5-and-p6.patch
Patch21831: linux-2.6-net-forcedeth-msi-interrupt-bugfix.patch
Patch21832: linux-2.6-nfs4-umounts-oops-in-shrink_dcache_for_umount.patch
Patch21836: linux-2.6-net-ieee80211-off-by-two-integer-underflow.patch
Patch21837: linux-2.6-autofs4-fix-race-between-mount-and-expire-2.patch
Patch21838: linux-2.6-audit-still-alloc-contexts-when-audit-is-disabled.patch
Patch21839: linux-2.6-scsi-ibmvscsi-client-cant-handle-deactive-active.patch
Patch21840: linux-2.6-scsi-ibmvscsi-unable-to-cont-migrating-lpar-error.patch
Patch21841: linux-2.6-ppc-system-cpus-stuck-in-h_join-after-migrating.patch
Patch21842: linux-2.6-fs-missing-dput-in-do_lookup-error-leaks-dentries.patch
Patch21843: linux-2.6-net-tg3-fix-performance-regression-on-5705.patch
# adds rhel version info to version.h
Patch99990: linux-2.6-rhel-version-h.patch
# empty final patch file to facilitate testing of kernel patches
Patch99999: linux-kernel-test.patch


BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/kernel-%{KVERREL}-root

# Override find_provides to use a script that provides "kernel(symbol) = hash".
# Pass path of the RPM temp dir containing kabideps to find-provides script.
%global _use_internal_dependency_generator 0
%define __find_provides %_sourcedir/find-provides %{_tmppath}
%define __find_requires /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/find-requires kernel

%ifarch x86_64
Obsoletes: kernel-smp

The kernel package contains the Linux kernel (vmlinuz), the core of any
Linux operating system.  The kernel handles the basic functions
of the operating system:  memory allocation, process allocation, device
input and output, etc.

%package devel
Summary: Development package for building kernel modules to match the kernel.
Group: System Environment/Kernel
AutoReqProv: no
Provides: kernel-devel-%{_target_cpu} = %{rpmversion}-%{release}
Prereq: /usr/bin/find

%description devel
This package provides kernel headers and makefiles sufficient to build modules
against the kernel package.

%package doc
Summary: Various documentation bits found in the kernel source.
Group: Documentation

%description doc
This package contains documentation files from the kernel
source. Various bits of information about the Linux kernel and the
device drivers shipped with it are documented in these files.

You'll want to install this package if you need a reference to the
options that can be passed to Linux kernel modules at load time.

%package headers
Summary: Header files for the Linux kernel for use by glibc
Group: Development/System
Obsoletes: glibc-kernheaders
Provides: glibc-kernheaders = 3.0-46

%description headers
Kernel-headers includes the C header files that specify the interface
between the Linux kernel and userspace libraries and programs.  The
header files define structures and constants that are needed for
building most standard programs and are also needed for rebuilding the
glibc package.

%package PAE
Summary: The Linux kernel compiled for PAE capable machines.

Group: System Environment/Kernel
Provides: kernel = %{version}
Provides: kernel-drm = 4.3.0
Provides: kernel-%{_target_cpu} = %{rpmversion}-%{release}PAE
Prereq: %{kernel_prereq}
Conflicts: %{kernel_dot_org_conflicts}
Conflicts: %{package_conflicts}
Obsoletes: kernel-smp < 2.6.17
# We can't let RPM do the dependencies automatic because it'll then pick up
# a correct but undesirable perl dependency from the module headers which
# isn't required for the kernel proper to function
AutoReq: no
AutoProv: yes

%description PAE
This package includes a version of the Linux kernel with support for up to
64GB of high memory. It requires a CPU with Physical Address Extensions (PAE).
The non-PAE kernel can only address up to 4GB of memory.
Install the kernel-PAE package if your machine has more than 4GB of memory.

%package PAE-devel
Summary: Development package for building kernel modules to match the PAE kernel.
Group: System Environment/Kernel
Provides: kernel-PAE-devel-%{_target_cpu} = %{rpmversion}-%{release}
Provides: kernel-devel-%{_target_cpu} = %{rpmversion}-%{release}PAE
Provides: kernel-devel = %{rpmversion}-%{release}PAE
AutoReqProv: no
Prereq: /usr/bin/find

%description PAE-devel
This package provides kernel headers and makefiles sufficient to build modules
against the PAE kernel package.

%package smp
Summary: The Linux kernel compiled for SMP machines.

Group: System Environment/Kernel
Provides: kernel = %{version}
Provides: kernel-drm = 4.3.0
Provides: kernel-%{_target_cpu} = %{rpmversion}-%{release}smp
Prereq: %{kernel_prereq}
Conflicts: %{kernel_dot_org_conflicts}
Conflicts: %{package_conflicts}
# upto and including kernel 2.4.9 rpms, the 4Gb+ kernel was called kernel-enterprise
# now that the smp kernel offers this capability, obsolete the old kernel
Obsoletes: kernel-enterprise < 2.4.10
# We can't let RPM do the dependencies automatic because it'll then pick up
# a correct but undesirable perl dependency from the module headers which
# isn't required for the kernel proper to function
AutoReq: no
AutoProv: yes

%description smp
This package includes a SMP version of the Linux kernel. It is
required only on machines with two or more CPUs as well as machines with
hyperthreading technology.

Install the kernel-smp package if your machine uses two or more CPUs.

%package smp-devel
Summary: Development package for building kernel modules to match the SMP kernel.
Group: System Environment/Kernel
Provides: kernel-smp-devel-%{_target_cpu} = %{rpmversion}-%{release}
Provides: kernel-devel-%{_target_cpu} = %{rpmversion}-%{release}smp
Provides: kernel-devel = %{rpmversion}-%{release}smp
AutoReqProv: no
Prereq: /usr/bin/find

%description smp-devel
This package provides kernel headers and makefiles sufficient to build modules
against the SMP kernel package.

%if %{?debugbuildsenabled}
%package debug
Summary: The Linux kernel compiled with extra debugging enabled.
Group: System Environment/Kernel
Provides: kernel = %{version}
Provides: kernel-drm = 4.3.0
Provides: kernel-%{_target_cpu} = %{rpmversion}-%{release}-debug
Prereq: %{kernel_prereq}
Conflicts: %{kernel_dot_org_conflicts}
Conflicts: %{package_conflicts}
AutoReq: no
AutoProv: yes
%description debug
The kernel package contains the Linux kernel (vmlinuz), the core of any
Linux operating system.  The kernel handles the basic functions
of the operating system:  memory allocation, process allocation, device
input and output, etc.

This variant of the kernel has numerous debugging options enabled.
It should only be installed when trying to gather additional information
on kernel bugs, as some of these options impact performance noticably.

%package debug-debuginfo
Summary: Debug information for package %{name}-debug
Group: Development/Debug
Requires: %{name}-debuginfo-common-%{_target_cpu} = %{KVERREL}
Provides: %{name}-debug-debuginfo-%{_target_cpu} = %{KVERREL}
%description debug-debuginfo
This package provides debug information for package %{name}-debug

%package debug-devel
Summary: Development package for building kernel modules to match the kernel.
Group: System Environment/Kernel
AutoReqProv: no
Prereq: /usr/bin/find
%description debug-devel
This package provides kernel headers and makefiles sufficient to build modules
against the kernel package.

%package xen
Summary: The Linux kernel compiled for Xen VM operations

Group: System Environment/Kernel
Provides: kernel = %{version}
Provides: kernel-%{_target_cpu} = %{rpmversion}-%{release}xen
Provides: xen-hypervisor-abi = %{xen_abi_ver}
Prereq: %{kernel_prereq}
Conflicts: %{kernel_dot_org_conflicts}
Conflicts: %{package_conflicts}
Conflicts: %{xen_conflicts}
# We can't let RPM do the dependencies automatic because it'll then pick up
# a correct but undesirable perl dependency from the module headers which
# isn't required for the kernel proper to function
AutoReq: no
AutoProv: yes

%description xen
This package includes a version of the Linux kernel which
runs in Xen VM. It works for both priviledged and unpriviledged guests.

%package xen-devel
Summary: Development package for building kernel modules to match the kernel.
Group: System Environment/Kernel
AutoReqProv: no
Provides: kernel-xen-devel-%{_target_cpu} = %{rpmversion}-%{release}
Provides: kernel-devel-%{_target_cpu} = %{rpmversion}-%{release}xen
Provides: kernel-devel = %{rpmversion}-%{release}xen
Prereq: /usr/bin/find

%description xen-devel
This package provides kernel headers and makefiles sufficient to build modules
against the kernel package.

%package kdump
Summary: A minimal Linux kernel compiled for kernel crash dumps.

Group: System Environment/Kernel
Provides: kernel = %{version}
Provides: kernel-drm = 4.3.0
Provides: kernel-%{_target_cpu} = %{rpmversion}-%{release}kdump
Prereq: %{kernel_prereq}
Conflicts: %{kernel_dot_org_conflicts}
Conflicts: %{package_conflicts}
# We can't let RPM do the dependencies automatic because it'll then pick up
# a correct but undesirable perl dependency from the module headers which
# isn't required for the kernel proper to function
AutoReq: no
AutoProv: yes

%description kdump
This package includes a kdump version of the Linux kernel. It is
required only on machines which will use the kexec-based kernel crash dump

%package kdump-devel
Summary: Development package for building kernel modules to match the kdump kernel.
Group: System Environment/Kernel
Provides: kernel-kdump-devel-%{_target_cpu} = %{rpmversion}-%{release}
Provides: kernel-devel-%{_target_cpu} = %{rpmversion}-%{release}kdump
Provides: kernel-devel = %{rpmversion}-%{release}kdump
AutoReqProv: no
Prereq: /usr/bin/find

%description kdump-devel
This package provides kernel headers and makefiles sufficient to build modules
against the kdump kernel package.

#if a rhel kernel, apply the rhel config options
%if 0%{?rhel}
  for i in %{all_arch_configs}
    mv $i $i.tmp
    $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/ $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/config-rhel-generic $i.tmp > $i
    rm $i.tmp
  #CONFIG_FB_MATROX is disabled for rhel generic but needed for ppc64 rhel
  for i in $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/kernel-%{kversion}-ppc64.config
    mv $i $i.tmp
    $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/ $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/config-rhel-ppc64-generic $i.tmp > $i
    rm $i.tmp
#if a olpc kernel, apply the olpc config options
%if 0%{?olpc}
  for i in %{all_arch_configs}
    mv $i $i.tmp
    $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/ $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/config-olpc-generic $i.tmp > $i
    rm $i.tmp

# First we unpack the kernel tarball.
# If this isn't the first make prep, we use links to the existing clean tarball
# which speeds things up quite a bit.
if [ ! -d kernel-%{kversion}/vanilla ]; then
  # Ok, first time we do a make prep.
  rm -f pax_global_header
%setup -q -n %{name}-%{version} -c
  mv linux-%{kversion} vanilla
  # We already have a vanilla dir.
  cd kernel-%{kversion}
  if [ -d linux-%{kversion}.%{_target_cpu} ]; then
     # Just in case we ctrl-c'd a prep already
     rm -rf deleteme
     # Move away the stale away, and delete in background.
     mv linux-%{kversion}.%{_target_cpu} deleteme
     rm -rf deleteme &
cp -rl vanilla linux-%{kversion}.%{_target_cpu}

cd linux-%{kversion}.%{_target_cpu}

# Update to latest upstream.
%patch1 -p1
#%patch2 -p1
%patch3 -p1
%patch4 -p1

# we really want the backported patch and not the stable one
%patch9 -p1 -R

# Patches 10 through 100 are meant for core subsystem upgrades

# Rolands utrace ptrace replacement.
%patch10 -p1

# sysrq works always
%patch20 -p1
%patch21 -p1

# Architecture patches

# x86(-64)
# Compile 686 kernels tuned for Pentium4.
%patch200 -p1
# add vidfail capability;
# without this patch specifying a framebuffer on the kernel prompt would
# make the boot stop if there's no supported framebuffer device; this is bad
# for the installer cd that wants to automatically fall back to textmode
# in that case
%patch201 -p1
# EDAC support for K8
%patch202 -p1
# Suppress APIC errors on UP x86-64.
%patch203 -p1
# Support TIF_RESTORE_SIGMASK on x86_64
%patch207 -p1
# Add ppoll and pselect syscalls
%patch208 -p1
# fix opteron timer scaling
%patch209 -p1
# add support for x86_64 memory hotplug
%patch210 -p1
# add support for rdtscp in gtod
%patch212 -p1
# unwinder fixes
%patch213 -p1
# temp patch for now
%patch214 -p1
%patch215 -p1
%patch216 -p1

# localexploit
%patch99 -p1

# PowerPC
# Make HVC console generic; support simulator console device using it.
#%patch302 -p1
# Check properly for successful RTAS instantiation
%patch303 -p1
# Export copy_4K_page for ppc64
%patch304 -p1
# Fix checking for syscall success/failure
%patch306 -p1
# Fix SECCOMP for ppc32
%patch307 -p1
%patch308 -p1

# ia64 futex and [gs]et_robust_list
%patch400 -p1
%patch401 -p1
# ia64 kexec/kdump
%patch402 -p1
%patch404 -p1
%patch405 -p1

# S390
# Kprobes.
%patch500 -p1
%patch501 -p1
%patch502 -p1
%patch503 -p1

# Patches 800 through 899 are reserved for bugfixes to the core system
# and patches related to how RPMs are build

# This patch adds a "make nonint_oldconfig" which is non-interactive and
# also gives a list of missing options at the end. Useful for automated
# builds (as used in the buildsystem).
%patch800 -p1
# Warn if someone tries to build userspace using kernel headers
%patch801 -p1
# Warn if someone #include's <linux/config.h>
%patch802 -p1

# Exec shield
%patch810 -p1
#%patch811 -p1

# GPG signed kernel modules
%patch900 -p1
%patch901 -p1
%patch902 -p1
%patch903 -p1
%patch904 -p1
%patch905 -p1

# Tux
%patch910 -p1

# Xen
%if %{includexen}
# Apply the main xen patch...
#%patch951 -p1
%patch950 -p1 -b .p.xen
# ... and back out all the tpm additions, they need fixing
for f in `find drivers/char/tpm -type f -name "*.p.xen"` ; do \
    g=`dirname $f`/`basename $f .p.xen`; \
    mv "$f" "$g"; \
    if [ ! -s "$g" ] ; then rm -f "$g" ; fi; \
# Delete the rest of the backup files, they just confuse the build later
find -name "*.p.xen" | xargs rm -f

# utrace
%patch951 -p1
%patch952 -p1
%patch953 -p1
# Xen exec-shield bits
%patch954 -p1
%patch955 -p1
# ia64 xen cleanups for kexec/kdump
%patch958 -p1
# xen x86 unwinder fixes
%patch959 -p1

# xen blktap fixes
%patch960 -p1
# The blktap patch needs to rename a file.  For now, that is far more easily
# done in the spec file than in the patch itself.
mv drivers/xen/blktap/blktap.c drivers/xen/blktap/blktapmain.c

%patch961 -p1
%patch962 -p1


# Patches 1000 to 5000 are reserved for bugfixes to drivers and filesystems

# Various low-impact patches to aid debugging.
%patch1010 -p1
%patch1011 -p1
%patch1012 -p1
%patch1013 -p1
%patch1014 -p1
%patch1015 -p1
%patch1016 -p1
%patch1017 -p1
%patch1018 -p1
%patch1019 -p1
# Disable the 'quiet' boot switch for better bug reports.
#%patch1020 -p1
%patch1021 -p1
%patch1022 -p1
%if %{includexen}
%patch1023 -p1

# Make /dev/mem a need-to-know function
%patch1050 -p1
%if %{includexen}
%patch1051 -p1

# /dev/crash driver for the crashdump analysis tool
%patch1060 -p1
%if %{includexen}
%patch1061 -p1

# Most^WAll users of sleep_on are broken; fix a bunch
%patch1070 -p1

# SCSI Bits.
# Add a pci table to advansys driver.
%patch1102 -p1
# add support for qla4xxx
%patch1103 -p1
# iscsi update for 2.6.19-rc1
%patch1104 -p1
# aic9400/adp94xx updates
%patch1105 -p1
# support for ipr to use sas attached sata
%patch1106 -p1
# don't add scsi devices for special targets
%patch1107 -p1
%patch1108 -p1
%patch1109 -p1
# qla3xxx driver
%patch1110 -p1
# scsi blacklist
%patch1111 -p1
%patch1112 -p1
%patch1113 -p1
%patch1114 -p1
%patch1115 -p1
%patch1116 -p1
%patch1117 -p1
%patch1118 -p1
%patch1119 -p1
%patch1120 -p1
%patch1121 -p1

# Various NFS/NFSD fixes.
# kNFSD: fixed '-p port' arg to rpc.nfsd and enables the defining proto versions and transports
%patch1200 -p1
# Fix badness.
%patch1201 -p1

# core networking changes.
%patch1300 -p1
%patch1301 -p1
%patch1302 -p1
%patch1303 -p1
# netlabel fixes
%patch1304 -p1
%patch1305 -p1
%patch1306 -p1

# NIC driver fixes
%patch1350 -p1
%patch1351 -p1

# Filesystem patches.
# Squashfs
%patch1400 -p1
%patch1401 -p1
%patch1410 -p1
%patch1411 -p1
%patch1412 -p1
%patch1413 -p1
%patch1414 -p1
%patch1415 -p1
%patch1416 -p1
%patch1417 -p1
%patch1418 -p1
%patch1419 -p1
# Ted's inode diet work.
%patch1420 -p1
%patch1421 -p1
%patch1422 -p1
%patch1423 -p1
%patch1424 -p1
%patch1425 -p1

#nfs sharing
%patch1430 -p1
%patch1431 -p1
# CacheFiles
%patch1432 -p1
%patch1433 -p1
# FS-Cache
%patch1434 -p1
%patch1435 -p1
%patch1436 -p1
%patch1437 -p1

# double d_drop
%patch1440 -p1
# NFS supports 64-bit inodes
%patch1441 -p1
# Fix NFS/Selinux oops. (#204848)
%patch1442 -p1
# Fix nfs client dentry oops
%patch1443 -p1
# add ACL cache to NFS client
%patch1444 -p1
%patch1445 -p1
%patch1446 -p1
%patch1447 -p1
%patch1448 -p1
%patch1449 -p1
%patch1450 -p1

# EXT3
# overflows at 16tb fix
%patch1460 -p1
%patch1461 -p1
%patch1462 -p1

# CIFS fixes
%patch1465 -p1

# VFS fixes
# destroy the dentries via umounts
%patch1470 -p1

# AFS fixes
# ensure dentries refs when killed
%patch1475 -p1

# IPV6 routing policy
%patch1480 -p1
%patch1481 -p1
%patch1482 -p1
%patch1483 -p1

# AUTOFS fixes
%patch1490 -p1
%patch1491 -p1

# Device mapper / MD layer
# dm mirroring
%patch1500 -p1
%patch1501 -p1
%patch1502 -p1
%patch1503 -p1
%patch1504 -p1
%patch1505 -p1
%patch1506 -p1
%patch1507 -p1
%patch1508 -p1
%patch1509 -p1
%patch1510 -p1
%patch1511 -p1
%patch1512 -p1
%patch1513 -p1

# Misc fixes
# Add missing MODULE_VERSION tags to some modules.
%patch1600 -p1
# The input layer spews crap no-one cares about.
%patch1610 -p1
# Tickle the NMI whilst doing serial writes.
%patch1620 -p1
# Numerous patches to improve software suspend.
%patch1630 -p1
# Enable autofs4 to return fail for revalidate during lookup
%patch1640 -p1
# Allow to use 480600 baud on 16C950 UARTs
%patch1650 -p1
# Intel i965 DRM support.
%patch1660 -p1
# Use persistent allocation in softcursor
%patch1670 -p1
# reiserfs-make-sure-all-dentries-refs-are-released-before-calling-kill_block_super-try-2.patch
%patch1680 -p1
# Only print migration info on SMP
%patch1710 -p1
# setuid /proc/self/maps fix.
%patch1720 -p1
# Add a safety net to softlockup so that it doesn't prevent installs.
%patch1740 -p1
# Speed up spinlock debug.
%patch1741 -p1
# support EHEA ethernet driver
%patch1742 -p1
# qlogic firmware
%patch1743 -p1

# OLPC specific patches
%if 0%{?olpc}
# Marvell Libertas wireless driver
%patch1744 -p1
# OLPC touchpad
%patch1745 -p1
# Fixes for DUB-E100 vB1 usb ethernet
%patch1746 -p1
# Fix various Bluetooth compat ioctls
%patch1747 -p1
%patch1748 -p1
%patch1749 -p1
# fix unaligned access on module loading for ia64
%patch1751 -p1
%patch1753 -p1
%patch1754 -p1
%patch1755 -p1
%patch1756 -p1
%patch1758 -p1
%patch1760 -p1
%patch1761 -p1
%patch1762 -p1
%patch1763 -p1
%patch1764 -p1
%patch1765 -p1
%patch1767 -p1
%patch1768 -p1
%patch1769 -p1
%patch1770 -p1

# Fix the SELinux mprotect checks on executable mappings
%patch1801 -p1
# Add support for SELinux range transitions
%patch1802 -p1
%patch1803 -p1
%patch1804 -p1
%patch1805 -p1

# Warn about obsolete functionality usage.
%patch1900 -p1
# Remove kernel-internal functionality that nothing external should use.
%patch1910 -p1

# VM related fixes.
# Silence GFP_ATOMIC failures.
%patch2001 -p1
# track dirty pages
%patch2002 -p1
# prevent oom kills
%patch2004 -p1
%patch2005 -p1

# Changes to upstream defaults.
# Use UTF-8 by default on VFAT.
%patch2100 -p1
# Increase timeout on firmware loader.
%patch2101 -p1
%if 0%{?rhel}
#%patch2102 -p1
%patch2102 -p1

# Use unicode VT's by default.
%patch2103 -p1
# Disable split page table lock
%patch2104 -p1
# panic on oops
%patch2105 -p1

# Enable PATA ports on Promise SATA.
%patch2200 -p1
# Fix AHCI Suspend.
%patch2201 -p1
# add the sas parts
%patch2202 -p1

# ACPI patches

# Lockdep fixes
%patch2400 -p1

# Infiniband driver
%patch2600 -p1
%patch2601 -p1
%patch2602 -p1

# kprobe changes
%patch2700 -p1
%patch2701 -p1
%patch2702 -p1
#%patch2703 -p1
%patch2704 -p1

# wireless driver
%patch2801 -p1

# Patches 5000 to 6000 are reserved for new drivers that are about to
# be merged upstream

# final stuff

# misc small stuff to make things compile or otherwise improve performance
%patch10000 -p1

%if 0%{?rhel}
#add in support for x86 and x86_64 relocatable kernels
%patch211 -p1
#xen fix for x86 relocatable support
%patch957 -p1

%patch21007 -p1
%patch21008 -p1
%patch21009 -p1
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%patch21836 -p1
%patch21837 -p1
%patch21838 -p1
%patch21839 -p1
%patch21840 -p1
%patch21841 -p1
%patch21842 -p1
%patch21843 -p1
# correction of SUBLEVEL/EXTRAVERSION in top-level source tree Makefile
# patch the Makefile to include rhel version info
%patch99990 -p1
perl -p -i -e "s/^SUBLEVEL.*/SUBLEVEL = %{sublevel}/" Makefile
perl -p -i -e "s/^EXTRAVERSION.*/EXTRAVERSION = -prep/" Makefile
perl -p -i -e "s/^RHEL_MAJOR.*/RHEL_MAJOR = %{rh_release_major}/" Makefile
perl -p -i -e "s/^RHEL_MINOR.*/RHEL_MINOR = %{rh_release_minor}/" Makefile

# conditionally applied test patch for debugging convenience
%if %([ -s %{PATCH99999} ] && echo 1 || echo 0)
%patch99999 -p1


cp %{SOURCE10} Documentation/

mkdir configs

cp -f %{all_arch_configs} .

%if 0%{?rhel}
# don't need these for relocatable kernels
rm -f kernel-%{kversion}-{i686,x86_64}-kdump.config
# don't need these in general
rm -f kernel-%{kversion}-i586.config

%if 0%{?olpc}
# don't need these for OLPC
rm -f kernel-%{kversion}-*PAE*.config
rm -f kernel-%{kversion}-*xen*.config
rm -f kernel-%{kversion}-*kdump*.config

%if 0%{?debugbuildsenabled}
rm -f kernel-%{kversion}-*-debug.config

# now run oldconfig over all the config files
for i in *.config
  mv $i .config
  Arch=`head -1 .config | cut -b 3-`
  make ARCH=$Arch nonint_oldconfig > /dev/null
  echo "# $Arch" > configs/$i
  cat .config >> configs/$i

# If we don't have many patches to apply, sometimes the deleteme
# trick still hasn't completed, and things go bang at this point
# when find traverses into directories that get deleted.
# So we serialise until the dir has gone away.
cd ..
while [ -d deleteme ];
	sleep 1

# get rid of unwanted files resulting from patch fuzz
find . \( -name "*.orig" -o -name "*~" \) -exec rm -f {} \; >/dev/null

# Unpack the Xen tarball.
%if %{includexen}
cp %{SOURCE2} .
if [ -d xen ]; then
  rm -rf xen
%setup -D -T -q -n %{name}-%{version} -a1
cd xen
# Any necessary hypervisor patches go here
%patch20001 -p2 -R
%patch20002 -p1
%patch20003 -p1
%patch20004 -p1
%patch20005 -p1
%patch20006 -p1
%patch20007 -p1
%patch20008 -p1
%patch20009 -p1
%patch20010 -p1
%patch20011 -p1
%patch20012 -p1
%patch20013 -p1
%patch20014 -p1
%patch20015 -p1
%patch20016 -p1
%patch20017 -p1
%patch20018 -p1
%patch20019 -p1
%patch20020 -p1
%patch20021 -p1
%patch20022 -p1
%patch20023 -p1
%patch20024 -p1
%patch20025 -p1
%patch20026 -p1
%patch20027 -p1
%patch20028 -p1
%patch20029 -p1
# end of necessary hypervisor patches

### build
# Create gpg keys for signing the modules

%if %{signmodules}
gpg --homedir . --batch --gen-key %{SOURCE11}
gpg --homedir . --export --keyring ./ CentOS >
make linux-%{kversion}.%{_target_cpu}/scripts/bin2c
linux-%{kversion}.%{_target_cpu}/scripts/bin2c ksign_def_public_key __initdata < > linux-%{kversion}.%{_target_cpu}/crypto/signature/key.h

BuildKernel() {

    # Pick the right config file for the kernel we're building
    if [ -n "$Flavour" ] ; then

    echo BUILDING A KERNEL FOR $Flavour %{_target_cpu}...

    # make sure EXTRAVERSION says what we want it to say
    perl -p -i -e "s/^EXTRAVERSION.*/EXTRAVERSION = -%{release}$Flavour/" Makefile

    # and now to start the build process

    make -s mrproper
    cp configs/$Config .config

    Arch=`head -1 .config | cut -b 3-`
    echo USING ARCH=$Arch

    if [ "$KernelImage" == "x86" ]; then

    make -s ARCH=$Arch nonint_oldconfig > /dev/null
    make -s ARCH=$Arch %{?_smp_mflags} $MakeTarget
    make -s ARCH=$Arch %{?_smp_mflags} modules || exit 1

    # Start installing the results

%if "%{_enable_debug_packages}" == "1"
    mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/lib/debug/boot
    mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/lib/debug/%{image_install_path}
    mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{image_install_path}
    install -m 644 .config $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/boot/config-$KernelVer
    install -m 644 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/boot/$KernelVer
    touch $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/boot/initrd-$KernelVer.img
    cp $KernelImage $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{image_install_path}/vmlinuz-$KernelVer
    if [ -f arch/$Arch/boot/zImage.stub ]; then
      cp arch/$Arch/boot/zImage.stub $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{image_install_path}/zImage.stub-$KernelVer || :

    if [ "$Flavour" == "kdump" ]; then
        cp vmlinux $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{image_install_path}/vmlinux-$KernelVer
        rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{image_install_path}/vmlinuz-$KernelVer

    mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer
    make -s ARCH=$Arch INSTALL_MOD_PATH=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT modules_install KERNELRELEASE=$KernelVer

    # Create the kABI metadata for use in packaging
    echo "**** GENERATING kernel ABI metadata ****"
    gzip -c9 < Module.symvers > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/boot/symvers-$KernelVer.gz
    chmod 0755 %_sourcedir/kabitool
    if [ ! -e $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/kabi_whitelist_%{_target_cpu}$Flavour ]; then
        echo "**** No KABI whitelist was available during build ****"
        %_sourcedir/kabitool -b $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/$DevelDir -k $KernelVer -l $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/kabi_whitelist
	cp $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/kabi_whitelist_%{_target_cpu}$Flavour $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/kabi_whitelist
    rm -f %{_tmppath}/kernel-$KernelVer-kabideps
    %_sourcedir/kabitool -b . -d %{_tmppath}/kernel-$KernelVer-kabideps -k $KernelVer -w $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/kabi_whitelist

%if %{with_kabichk}
    echo "**** kABI checking is enabled in kernel SPEC file. ****"
    chmod 0755 $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/check-kabi
    if [ -e $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/Module.kabi_%{_target_cpu}$Flavour ]; then
	cp $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/Module.kabi_%{_target_cpu}$Flavour $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/Module.kabi
	$RPM_SOURCE_DIR/check-kabi -k $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/Module.kabi -s Module.symvers || exit 1
	echo "**** NOTE: Cannot find reference Module.kabi file. ****"

    # And save the headers/makefiles etc for building modules against
    # This all looks scary, but the end result is supposed to be:
    # * all arch relevant include/ files
    # * all Makefile/Kconfig files
    # * all script/ files

    rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build
    rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/source
    mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build
    (cd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer ; ln -s build source)
    # dirs for additional modules per module-init-tools, kbuild/modules.txt
    mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/extra
    mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/updates
    mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/weak-updates
    # first copy everything
    cp --parents `find  -type f -name "Makefile*" -o -name "Kconfig*"` $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build
    cp Module.symvers $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build
    mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/kabi_whitelist $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build
    if [ -e $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/Module.kabi ]; then
	mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/Module.kabi $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build
    cp symsets-$KernelVer.tar.gz $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build
    # then drop all but the needed Makefiles/Kconfig files
    rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/Documentation
    rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/scripts
    rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/include
    cp .config $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build
    cp -a scripts $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build
    if [ -d arch/%{_arch}/scripts ]; then
      cp -a arch/%{_arch}/scripts $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/arch/%{_arch} || :
    if [ -f arch/%{_arch}/*lds ]; then
      cp -a arch/%{_arch}/*lds $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/arch/%{_arch}/ || :
    rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/scripts/*.o
    rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/scripts/*/*.o
    mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/include
    cd include
    cp -a acpi config keys linux math-emu media mtd net pcmcia rdma rxrpc scsi sound video asm asm-generic $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/include
    cp -a `readlink asm` $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/include
    if [ "$Arch" = "x86_64" ]; then
      cp -a asm-i386 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/include
    # While arch/powerpc/include/asm is still a symlink to the old
    # include/asm-ppc{64,} directory, include that in kernel-devel too.
    if [ "$Arch" = "powerpc" -a -r ../arch/powerpc/include/asm ]; then
      cp -a `readlink ../arch/powerpc/include/asm` $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/include
      mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/arch/$Arch/include
      pushd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/arch/$Arch/include
      ln -sf ../../../include/asm-ppc* asm
%if %{includexen}
    cp -a xen $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/include

    # Make sure the Makefile and version.h have a matching timestamp so that
    # external modules can be built
    touch -r $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/Makefile $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/include/linux/version.h
    touch -r $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/.config $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/include/linux/autoconf.h
    # Copy .config to include/config/auto.conf so "make prepare" is unnecessary.
    cp $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/.config $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/include/config/auto.conf
    cd ..

    # save the vmlinux file for kernel debugging into the kernel-debuginfo rpm
%if "%{_enable_debug_packages}" == "1"
    mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/lib/debug/lib/modules/$KernelVer
    cp vmlinux $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/lib/debug/lib/modules/$KernelVer

    find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer -name "*.ko" -type f >modnames

    # gpg sign the modules
%if %{signmodules}
    gcc -o scripts/modsign/mod-extract scripts/modsign/mod-extract.c -Wall
    KEYFLAGS="--no-default-keyring --homedir .."
    KEYFLAGS="$KEYFLAGS --secret-keyring ../kernel.sec"
    KEYFLAGS="$KEYFLAGS --keyring ../"
    export KEYFLAGS

    for i in `cat modnames`
      sh ./scripts/modsign/ $i CentOS
      mv -f $i.signed $i
    unset KEYFLAGS

    # mark modules executable so that strip-to-file can strip them
    cat modnames | xargs chmod u+x

    # detect missing or incorrect license tags
    for i in `cat modnames`
      echo -n "$i "
      /sbin/modinfo -l $i >> modinfo
    cat modinfo |\
      grep -v "^GPL" |
      grep -v "^Dual BSD/GPL" |\
      grep -v "^Dual MPL/GPL" |\
      grep -v "^GPL and additional rights" |\
      grep -v "^GPL v2" && exit 1
    rm -f modinfo
    rm -f modnames
    # remove files that will be auto generated by depmod at rpm -i time
    rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/modules.*

    # Move the devel headers out of the root file system
    mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/src/kernels
    mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/$DevelDir
    ln -sf ../../..$DevelDir $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build
    [ -z "$DevelLink" ] || ln -sf `basename $DevelDir` $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/$DevelLink

	# Temporary fix for upstream "make prepare" bug.
#	pushd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/$DevelDir > /dev/null
#	if [ -f Makefile ]; then
#		make prepare
#	fi
#	popd > /dev/null

# DO it...

# prepare directories
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/boot

%if %{includexen}
%if %{with_xen}
  cd xen
  mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{image_install_path} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/boot
  make %{?_smp_mflags} %{xen_flags}
  install -m 644 xen.gz $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{image_install_path}/xen.gz-%{KVERREL}
  install -m 755 xen-syms $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/boot/xen-syms-%{KVERREL}
  cd ..

cd linux-%{kversion}.%{_target_cpu}

%if %{with_up}
BuildKernel %make_target %kernel_image

%if %{with_pae}
BuildKernel %make_target %kernel_image PAE

%if %{with_smp}
BuildKernel %make_target %kernel_image smp

%if %{includexen}
%if %{with_xen}
BuildKernel %xen_target %xen_image xen

%if %{with_kdump}
BuildKernel %make_target %kernel_image kdump

%if %{debugbuildsenabled}
%if %{with_debug}
BuildKernel %make_target %kernel_image debug

### Special hacks for debuginfo subpackages.

# This macro is used by %%install, so we must redefine it before that.
%define debug_package %{nil}

%if "%{_enable_debug_packages}" == "1"
%ifnarch noarch
%global __debug_package 1
%package debuginfo-common
Summary: Kernel source files used by %{name}-debuginfo packages
Group: Development/Debug
Provides: %{name}-debuginfo-common-%{_target_cpu} = %{KVERREL}

%description debuginfo-common
This package is required by %{name}-debuginfo subpackages.
It provides the kernel source files common to all builds.

%files debuginfo-common
%if %{includexen}
%if %{with_xen}
%dir /usr/src/debug
%dir /usr/lib/debug
%dir /usr/lib/debug/%{image_install_path}
%dir /usr/lib/debug/lib
%dir /usr/lib/debug/lib/modules
%dir /usr/lib/debug/usr/src/kernels

### install


cd linux-%{kversion}.%{_target_cpu}
%ifnarch %nobuildarches noarch
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/modprobe.d
cat > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-firewire << \EOF
# Comment out the next line to enable the firewire drivers
blacklist firewire-ohci

%if %{includexen}
%if %{with_xen}
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/{KVERREL}.conf
cat > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/{KVERREL}.conf <<\EOF
# This directive teaches ldconfig to search in nosegneg subdirectories
# and cache the DSOs there with extra bit 0 set in their hwcap match
# fields.  In Xen guest kernels, the vDSO tells the dynamic linker to
# search in nosegneg subdirectories and to match this extra hwcap bit
# in the file.
hwcap 0 nosegneg
chmod 444 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/{KVERREL}.conf

%if %{with_doc}
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/share/doc/kernel-doc-%{kversion}/Documentation

# sometimes non-world-readable files sneak into the kernel source tree
chmod -R a+r *
# copy the source over
tar cf - Documentation | tar xf - -C $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/share/doc/kernel-doc-%{kversion}

%if %{with_headers}
# Install kernel headers
make ARCH=%{hdrarch} INSTALL_HDR_PATH=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr headers_install

# Manually go through the 'headers_check' process for every file, but
# don't die if it fails
chmod +x scripts/
echo -e '*****\n*****\nHEADER EXPORT WARNINGS:\n*****' > hdrwarnings.txt
for FILE in `find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/include` ; do 
    scripts/ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/include $FILE >> hdrwarnings.txt || :
echo -e '*****\n*****' >> hdrwarnings.txt
if grep -q exist hdrwarnings.txt; then
   sed s:^$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/include/:: hdrwarnings.txt
   # Temporarily cause a build failure if header inconsistencies.
   # exit 1
# glibc provides scsi headers for itself, for now
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/include/scsi
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/include/asm*/atomic.h
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/include/asm*/io.h
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/include/asm*/irq.h
### clean


### scripts

if [ `uname -i` == "x86_64" -o `uname -i` == "i386" ]; then
  if [ -f /etc/sysconfig/kernel ]; then
    /bin/sed -i -e 's/^DEFAULTKERNEL=kernel-smp$/DEFAULTKERNEL=kernel/' /etc/sysconfig/kernel || exit $?
/sbin/new-kernel-pkg --package kernel --mkinitrd --depmod --install %{KVERREL} || exit $?
if [ -x /sbin/weak-modules ]
    /sbin/weak-modules --add-kernel %{KVERREL} || exit $?

%post devel
if [ -f /etc/sysconfig/kernel ]
    . /etc/sysconfig/kernel || exit $?
if [ "$HARDLINK" != "no" -a -x /usr/sbin/hardlink ] ; then
  pushd /usr/src/kernels/%{KVERREL}-%{_target_cpu} > /dev/null
  /usr/bin/find . -type f | while read f; do hardlink -c /usr/src/kernels/*FC*/$f $f ; done
  popd > /dev/null

%post smp
/sbin/new-kernel-pkg --package kernel-smp --mkinitrd --depmod --install %{KVERREL}smp || exit $?
if [ -x /sbin/weak-modules ]
    /sbin/weak-modules --add-kernel %{KVERREL}smp || exit $?

%post smp-devel
if [ -f /etc/sysconfig/kernel ]
    . /etc/sysconfig/kernel || exit $?
if [ "$HARDLINK" != "no" -a -x /usr/sbin/hardlink ] ; then
  pushd /usr/src/kernels/%{KVERREL}-smp-%{_target_cpu} > /dev/null
  /usr/bin/find . -type f | while read f; do hardlink -c /usr/src/kernels/*FC*/$f $f ; done
  popd > /dev/null

%post PAE
if [ -f /etc/sysconfig/kernel ]; then
    /bin/sed -i -e 's/^DEFAULTKERNEL=kernel-smp$/DEFAULTKERNEL=kernel-PAE/' /etc/sysconfig/kernel
/sbin/new-kernel-pkg --package kernel-PAE --mkinitrd --depmod --install %{KVERREL}PAE || exit $?
if [ -x /sbin/weak-modules ]
    /sbin/weak-modules --add-kernel %{KVERREL}PAE || exit $?

%post PAE-devel
if [ -f /etc/sysconfig/kernel ]
    . /etc/sysconfig/kernel || exit $?
if [ "$HARDLINK" != "no" -a -x /usr/sbin/hardlink ] ; then
  pushd /usr/src/kernels/%{KVERREL}-PAE-%{_target_cpu} > /dev/null
  /usr/bin/find . -type f | while read f; do hardlink -c /usr/src/kernels/*FC*/$f $f ; done
  popd > /dev/null

%if %{debugbuildsenabled}
%post debug
/sbin/new-kernel-pkg --package kernel-debug --mkinitrd --depmod --install %{KVERREL}debug || exit $?
if [ -x /sbin/weak-modules ]
    /sbin/weak-modules --add-kernel %{KVERREL}debug || exit $?

%post debug-devel
if [ -f /etc/sysconfig/kernel ]
    . /etc/sysconfig/kernel || exit $?
if [ "$HARDLINK" != "no" -a -x /usr/sbin/hardlink ] ; then
  pushd /usr/src/kernels/%{KVERREL}-debug-%{_target_cpu} > /dev/null
  /usr/bin/find . -type f | while read f; do hardlink -c /usr/src/kernels/*FC*/$f $f ; done
  popd > /dev/null

%post xen
if [ `uname -i` == "x86_64" -o `uname -i` == "i386" ]; then
  if [ -f /etc/sysconfig/kernel ]; then
    /bin/sed -i -e 's/^DEFAULTKERNEL=kernel-xen[0U]/DEFAULTKERNEL=kernel-xen/' /etc/sysconfig/kernel || exit $?
if [ -e /proc/xen/xsd_kva -o ! -d /proc/xen ]; then
	/sbin/new-kernel-pkg --package kernel-xen --mkinitrd --depmod --install --multiboot=/%{image_install_path}/xen.gz-%{KVERREL} %{KVERREL}xen || exit $?
	/sbin/new-kernel-pkg --package kernel-xen --mkinitrd --depmod --install %{KVERREL}xen || exit $?
if [ -x /sbin/ldconfig ]
    /sbin/ldconfig -X || exit $?
if [ -x /sbin/weak-modules ]
    /sbin/weak-modules --add-kernel %{KVERREL}xen || exit $?

%post xen-devel
if [ -f /etc/sysconfig/kernel ]
    . /etc/sysconfig/kernel || exit $?
if [ "$HARDLINK" != "no" -a -x /usr/sbin/hardlink ] ; then
  pushd /usr/src/kernels/%{KVERREL}-xen-%{_target_cpu} > /dev/null
  /usr/bin/find . -type f | while read f; do hardlink -c /usr/src/kernels/*FC*/$f $f ; done
  popd > /dev/null

%post kdump
/sbin/new-kernel-pkg --package kernel-kdump --mkinitrd --depmod --install %{KVERREL}kdump || exit $?
if [ -x /sbin/weak-modules ]
    /sbin/weak-modules --add-kernel %{KVERREL}kdump || exit $?

%post kdump-devel
if [ -f /etc/sysconfig/kernel ]
    . /etc/sysconfig/kernel || exit $?
if [ "$HARDLINK" != "no" -a -x /usr/sbin/hardlink ] ; then
  pushd /usr/src/kernels/%{KVERREL}-kdump-%{_target_cpu} > /dev/null
  /usr/bin/find . -type f | while read f; do hardlink -c /usr/src/kernels/*FC*/$f $f ; done
  popd > /dev/null

/sbin/new-kernel-pkg --rminitrd --rmmoddep --remove %{KVERREL} || exit $?
if [ -x /sbin/weak-modules ]
    /sbin/weak-modules --remove-kernel %{KVERREL} || exit $?

%preun smp
/sbin/new-kernel-pkg --rminitrd --rmmoddep --remove %{KVERREL}smp || exit $?
if [ -x /sbin/weak-modules ]
    /sbin/weak-modules --remove-kernel %{KVERREL}smp || exit $?

%preun PAE
/sbin/new-kernel-pkg --rminitrd --rmmoddep --remove %{KVERREL}PAE || exit $?
if [ -x /sbin/weak-modules ]
    /sbin/weak-modules --remove-kernel %{KVERREL}PAE || exit $?

%preun kdump
/sbin/new-kernel-pkg --rminitrd --rmmoddep --remove %{KVERREL}kdump || exit $?
if [ -x /sbin/weak-modules ]
    /sbin/weak-modules --remove-kernel %{KVERREL}kdump || exit $?

%if %{debugbuildsenabled}
%preun debug
/sbin/new-kernel-pkg --rminitrd --rmmoddep --remove %{KVERREL}debug || exit $?
if [ -x /sbin/weak-modules ]
    /sbin/weak-modules --remove-kernel %{KVERREL}debug || exit $?

%preun xen
/sbin/new-kernel-pkg --rminitrd --rmmoddep --remove %{KVERREL}xen || exit $?
if [ -x /sbin/weak-modules ]
    /sbin/weak-modules --remove-kernel %{KVERREL}xen || exit $?

### file lists

# This is %{image_install_path} on an arch where that includes ELF files,
# or empty otherwise.
%define elf_image_install_path %{?kernel_image_elf:%{image_install_path}}

%if %{with_up}
%if "%{_enable_debug_packages}" == "1"
%ifnarch noarch
%package debuginfo
Summary: Debug information for package %{name}
Group: Development/Debug
Requires: %{name}-debuginfo-common-%{_target_cpu} = %{KVERREL}
Provides: %{name}-debuginfo-%{_target_cpu} = %{KVERREL}
%description debuginfo
This package provides debug information for package %{name}
This is required to use SystemTap with %{name}-%{KVERREL}.
%files debuginfo
%if "%{elf_image_install_path}" != ""

%dir /lib/modules/%{KVERREL}
%ghost /boot/initrd-%{KVERREL}.img
%config(noreplace) /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-firewire

%files devel
%verify(not mtime) /usr/src/kernels/%{KVERREL}-%{_target_cpu}

%if %{with_headers}
%files headers

%if %{with_pae}
%if "%{_enable_debug_packages}" == "1"
%ifnarch noarch
%package PAE-debuginfo
Summary: Debug information for package %{name}-PAE
Group: Development/Debug
Requires: %{name}-debuginfo-common-%{_target_cpu} = %{KVERREL}
Provides: %{name}-%PAE-debuginfo-%{_target_cpu} = %{KVERREL}
%description PAE-debuginfo
This package provides debug information for package %{name}-PAE
This is required to use SystemTap with %{name}-PAE-%{KVERREL}.
%files PAE-debuginfo
%if "%{elf_image_install_path}" != ""

%files PAE
%dir /lib/modules/%{KVERREL}PAE
%ghost /boot/initrd-%{KVERREL}PAE.img
%config(noreplace) /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-firewire

%files PAE-devel
%verify(not mtime) /usr/src/kernels/%{KVERREL}-PAE-%{_target_cpu}

%if %{with_smp}
%if "%{_enable_debug_packages}" == "1"
%ifnarch noarch
%package smp-debuginfo
Summary: Debug information for package %{name}-smp
Group: Development/Debug
Requires: %{name}-debuginfo-common-%{_target_cpu} = %{KVERREL}
Provides: %{name}-%smp-debuginfo-%{_target_cpu} = %{KVERREL}
%description smp-debuginfo
This package provides debug information for package %{name}-smp
This is required to use SystemTap with %{name}-smp-%{KVERREL}.
%files smp-debuginfo
%if "%{elf_image_install_path}" != ""

%files smp
%dir /lib/modules/%{KVERREL}smp
%ghost /boot/initrd-%{KVERREL}smp.img
%config(noreplace) /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-firewire

%files smp-devel
%verify(not mtime) /usr/src/kernels/%{KVERREL}-smp-%{_target_cpu}

%if %{debugbuildsenabled}
%if %{with_debug}
%if "%{_enable_debug_packages}" == "1"
%ifnarch noarch
%files debug-debuginfo
%if "%{elf_image_install_path}" != ""

%files debug
%dir /lib/modules/%{KVERREL}debug
%ghost /boot/initrd-%{KVERREL}debug.img
%config(noreplace) /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-firewire

%files debug-devel
%verify(not mtime) /usr/src/kernels/%{KVERREL}-debug-%{_target_cpu}

%if %{includexen}
%if %{with_xen}
%if "%{_enable_debug_packages}" == "1"
%ifnarch noarch
%package xen-debuginfo
Summary: Debug information for package %{name}-xen
Group: Development/Debug
Requires: %{name}-debuginfo-common-%{_target_cpu} = %{KVERREL}
Provides: %{name}-xen-debuginfo-%{_target_cpu} = %{KVERREL}
%description xen-debuginfo
This package provides debug information for package %{name}-xen
This is required to use SystemTap with %{name}-xen-%{KVERREL}.
%files xen-debuginfo
%if "%{elf_image_install_path}" != ""

%files xen
%dir /lib/modules/%{KVERREL}xen
%verify(not mtime) /lib/modules/%{KVERREL}xen/build
%ghost /boot/initrd-%{KVERREL}xen.img
%config(noreplace) /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-firewire

%files xen-devel
%verify(not mtime) /usr/src/kernels/%{KVERREL}-xen-%{_target_cpu}


%if %{with_kdump}
%if "%{_enable_debug_packages}" == "1"
%ifnarch noarch
%package kdump-debuginfo
Summary: Debug information for package %{name}-kdump
Group: Development/Debug
Requires: %{name}-debuginfo-common-%{_target_cpu} = %{KVERREL}
Provides: %{name}-kdump-debuginfo-%{_target_cpu} = %{KVERREL}
%description kdump-debuginfo
This package provides debug information for package %{name}-kdump
This is required to use SystemTap with %{name}-kdump-%{KVERREL}.
%files kdump-debuginfo
%if "%{image_install_path}" != ""

%files kdump
%dir /lib/modules/%{KVERREL}kdump
%ghost /boot/initrd-%{KVERREL}kdump.img
%config(noreplace) /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-firewire

%files kdump-devel
%verify(not mtime) /usr/src/kernels/%{KVERREL}-kdump-%{_target_cpu}

# only some architecture builds need kernel-doc

%if %{with_doc}
%files doc
%dir %{_datadir}/doc/kernel-doc-%{kversion}/Documentation
%dir %{_datadir}/doc/kernel-doc-%{kversion}

* Mon Feb 11 2008 Michael A. Peters <mpeters@xxxxxxx>
- patch99 for cve20080600

* Fri Nov 30 2007 Karanbir Singh <kbsingh@xxxxxxxxxx> 
- Rolled in CentOS Branding

* Wed Nov 14 2007 Anton Arapov <aarapov@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-53.1.4.el5]
- Revert: [fs] sysfs: fix race condition around sd->s_dentry (Eric Sandeen ) [245777] {CVE-2007-3104}
- Revert: [fs] sysfs: fix condition check in sysfs_drop_dentry() (Eric Sandeen ) [245777] {CVE-2007-3104}
- Revert: [fs] sysfs: store inode nrs in s_ino (Eric Sandeen ) [245777] {CVE-2007-3104}
- [net] tg3: Fix performance regression on 5705 (Andy Gospodarek ) [381021]

* Wed Nov 14 2007 Anton Arapov <aarapov@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-53.1.3.el5]
- [fs] missing dput in do_lookup error leaks dentries (Eric Sandeen ) [363481] {CVE-2007-5494}
- [ppc] System cpus stuck in H_JOIN after migrating (Scott Moser ) [381151]
- [scsi] ibmvSCSI: Unable to continue migrating lpar after errors (Scott Moser ) [381141]
- [scsi] ibmvSCSI: client can't handle deactive/active device from server (Scott Moser ) [381121]
- [audit] still allocate contexts when audit is disabled (Alexander Viro ) [381001]
- [autofs4] fix race between mount and expire (Ian Kent ) [381071]
- [net] ieee80211: off-by-two integer underflow (Anton Arapov ) [346391] {CVE-2007-4997}
- [fs] sysfs: fix race condition around sd->s_dentry (Eric Sandeen ) [245777] {CVE-2007-3104}
- [fs] sysfs: fix condition check in sysfs_drop_dentry() (Eric Sandeen ) [245777] {CVE-2007-3104}
- [fs] sysfs: store inode nrs in s_ino (Eric Sandeen ) [245777] {CVE-2007-3104}
- [nfs] v4: umounts oops in shrink_dcache_for_umount (Steve Dickson ) [381111]
- [net] forcedeth: MSI interrupt bugfix (Andy Gospodarek ) [381131]
- [ppc] kexec/kdump kernel hung on Power5+ and Power6 (Scott Moser ) [381101]
* Mon Oct 22 2007 Anton Arapov <aarapov@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-53.1.2.el5]
- [net] bnx2: Add PHY workaround for 5709 A1 (Andy Gospodarek ) [345131]
- [cifs] fix memory corruption due to bad error handling (Jeff Layton ) [345171]
- [audit] improper handling of audit_log_start return values (Eric Paris ) [345151]
- [fs] jbd: wait for t_sync_datalist buffer to complete (Eric Sandeen ) [345141]
- [mm] ia64: flush i-cache before set_pte (Luming Yu ) [345161]
- [x86] Fixes for the tick divider patch (Chris Lalancette ) [305011]
- [alsa] Convert snd-page-alloc proc file to use seq_file (Jerome Marchand ) [297761] {CVE-2007-4571}

* Wed Oct 10 2007 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-53.el5]
- [GFS2] handle multiple demote requests (Wendy Cheng ) [295641]
- [scsi] megaraid_sas: kabi fix for /proc entries (Chip Coldwell ) [323231]
- [sound] allow creation of null parent devices (Brian Maly ) [323771]

* Wed Sep 26 2007 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-52.el5]
- [net] iwlwifi: avoid BUG_ON in tx cmd queue processing (John W. Linville ) [306831]
- [GFS2] Get super block a different way (Steven Whitehouse ) [306621]

* Tue Sep 25 2007 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-51.el5]
- [GFS2] dlm: schedule during recovery loops (David Teigland ) [250464]
- Revert: [pata] IDE (siimage) panics when DRAC4 reset (John Feeney ) [212391]

* Mon Sep 24 2007 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-50.el5]
- Revert: [net] bonding: convert timers to workqueues (Andy Gospodarek ) [210577]
- [pata] enable IDE (siimage) DRAC4 (John Feeney ) [212391]
- [GFS2] gfs2_writepage(s) workaround (Wendy Cheng ) [252392]
- [scsi] aacraid: Missing ioctl() permission checks (Vitaly Mayatskikh ) [298381] {CVE-2007-4308}
- [GFS2] Solve journaling/{release|invalidate}page issues (Steven Whitehouse ) [253008]
- [x86_64] syscall vulnerability (Anton Arapov ) [297881] {CVE-2007-4573}
- [GFS2] Fix i_cache stale entry (Wendy Cheng ) [253756]
- [GFS2] deadlock running revolver load with lock_nolock (Benjamin Marzinski ) [288581]
- [net] s2io: check for error_state in ISR (more) (Scott Moser ) [276871]

* Thu Sep 20 2007 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-49.el5]
- [sata] libata probing fixes and other cleanups (Jeff Garzik ) [260281]
- [net] cxgb3: backport fixups and sysfs corrections (Andy Gospodarek ) [252243]

* Mon Sep 17 2007 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-48.el5]
- [net] s2io: check for error_state in ISR (Scott Moser ) [276871]
- [fs] ext3: ensure do_split leaves enough free space in both blocks (Eric Sandeen ) [286501]
- [kabi] whitelist GFS2 export symbols to allow driver updates (Jon Masters) [282901]
- [gfs2] allow process to handle multiple flocks on a file (Abhijith Das ) [272021]
- [gfs2] operations hang after mount--RESEND (Bob Peterson ) [276631]
- [scsi] qlogic: fix nvram/vpd update memory corruptions (Marcus Barrow ) [260701]
- [fs] Reset current->pdeath_signal on SUID binary execution (Peter Zijlstra) [251119] {CVE-2007-3848}
- [gfs2] mount hung after recovery (Benjamin Marzinski ) [253089]
- [GFS2] Move inode delete logic out of blocking_cb (Wendy Cheng ) [286821]
- [dlm] Make dlm_sendd cond_resched more (Patrick Caulfield ) [250464]
- [x86_64] fix 32-bit ptrace access to debug registers (Roland McGrath ) [247427]
- [autofs4] fix deadlock during directory create (Ian Kent ) [253231]
- [nfs] enable 'nosharecache' mounts fixes (Steve Dickson ) [243913]
- [usb] usblcd: Locally triggerable memory consumption (Anton Arapov ) [276011] {CVE-2007-3513}
- [misc] Bounds check ordering issue in random driver (Anton Arapov ) [275971] {CVE-2007-3105}

* Tue Sep 11 2007 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-47.el5]
- [ppc64] Fix SPU slb size and invalidation on hugepage faults (Scott Moser ) [285981]
- [s390] qdio: Refresh buffer states for IQDIO Asynch output queue (Hans-Joachim Picht ) [222181]
- [scsi] fusion: allow VMWare's emulator to work again (Chip Coldwell ) [279571]

* Mon Sep 10 2007 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-46.el5]
- [XEN] x86: 32-bit ASID mode hangs dom0 on AMD (Chris Lalancette ) [275371]
- [scsi] megaraid_sas: intercept cmd timeout and throttle io (Chip Coldwell ) [245184 247581]
- [s390] hypfs: inode corruption due to missing locking (Brad Hinson ) [254169]
- [Xen] Allow 32-bit Xen to kdump >4G physical memory (Stephen C. Tweedie ) [251341]
- [ptrace] NULL pointer dereference triggered by ptrace (Anton Arapov ) [275991] {CVE-2007-3731}
- [XEN] ia64: allocating with GFP_KERNEL in interrupt context fix (Josef Bacik ) [279141]

* Tue Sep 04 2007 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-45.el5]
- [XEN] Update spec file to provide specific xen ABI version (Stephen C. Tweedie ) [271981]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: nvram/vpd updates produce soft lockups and system hangs (Marcus Barrow ) [260701]
- [scsi] iscsi: borked kmalloc  (Mike Christie ) [255841]
- [net] qla3xxx: Read iSCSI target disk fail (Marcus Barrow ) [246123]
- [net] igmp: check for NULL when allocating GFP_ATOMIC skbs (Neil Horman ) [252404]
- [mm] madvise call to kernel loops forever (Konrad Rzeszutek ) [263281]

* Mon Aug 27 2007 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-44.el5]
- [misc] re-export some symbols as EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL (Jon Masters ) [252377]
- [xen] ia64: set NODES_SHIFT to 8 (Doug Chapman ) [254050]
- [xen] Fix privcmd to remove nopage handler (Chris Lalancette ) [249409]
- [xen] increase limits to boot on large ia64 platforms (Doug Chapman ) [254062]
- [autofs] autofs4 - fix race between mount and expire (Ian Kent ) [236875]
- [nfs] NFS4: closes and umounts are racing (Steve Dickson ) [245062]
- [GFS2] Fix lock ordering of unlink (Steven Whitehouse ) [253609]
- [openib] Fix two ipath controllers on same subnet (Doug Ledford ) [253005]
- [net] tg3: update to fix suspend/resume problems (Andy Gospodarek ) [253988]
- [GFS2] distributed mmap test cases deadlock (Benjamin Marzinski ) [248480]
- [GFS2] Fix inode meta data corruption (Wendy Cheng ) [253590]
- [GFS2] bad mount option causes panic with NULL superblock pointer (Abhijith Das ) [253921]
- [fs] hugetlb: fix prio_tree unit (Konrad Rzeszutek ) [253930]
- [misc] Microphone stops working (John Feeney ) [240716]
- [GFS2] glock dump dumps glocks for all file systems (Abhijith Das ) [253238]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: disable MSI-X by default (Marcus Barrow ) [252410]

* Tue Aug 21 2007 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-43.el5]
- [XEN] remove assumption first numa node discovered is node0 (Jarod Wilson ) [210078]

* Mon Aug 20 2007 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-42.el5]
- [GFS2] More problems unstuffing journaled files (Bob Peterson ) [252191]
- [DLM] Reuse connections rather than freeing them (Patrick Caulfield ) [251179]
- [ppc] EEH: better status string detection (Scott Moser ) [252405]
- [scsi] cciss: set max command queue depth (Tomas Henzl ) [251167]
- [audit] Stop multiple messages from being printed (Eric Paris ) [252358]
- [scsi] uninitialized field in gdth.c (Chip Coldwell ) [245550]
- [scsi] SATA RAID 150-4/6 do not support 64-bit DMA (Chip Coldwell ) [248327]
- [gfs2] fix truncate panic (Wendy Cheng ) [251053]
- [gfs2] panic after can't parse mount arguments  (Benjamin Marzinski ) [253289]
- [fs] CIFS: fix deadlock in cifs_get_inode_info_unix (Jeff Layton ) [249394]
- [sound] support ad1984 codec (Brian Maly ) [252373]
- [scsi] fix iscsi write handling regression (Mike Christie ) [247827]
- [ppc] Fix detection of PCI-e based devices (Doug Ledford ) [252085]
- [gfs2] unstuff quota inode (Abhijith Das ) [250772]
- [net] fix DLPAR remove of eHEA logical port (Scott Moser ) [251370]
- [gfs2] hang when using a large sparse quota file (Abhijith Das ) [235299]
- [x86_64] Fix MMIO config space quirks (Bhavana Nagendra ) [252397]
- [misc] Convert cpu hotplug notifiers to use raw_notifier (Peter Zijlstra ) [238571]
- [sound] fix panic in hda_codec (Brian Maly ) [251854]
- [mm] separate mapped file and anonymous pages in show_mem() output. (Larry Woodman ) [252033]
- [misc] Fix broken AltSysrq-F (Larry Woodman ) [251731]
- [scsi] cciss: increase max sectors to 2048 (Tomas Henzl ) [248121]
- Revert [gfs2] remounting w/o acl option leaves acls enabled (Bob Peterson ) [245663]

* Thu Aug 16 2007 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-41.el5]
- Revert [ia64] validate and remap mmap requests (Jarod Wilson ) [240006]

* Tue Aug 14 2007 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-40.el5]
- [net] s2io: update to driver version (Andy Gospodarek ) [223033]
- [XEN] ia64: use panic_notifier list (Kei Tokunaga ) [250456]
- [XEN] ia64: support nvram (Kei Tokunaga ) [250203]
- [XEN] Allow dom0 to boot with greater than 2 vcpus (Kei Tokunaga ) [250441]
- [XEN] Fix MCE errors on AMD-V (Bhavana Nagendra ) [251435]
- [XEN] set correct paging bit identifier when NP enabled (Chris Lalancette ) [250857]
- [XEN] ia64: fix for hang when running gdb (Doug Chapman ) [246482]
- [XEN] AMD-V fix for W2k3 guest w/ Nested paging (Bhavana Nagendra ) [250850]
- [XEN] blktap tries to access beyond end of disk (Kei Tokunaga ) [247696]
- [ia64] fsys_gettimeofday leaps days if it runs with nojitter (Luming Yu ) [250825]
- [x86] Blacklist for HP DL585G2 and HP dc5700 (Tony Camuso ) [248186]
- [misc] Missing critical phys_to_virt in lib/swiotlb.c (Anton Arapov ) [248102]
- [mm] Prevent the stack growth into hugetlb reserved regions (Konrad Rzeszutek ) [247658]
- [scsi] fix qla4xxx underrun and online handling (Mike Christie ) [242828]
- [sound] Audio playback does not work (John Feeney ) [250269]
- [XEN] ia64: allow guests to vga install (Jarod Wilson ) [249076]
- [net] forcedeth: optimize the tx data path (Andy Gospodarek ) [252034]
- [agp] 945/965GME: bridge id, bug fix, and cleanups (Geoff Gustafson ) [251166]
- [net] tg3: pci ids missed during backport (Andy Gospodarek ) [245135]
- [misc] workaround for qla2xxx vs xen swiotlb (Rik van Riel ) [219216]
- [XEN] netfront: Avoid deref'ing skb after it is potentially freed. (Herbert Xu ) [251905]
- [ia64] validate and remap mmap requests (Jarod Wilson ) [240006]
- [ppc] DLPAR REMOVE I/O resource failed (Scott Moser ) [249617]
- [XEN] ia64: Cannot use e100 and IDE controller (Kei Tokunaga ) [250454]
- [wireless] iwlwifi: update to version 1.0.0 (John W. Linville ) [223560 250675]
- [ppc] make eHCA driver use remap_4k_pfn in 64k kernel (Scott Moser ) [250496]
- [audit] sub-tree signal handling fix (Alexander Viro ) [251232]
- [audit] sub-tree memory leaks (Alexander Viro ) [251160]
- [audit] sub-tree cleanups (Alexander Viro ) [248416]
- [GFS2] invalid metadata block (Bob Peterson ) [248176]
- [XEN] use xencons=xvc by default on non-x86 (Aron Griffis ) [249100]
- [misc] i915_dma: fix batch buffer security bit for i965 chipsets (Aristeu Rozanski ) [251188] {CVE-2007-3851}
- [Xen] Fix restore path for 5.1 PV guests (Chris Lalancette ) [250420]
- [x86] Support mobile processors in fid/did to frequency conversion (Bhavana Nagendra ) [250833]
- [dlm] fix basts for granted PR waiting CW (David Teigland ) [248439]
- [scsi] PCI shutdown for cciss driver (Chip Coldwell ) [248728]
- [scssi] CCISS support for P700m (Chip Coldwell ) [248735]
- [net] forcedeth: fix nic poll (Herbert Xu ) [245191]
- [ppc] 4k page mapping support for userspace 	in 64k kernels (Scott Moser ) [250144]
- [net] tg3: small update for kdump fix (Andy Gospodarek ) [239782]
- [ppc] Cope with PCI host bridge I/O window not starting at 0 (Scott Moser ) [242937]
- [ata]: Add additional device IDs for SB700 (Prarit Bhargava ) [248109]
- [fs] - fix VFAT compat ioctls on 64-bit systems (Eric Sandeen ) [250666] {CVE-2007-2878}
- [fs] - Move msdos compat ioctl to msdos dir (Eric Sandeen ) [250666]

* Thu Aug 09 2007 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-39.el5]
- [net] e1000: add support for Bolton NICs (Bruce Allan ) [251221]
- [net] e1000: add support for HP Mezzanine cards (Bruce Allan ) [251214]
- [net] igb: initial support for igb netdriver (Andy Gospodarek ) [244758]
- [net] e1000e: initial support for e1000e netdriver (Andy Gospodarek ) [240086]

* Fri Aug 03 2007 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-38.el5]
- [ppc] No Boot/Hang response for PCI-E errors (Scott Moser ) [249667]
- [GFS2] Reduce number of gfs2_scand processes to one (Steven Whitehouse ) [249905]
- [scsi] Adaptec: Add SC-58300 HBA PCI ID (Konrad Rzeszutek ) [249275]
- [GFS2] Fix bug relating to inherit_jdata flag on inodes (Steven Whitehouse ) [248576]
- [ppc] Disable PCI-e completion timeouts on I/O Adapters (Scott Moser ) [232004]
- [x86] Fix tscsync frequency transitions (Bhavana Nagendra ) [245082]
- [CIFS] respect umask when unix extensions are enabled (Jeff Layton ) [246667]
- [CIFS] fix signing sec= mount options (Jeff Layton ) [246595]
- [XEN] netloop: Do not clobber cloned skb page frags (Herbert Xu ) [249683]

* Mon Jul 30 2007 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-37.el5]
- [net] Using mac80211 in ad-hoc mode can result in a kernel panic (John W. Linville ) [223558]
- [ppc] Axon memory does not handle double bit errors (Scott Moser ) [249910]
- [xen] x86: HV workaround for invalid PAE PTE clears (Chris Lalancette ) [234375]
- [scsi] Update stex driver (Jeff Garzik ) [241074]
- [scsi] cciss: Re-add missing kmalloc (Prarit Bhargava ) [249104]
- [GFS2] Fix an oops in the glock dumping code (Steven Whitehouse ) [248479]
- [GFS2] locksmith/revolver deadlocks (Steven Whitehouse ) [249406]
- [xen] race loading xenblk.ko and scanning for LVM partitions (Richard Jones ) [247265]

* Fri Jul 20 2007 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-36.el5]
- [NFS] Re-enable force umount (Steve Dickson ) [244949]
- [sata] regression in support for third party modules (Jeff Garzik ) [248382]
- [utrace] set zombie leader to EXIT_DEAD before release_task (Roland McGrath ) [248621]

* Wed Jul 18 2007 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-35.el5]
- [XEN] fix time going backwards in gettimeofday (Rik van Riel ) [245761]
- [GFS2] soft lockup in rgblk_search (Bob Peterson ) [246114]
- [DLM] fix NULL reference in send_ls_not_ready (David Teigland ) [248187]
- [DLM] Clear othercon pointers when a connection is closed (David Teigland ) [220538]

* Thu Jul 12 2007 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-34.el5]
- [wireless] iwlwifi: add driver (John W. Linville ) [223560]
- [XEN] make crashkernel=foo@16m work (Gerd Hoffmann ) [243880]
- [XEN] ia64: HV built with crash_debug=y does not boot on NUMA machine (Kei Tokunaga ) [247843]
- [edac] allow edac to panic with memory corruption on non-kdump kernels (Don Zickus ) [237950]
- [GFS2] Mounted file system won't suspend (Steven Whitehouse ) [192082]
- [GFS2] soft lockup detected in databuf_lo_before_commit (Bob Peterson ) [245832]
- [sata] Add Hitachi HDS7250SASUN500G 0621KTAWSD to NCQ blacklist (Prarit Bhargava ) [247627]
- [PCI] unable to reserve mem region on module reload (Scott Moser ) [247701 247400]
- [PPC] eHEA driver can cause kernel panic on recv of VLAN packets (Scott Moser ) [243009]
- [PPC] Fix 64K pages with kexec on native hash table (Scott Moser ) [242550]
- Reverts: Mambo driver on ppc64 [208320]

* Mon Jul 09 2007 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-33.el5]
- [XEN] ia64: Windows guest cannot boot with debug mode (Kei Tokunaga ) [245668]
- [XEN] ia64: SMP Windows guest boot fails sometimes (Kei Tokunaga ) [243870]
- [XEN] ia64: Dom0 boot fails on NUMA hardware (Kei Tokunaga ) [245275]
- [XEN] ia64: Windows guest sometimes panic by incorrect ld4.s emulation (Kei Tokunaga ) [243865]
- [XEN] ia64: boot 46 GuestOS makes Dom0 hang (Kei Tokunaga ) [245667]
- [XEN] ia64: HVM guest hangs on vcpu migration (Kei Tokunaga ) [233971]
- [XEN] ia64: Cannot create guest domain due to rid problem (Kei Tokunaga ) [242040]
- [XEN] ia64: HVM domain creation panics if xenheap is not enough. (Kei Tokunaga ) [240108]
- [XEN] ia64: DomU panics by save/restore (Kei Tokunaga ) [243866]
- [XEN] ia64: Guest OS hangs on IPF montetito (Kei Tokunaga ) [245637]
- [xen] Guest access to MSR may cause system crash/data corruption (Bhavana Nagendra ) [245186]
- [xen] Windows HVM guest image migration causes blue screen (Bhavana Nagendra ) [245169]
- [xen] ia64: enable blktap driver (Jarod Wilson ) [216293]
- [scsi] check portstates before invoking target scan (David Milburn ) [246023]
- [nfs] NFSd oops when exporting krb5p mount (Steve Dickson ) [247120]
- [misc] Overflow in CAPI subsystem (Anton Arapov ) [231072] {CVE-2007-1217}
- [dlm] A TCP connection to DLM port blocks DLM operations (Patrick Caulfield ) [245892] {CVE-2007-3380}
- [dm] allow invalid snapshots to be activated (Milan Broz ) [244215]
- [gfs2] inode size inconsistency (Wendy Cheng ) [243136]
- [gfs2] Remove i_mode passing from NFS File Handle (Wendy Cheng ) [243136]
- [gfs2] Obtaining no_formal_ino from directory entry (Wendy Cheng ) [243136]
- [gfs2] EIO error from gfs2_block_truncate_page (Wendy Cheng ) [243136]
- [gfs2] remounting w/o acl option leaves acls enabled (Bob Peterson ) [245663]
- [GFS2] igrab of inode in wrong state (Steven Whitehouse ) [245646]
- [audit] subtree watching cleanups (Alexander Viro ) [182624]

* Mon Jun 25 2007 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-32.el5]
- [ppc64] Data buffer miscompare (Konrad Rzeszutek ) [245332]
- [xen] fix kexec/highmem failure (Gerd Hoffmann ) [245585]
- [audit] kernel oops when audit disabled with files watched (Eric Paris ) [245164]
- [scsi] Update aic94xx and libsas to 1.0.3 (Ryan Powers ) [224694]
- [xen] ia64: kernel-xen panics when dom0_mem is specified(2) (Kei Tokunaga ) [217593]
- [md] fix EIO on writes after log failure (Jonathan Brassow ) [236271]
- [net] bonding: convert timers to workqueues (Andy Gospodarek ) [210577]
- [scsi] cciss driver updates (Tomas Henzl ) [222852]
- [sata] combined mode regression fix (Jeff Garzik ) [245052]
- Reverts: [audit] protect low memory from user mmap operations (Eric Paris ) [233021]

* Thu Jun 21 2007 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-31.el5]
- [firewire] New stack technology preview (Jay Fenlason ) [182183]
- [xen] kdump/kexec support (Gerd Hoffmann ) [212843]
- [xen] Add AMD-V support for domain live migration (Chris Lalancette ) [222131]
- [GFS2] assertion failure after writing to journaled file, umount (Bob Peterson ) [243899]
- [pata] IDE (siimage) panics when DRAC4 reset (John Feeney ) [212391]
- [agp] Fix AMD-64 AGP aperture validation (Bhavana Nagendra ) [236826]
- [x86_64] C-state divisor not functioning correctly  (Bhavana Nagendra ) [235404]
- [i2c] SMBus does not work on ATI/AMD SB700 chipset (Bhavana Nagendra ) [244150]
- [ide] Cannot find IDE device with ATI/AMD SB700 (Bhavana Nagendra ) [244150]
- [pci] PCI-X/PCI-Express read control interface (Bhavana Nagendra ) [234335]
- [pata] IDE hotplug support for Promise pata_pdc2027x (Scott Moser ) [184774]

* Thu Jun 21 2007 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-30.el5]
- [md] add dm rdac hardware handler (Mike Christie ) [184635]
- [sound]  ALSA update (1.0.14) (Brian Maly ) [227671 240713 223133 238004 223142 244672]
- [xen] : AMD's ASID implementation  (Bhavana Nagendra ) [242932]
- [x86_64] Fix casting issue in tick divider patch (Prarit Bhargava ) [244861]
- [fs] setuid program unable to read own /proc/pid/maps file (Konrad Rzeszutek ) [221173]
- [x86_64] Fixes system panic during boot up with no memory in Node 0 (Bhavana Nagendra ) [218641]
- [nfs] closes and umounts are racing.  (Steve Dickson ) [225515]
- [security] allow NFS nohide and SELinux to work together (Eric Paris ) [219837]
- [ia64] Altix ACPI support (Greg Edwards ) [223577]
- [net] ixgb: update to driver version 1.0.126-k2 (Bruce Allan ) [223380]
- [net] Update netxen_nic driver to version 3.x.x (Konrad Rzeszutek ) [244711]
- [misc] utrace update (Roland McGrath ) [229886 228397 217809 210693]
- [misc] disable pnpacpi on IBM x460 (Brian Maly ) [243730]
- [gfs2] posix lock fixes (David Teigland ) [243195]
- [gfs2] panic in unlink (Steven Whitehouse ) [239737]
- [input] i8042_interrupt() race can deliver bytes swapped to serio_interrupt() (Markus Armbruster ) [240860]
- [s390] qdio: system hang with zfcp in case of adapter problems (Jan Glauber ) [241298]
- [net] Fix tx_checksum flag bug in qla3xxx driver (Marcus Barrow ) [243724]
- [openib] Update OFED code to 1.2 (Doug Ledford ) [225581]
- [openib] kernel backports for OFED 1.2 update (Doug Ledford ) [225581]
- [ppc64] donate cycles from dedicated cpu (Scott Moser ) [242762]
- [scsi] RAID1 goes 'read-only' after resync (Chip Coldwell ) [231040]
- [md] move fn call that could block outside spinlock (Jonathan Brassow ) [242069]
- [fs] FUSE: Minor vfs change (Eric Sandeen ) [193720]
- [net] s2io: Native Support for PCI Error Recovery (Scott Moser ) [228052]
- [xen] x86_64: Fix FS/GS registers for VT bootup (Rik van Riel ) [224671]
- [misc] Add RHEL version info to version.h (Konrad Rzeszutek ) [232534]
- Revert: [mm] memory tracking patch only partially applied to Xen kernel (Kimball Murray ) [242514]
- Revert: [x86_64] Set CONFIG_CALGARY_IOMMU_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT=n (Konrad Rzeszutek ) [222035]
- Revert: [ppc64] Oprofile kernel module does not distinguish PPC 970MP  (Janice M. Girouard ) [216458]

* Mon Jun 18 2007 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-29.el5]
- [xen] Expand VNIF number per guest domain to over four (Kei Tokunaga ) [223908]
- [xen] change interface version for 3.1 (Kei Tokunaga ) [242989]
- [xen] ia64: Fix PV-on-HVM driver (Kei Tokunaga ) [242144]
- [xen] ia64: use generic swiotlb.h header (Kei Tokunaga ) [242138]
- [xen] ia64: xm save/restore does not work (Kei Tokunaga ) [240858]
- [xen] ia64: Skip MCA setup on domU (Kei Tokunaga ) [242143]
- [xen] ia64: Cannot measure process time accurately (Kei Tokunaga ) [240107]
- [xen] Support new xm command: xm trigger (Kei Tokunaga ) [242140]
- [xen] ia64: Fix for irq_desc() missing in new upstream (Kei Tokunaga ) [242137]
- [xen] ia64: Set IRQ_PER_CPU status on percpu IRQs (Kei Tokunaga ) [242136]
- [xen] ia64: improve performance of system call (Kei Tokunaga ) 
- [xen] ia64: para domain vmcore does not work under crash (Kei Tokunaga ) [224047]
- [xen] ia64: kernel-xen panics when dom0_mem=4194304 is specified (Kei Tokunaga ) [217593]
- [xen] ia64: evtchn_callback fix and clean (Kei Tokunaga ) [242126]
- [xen] ia64: changed foreign domain page mapping semantic (Kei Tokunaga ) [242779]
- [xen] Change to new interrupt deliver mechanism (Kei Tokunaga ) [242125]
- [xen] ia64: Uncorrectable error makes hypervisor hung (MCA  support) (Kei Tokunaga ) [237549]
- [xen] Xen0 can not startX in tiger4 (Kei Tokunaga ) [215536]
- [xen] ia64: Fix xm mem-set hypercall on IA64 (Kei Tokunaga ) [241976]
- [xen] ia64: Fix HVM interrupts on IPF (Kei Tokunaga ) [242124]
- [xen] save/restore fix (Gerd Hoffmann ) [222128]
- [xen] blkback/blktap: fix id type (Gerd Hoffmann ) [222128]
- [xen] xen: blktap race #2 (Gerd Hoffmann ) [222128]
- [xen] blktap: race fix #1 (Gerd Hoffmann ) [222128]
- [xen] blktap: cleanups. (Gerd Hoffmann ) [242122]
- [xen] blktap: kill bogous flush (Gerd Hoffmann ) [222128]
- [xen] binmodal drivers: block backends (Gerd Hoffmann ) [222128]
- [xen] bimodal drivers, blkfront driver (Gerd Hoffmann ) [222128]
- [xen] bimodal drivers, pvfb frontend (Gerd Hoffmann ) [222128]
- [xen] bimodal drivers, protocol header (Gerd Hoffmann ) [222128]

* Fri Jun 15 2007 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-28.el5]
- [net] netxen: initial support for NetXen 10GbE NIC (Andy Gospodarek ) [231724]
- [net] cxgb3: initial support for Chelsio T3 card (Andy Gospodarek ) [222453]
- [drm] agpgart and drm support for bearlake graphics (Geoff Gustafson ) [229091]
- [acpi] acpi_prt list incomplete (Kimball Murray ) [214439]
- [mm] memory tracking patch only partially applied to Xen kernel (Kimball Murray ) [242514]
- [x86_64] Fix TSC reporting for processors with constant TSC (Bhavana Nagendra ) [236821]
- [pci] irqbalance causes oops during PCI removal (Kimball Murray ) [242517]
- [net] Allow packet drops during IPSec larval state resolution (Vince Worthington ) [240902]
- [net] bcm43xx: backport from 2.6.22-rc1 (John W. Linville ) [213761]
- [net] softmac: updates from 2.6.21 (John W. Linville ) [240354]
- [net] e1000: update to driver version 7.3.20-k2 (Andy Gospodarek ) [212298]
- [net] bnx2: update to driver version 1.5.11 (Andy Gospodarek ) [225350]
- [net] ipw2[12]00: backports from 2.6.22-rc1 (John W. Linville ) [240868]
- [net] b44 ethernet driver update (Jeff Garzik ) [244133]
- [net] sky2: update to version 1.14 from 2.6.21 (John W. Linville ) [223631]
- [net] forcedeth: update to driver version 0.60 (Andy Gospodarek ) [221941]
- [net] bonding: update to driver version 3.1.2 (Andy Gospodarek ) [210577]
- [net] tg3: update to driver version 3.77 (Andy Gospodarek ) [225466 228125]
- [PPC] Update of spidernet to 2.0.A for Cell (Scott Moser ) [227612]
- [scsi] SPI DV fixup (Chip Coldwell ) [237889]
- [audit] audit when opening existing messege queue (Eric Paris ) [223919 ]
- [audit] audit=0 does not disable all audit messages (Eric Paris ) [231371]
- [net] mac80211 inclusion (John W. Linville ) [214982 223558]

* Fri Jun 15 2007 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-27.el5]
- [sata] kabi fixes [203781]
- [audit] panic and kabi fixes [233021]

* Thu Jun 14 2007 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-26.el5]
- [x86_64] sparsemem memmap allocation above 4G (grgustaf) [227426]
- [net] ip_conntrack_sctp: fix remotely triggerable panic (Don Howard ) [243244] {CVE-2007-2876}
- [usb] Strange URBs and running out IOMMU (Pete Zaitcev ) [230427]
- [audit] broken class-based syscall audit (Eric Paris ) [239887]
- [audit] allow audit filtering on bit & operations (Eric Paris ) [232967]
- [x86_64] Add L3 cache support to some processors (Bhavana Nagendra ) [236835]
- [x86_64] disable mmconf for HP dc5700 Microtower (Prarit Bhargava ) [219389]
- [misc] cpuset information leak (Prarit Bhargava ) [242811] {CVE-2007-2875}
- [audit] stop softlockup messages when loading selinux policy (Eric Paris ) [231392]
- [fs] nfs does not support leases, send correct error (Peter Staubach ) [216750]
- [dlm] variable allocation types (David Teigland ) [237558]
- [GFS2] Journaled data issues (Steven Whitehouse ) [238162]
- [ipsec] Make XFRM_ACQ_EXPIRES proc-tunable (Vince Worthington ) [241798]
- [GFS2] Missing lost inode recovery code (Steven Whitehouse ) [201012]
- [GFS2] Can't mount GFS2 file system on AoE device (Robert Peterson ) [243131]
- [scsi] update aacraid driver to 1.1.5-2437 (Chip Coldwell ) [197337]
- [scsi] cciss: ignore results from unsent commands on kexec boot (Neil Horman ) [239520]
- [scsi] update iscsi_tcp driver (Mike Christie ) [227739]
- [x86_64] Fix regression in kexec (Neil Horman ) [242648]
- [x86] rtc support for HPET legacy replacement mode (Brian Maly ) [220196]
- [scsi] megaraid_sas update (Chip Coldwell ) [225221]
- [fs] fix ext2 overflows on filesystems > 8T (Eric Sandeen ) [237188]
- [x86] MCE thermal throttling (Brian Maly ) [224187]
- [audit] protect low memory from user mmap operations (Eric Paris ) [233021]
- [scsi] Add FC link speeds. (Tom Coughlan ) [231888]
- [pci] I/O space mismatch with P64H2 (Geoff Gustafson ) [220511]
- [scsi] omnibus lpfc driver update (Chip Coldwell ) [227416]
- [scsi] Update qla2xxx firmware (Marcus Barrow ) [242534]
- [ide] Serverworks data corruptor (Alan Cox ) [222653]
- [scsi] update qla4xxx driver (Mike Christie ) [224435 223087 224203]
- [scsi] update iser driver (Mike Christie ) [234352]
- [dlm] fix debugfs ref counting problem (Josef Bacik ) [242807]
- [md] rh_in_sync should be allowed to block (Jonathan Brassow ) [236624]
- [md] unconditionalize log flush (Jonathan Brassow ) [235039]
- [GFS2] Add nanosecond timestamp feature  (Steven Whitehouse ) [216890]
- [GFS2] quota/statfs sign problem and cleanup _host structures (Steven Whitehouse ) [239686]
- [scsi] mpt adds DID_BUS_BUSY host status on scsi BUSY status (Chip Coldwell ) [228108]
- [scsi] fix for slow DVD drive (Chip Coldwell ) [240910]
- [scsi] update MPT Fusion to 3.04.04 (Chip Coldwell ) [225177]
- [GFS2] Fix calculation for spare log blocks with smaller block sizes (Steven Whitehouse ) [240435]
- [gfs2] quotas non-functional (Abhijith Das ) [201011]
- [gfs2] Cleanup inode number handling (Abhijith Das ) [242584]

* Wed Jun 13 2007 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-25.el5]
- [s390] fix possible reboot hang on s390 (Jan Glauber ) [222181]
- [cifs] Update CIFS to version 1.48aRH (Jeff Layton ) [238597]
- [audit] Make audit config immutable in kernel (Eric Paris ) [223530]
- [dio] invalidate clean pages before dio write (Jeff Moyer ) [232715]
- [nfs] fixed oops in symlink code.  (Steve Dickson ) [218718]
- [mm] shared page table for hugetlb  page (Larry Woodman ) [222753]
- [nfs] Numerous oops, memory leaks and hangs found in upstream (Steve Dickson ) [242975]
- [misc] include taskstats.h in kernel-headers package (Don Zickus ) [230648]
- [ide] packet command error when installing rpm (John Feeney ) [229701]
- [dasd] export DASD status to userspace (Chris Snook ) [242681]
- [dasd] prevent dasd from flooding the console (Jan Glauber ) [229590]
- [s390] ifenslave -c causes kernel panic with VLAN and OSA Layer2 (Jan Glauber ) [219826]
- [s390] sclp race condition (Jan Glauber ) [230598]
- [audit] SAD/SPD flush have no security check (Eric Paris ) [233387]
- [audit] Add space in IPv6 xfrm audit record (Eric Paris ) [232524]
- [audit] Match proto when searching for larval SA (Eric Paris ) [234485]
- [audit] pfkey_spdget does not audit xrfm policy changes (Eric Paris ) [229720]
- [audit] collect audit inode information for all f*xattr commands (Eric Paris ) [229094]
- [audit] Initialize audit record sid information to zero (Eric Paris ) [223918]
- [audit] xfrm_add_sa_expire return code error (Eric Paris ) [230620]
- [net] NetLabel: Verify sensitivity level has a valid CIPSO mapping (Eric Paris ) [230255]
- [audit] pfkey_delete and xfrm_del_sa audit hooks wrong (Eric Paris ) [229732]
- [block] Fix NULL bio crash in loop worker thread (Eric Sandeen ) [236880]
- [x86]: Add Greyhound performance counter events (Bhavana Nagendra ) [222126]
- [dio] clean up completion phase of direct_io_worker() (Jeff Moyer ) [242116]
- [audit] add subtrees support (Alexander Viro ) [182624]
- [audit] AVC_PATH handling (Alexander Viro ) [224620]
- [audit] auditing ptrace (Alexander Viro ) [228384]
- [x86_64] Fix a cast in the lost ticks code (Prarit Bhargava ) [241781]
- [PPC64] DMA 4GB boundary protection  (Scott Moser ) [239569]
- [PPC64] MSI support for PCI-E (Scott Moser ) [228081]
- [ppc64] Enable DLPAR support for HEA (Scott Moser ) [237858]
- [ppc64] update ehea driver to latest version. (Janice M. Girouard ) [234225]
- [PPC64] spufs move to sdk2.1 (Scott Moser ) [242763]
- [PPC64] Cell SPE and Performance (Scott Moser ) [228128]
- [cpufreq] Identifies correct number of processors in powernow-k8 (Bhavana Nagendra ) [229716]

* Mon Jun 11 2007 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-24.el5]
- [ipmi] update to latest (Peter Martuccelli ) [241928 212415 231436]
- [sata] super-jumbo update (Jeff Garzik ) [203781]
- [sata] move SATA drivers to drivers/ata (Jeff Garzik ) [203781]

* Fri Jun 08 2007 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-23.el5]
- [dlm] Allow unprivileged users to create the default lockspace (Patrick Caulfield ) [241902]
- [dlm] fix queue_work oops (David Teigland ) [242070]
- [dlm] misc device removed when lockspace removal fails (David Teigland ) [241817]
- [dlm] dumping master locks (David Teigland ) [241821]
- [dlm] canceling deadlocked lock (David Teigland ) [238898]
- [dlm] wait for config check during join (David Teigland ) [206520]
- [dlm] fix new_lockspace error exit (David Teigland ) [241819]
- [dlm] cancel in conversion deadlock (David Teigland ) [238898]
- [dlm] add lock timeouts and time warning (David Teigland ) [238898]
- [dlm] block scand during recovery (David Teigland ) [238898]
- [dlm] consolidate transport protocols (David Teigland ) [219799]
- [audit] log targets of signals (Alexander Viro ) [228366]

* Thu Jun 07 2007 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-22.el5]
- [scsi] Add kernel support for Areca RAID controllers (Tomas Henzl ) [205897]
- [s390] runtime switch for qdio performance statistics (Jan Glauber ) [228048]
- [nfs] enable 'nosharecache' mounts. (Steve Dickson ) [209964]
- [scsi] scsi_error.c - Fix lost EH commands (Chip Coldwell ) [227586]
- [s390] zfcp driver fixes (Jan Glauber ) [232002 232006]
- [misc] synclink_gt: fix init error handling  (Eric Sandeen) [210389]
- [edac] k8_edac: don't panic on PCC check (Aristeu Rozanski ) [237950]
- [mm] Prevent OOM-kill of unkillable children or siblings (Larry Woodman ) [222492]
- [aio] fix buggy put_ioctx call in aio_complete (Jeff Moyer ) [219497]
- [scsi] 3ware 9650SE not recognized by updated  3w-9xxx module (Chip Coldwell ) [223465]
- [scsi] megaraid: update version reported by  MEGAIOC_QDRVRVER (Chip Coldwell ) [237151]
- [nfs] NFS/NLM - Fix double free in __nlm_async_call (Steve Dickson ) [223248]
- [ppc] EEH is improperly enabled for some Power4  systems (Scott Moser ) [225481]
- [net] ixgb: update to 1.0.109 to add pci error recovery (Andy Gospodarek ) [211380]
- [ppc] Fix xmon=off and cleanup xmon initialization (Scott Moser ) [229593]
- [mm] reduce MADV_DONTNEED contention (Rik van Riel ) [237677]
- [x86_64] wall time is not compensated for lost timer ticks (Konrad Rzeszutek ) [232666]
- [PPC] handle <.symbol> lookup for kprobes (Scott Moser ) [238465]
- [pci] Dynamic Add and Remove of PCI-E (Konrad Rzeszutek ) [227727]
- [PPC64] Support for ibm,power-off-ups RTAS  call (Scott Moser ) [184681]

* Fri Jun 01 2007 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-21.el5]
- [net] Re-enable and update the qla3xxx networking driver (Konrad Rzeszutek ) [225200]
- [misc] xen: kill sys_{lock,unlock} dependency on microcode driver (Gerd Hoffmann ) [219652]
- [acpi] Update ibm_acpi module (Konrad Rzeszutek ) [231176]
- [nfs] NFSv4: referrals support (Steve Dickson ) [230602]
- [misc] random: fix error in entropy extraction (Aristeu Rozanski ) [241718] {CVE-2007-2453}
- [net] fix DoS in PPPOE (Neil Horman ) [239581] {CVE-2007-2525}
- [GFS2] Fixes related to gfs2_grow (Steven Whitehouse ) [235430]
- [gfs2] Shrink size of struct gdlm_lock (Steven Whitehouse ) [240013]
- [misc] Bluetooth setsockopt() information leaks (Don Howard ) [234292] {CVE-2007-1353}
- [net] RPC/krb5 memory leak (Steve Dickson ) [223248]
- [mm] BUG_ON in shmem_writepage() is triggered (Michal Schmidt ) [234447]
- [nfs] protocol V3 :write procedure patch (Peter Staubach ) [228854]
- [fs] invalid segmentation violation during exec (Dave Anderson ) [230339]
- [md] dm io: fix panic on large request (Milan Broz ) [240751]
- [nfs] RPC: when downsizing response buffer, account for checksum (Jeff Layton ) [238687]
- [md] incorrect parameter to dm_io causes read failures (Jonathan Brassow ) [241006]
- [ia64] eliminate potential deadlock on XPC disconnects (George Beshers ) [223837]
- [md] dm crypt: fix possible data corruptions (Milan Broz ) [241272]
- [ia64] SN correctly update smp_affinity mask (luyu ) [223867]
- [mm]fix OOM wrongly killing processes through MPOL_BIND (Larry Woodman ) [222491]
- [nfs] add nordirplus option to NFS client  (Steve Dickson ) [240126]
- [autofs] fix panic on mount fail - missing autofs module (Ian Kent ) [240307]
- [scsi] Fix bogus warnings from SB600 DVD drive (Prarit Bhargava ) [238570]
- [acpi] _CID support for PCI Root Bridge  detection. (Luming Yu ) [230742]
- [ia64] platform_kernel_launch_event is a noop in non-SN kernel (Luming Yu ) [232657]
- [net] high TCP latency with small packets (Thomas Graf ) [229908]
- [misc] xen: fix microcode driver for new firmware (Gerd Hoffmann ) [237434]
- [GFS2] Bring GFS2 uptodate (Steven Whitehouse ) [239777]
- [scsi] update for new SAS RAID  (Scott Moser ) [228538]
- [md] dm: allow offline devices in table (Milan Broz ) [239655]
- [md] dm: fix suspend error path (Milan Broz ) [239645]
- [md] dm multipath: rr path order is inverted (Milan Broz ) [239643]
- [net] RPC: simplify data check, remove BUG_ON (Jeff Layton ) [237374]
- [mm] VM scalability issues (Larry Woodman ) [238901 238902 238904 238905]
- [misc] lockdep: annotate DECLARE_WAIT_QUEUE_HEAD (Chip Coldwell ) [209539]
- [mm] memory-less node support (Prarit Bhargava ) [228564]

* Thu May 17 2007 Don Howard <dhoward@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-20.el5]
- [fs] prevent oops in compat_sys_mount (Jeff Layton ) [239767] {CVE-2006-7203}

* Thu May 10 2007 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-19.el5]
- [ia64] MCA/INIT issues with printk/messages/console (Kei Tokunaga ) [219158]
- [ia64] FPSWA exceptions take excessive system time  (Erik Jacobson ) [220416]
- [GFS2] flush the glock completely in inode_go_sync (Steven Whitehouse ) [231910]
- [GFS2] mmap problems with distributed test cases (Steven Whitehouse ) [236087]
- [GFS2] deadlock running d_rwdirectlarge (Steven Whitehouse ) [236069]
- [GFS2] panic if you try to rm -rf the lost+found directory (Steven Whitehouse ) [232107]
- [misc] Fix softlockup warnings during sysrq-t (Prarit Bhargava ) [206366]
- [pty] race could lead to double idr index free (Aristeu Rozanski ) [230500]
- [v4l] use __GFP_DMA32 in videobuf_vm_nopage (Aristeu Rozanski ) [221478]
- [scsi] Update QLogic qla2xxx driver to 8.01.07-k6 (Marcus Barrow ) [225249]
- [mm] OOM killer breaks s390 CMM (Jan Glauber ) [217968]
- [fs] stack overflow with non-4k page size (Dave Anderson ) [231312]
- [scsi] scsi_transport_spi: sense buffer size error (Chip Coldwell ) [237889]
- [ppc64] EEH PCI error recovery  support (Scott Moser ) [207968]
- [mm] optimize kill_bdev() (Peter Zijlstra ) [232359]
- [x86] tell sysrq-m to poke the nmi watchdog (Konrad Rzeszutek ) [229563]
- [x86] Use CPUID calls to check for mce (Bhavana Nagendra ) [222123]
- [x86] Fix to nmi to support GH processors (Bhavana Nagendra ) [222123]
- [x86] Fix CPUID calls to support GH processors (Bhavana Nagendra ) [222123]
- [x86] Greyhound cpuinfo output cleanups (Bhavana Nagendra ) [222124]
- [misc] intel-rng: fix deadlock in smp_call_function (Prarit Bhargava ) [227696]
- [net] ixgb: fix early TSO completion (Bruce Allan ) [213642]

* Fri May 04 2007 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-18.el5]
- [e1000] fix watchdog timeout panics (Andy Gospodarek ) [217483]
- [net] ipv6_fl_socklist is inadvertently shared (David S. Miller ) [233088] {CVE-2007-1592}
- [dlm] expose dlm_config_info fields in configfs (David Teigland ) [239040]
- [dlm] add config entry to enable log_debug (David Teigland ) [239040]
- [dlm] rename dlm_config_info fields (David Teigland ) [239040]
- [mm] NULL current->mm dereference in grab_swap_token causes oops (Jerome Marchand ) [231639]
- [net] Various NULL pointer dereferences in netfilter code (Thomas Graf ) [234287] {CVE-2007-1496}
- [net] IPv6 fragments bypass in nf_conntrack netfilter code (Thomas Graf ) [234288] {CVE-2007-1497}
- [net] disallow RH0 by default (Thomas Graf ) [238065] {CVE-2007-2242}
- [net] fib_semantics.c out of bounds check (Thomas Graf ) [236386]
- [misc] getcpu system call (luyu ) [233046]
- [ipc] bounds checking for shmmax (Anton Arapov ) [231168]
- [x86_64] GATT pages must be uncacheable (Chip Coldwell ) [238709]
- [gfs2] does a mutex_lock instead of a mutex_unlock (Josef Whiter ) [229376]
- [dm] failures when creating many snapshots (Milan Broz ) [211516 211525]
- [dm] kmirrord: deadlock when dirty log on mirror itself (Milan Broz ) [218068]
- [security] Supress SELinux printk for messages users don't care about (Eric Paris ) [229874]
- [serial] panic in check_modem_status on 8250 (Norm Murray ) [238394]
- [net] Fix user OOPS'able bug in FIB netlink (David S. Miller ) [237913]
- [misc] EFI: only warn on pre-1.00 version (Michal Schmidt ) [223282]
- [autofs4] fix race between mount and expire (Ian Kent ) [236875]
- [GFS2] gfs2_delete_inode: 13 (Steven Whitehouse ) [224480]
- [misc] k8temp (Florian La Roche ) [236205]

* Mon Apr 30 2007 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-17.el5]
- [x86_64] Calgary IOMMU cleanups and fixes (Konrad Rzeszutek ) [222035]
- [GFS2] lockdump support (Robert Peterson ) [228540]
- [net] kernel-headers: missing include of types.h (Neil Horman ) [233934]
- [mm] unmapping memory range disturbs page referenced state (Peter Zijlstra ) [232359]
- [IA64] Fix stack layout issues when using ulimit -s (Jarod Wilson ) [234576]
- [CIFS] Windows server bad domain name null terminator fix (Jeff Layton ) [224359]
- [x86_64] Fix misconfigured K8 north bridge (Bhavana Nagendra ) [236759]
- [gfs2] use log_error before LM_OUT_ERROR (David Teigland ) [234338]
- [dlm] fix mode munging (David Teigland ) [234086]
- [dlm] change lkid format (David Teigland ) [237126]
- [dlm] interface for purge (David Teigland ) [237125]
- [dlm] add orphan purging code (David Teigland ) [237125]
- [dlm] split create_message function (David Teigland ) [237125]
- [dlm] overlapping cancel and unlock (David Teigland ) [216113]
- [dlm] zero new user lvbs (David Teigland ) [237124]
- [PPC64] Handle Power6 partition modes (2) (Janice M. Girouard ) [228091]
- [ppc64] Handle Power6 partition modes (Janice M. Girouard ) [228091]
- [mm] oom kills current process on memoryless node. (Larry Woodman ) [222491]
- [x86] Tick Divider (Alan Cox ) [215403]
- [GFS2] hangs waiting for semaphore (Steven Whitehouse ) [217356]
- [GFS2] incorrect flushing of rgrps (Steven Whitehouse ) [230143]
- [GFS2] Clean up of glock code (Steven Whitehouse ) [235349]
- [net] IPsec: panic when large security contexts in ACQUIRE (James Morris ) [235475]
- [ppc64] Cell Platform Base kernel support (Janice M. Girouard ) [228099]
- [s390] fix dasd reservations (Chris Snook ) [230171]
- [x86] Fix invalid write to nmi MSR (Prarit Bhargava ) [221671]

* Fri Apr 20 2007 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-16.el5]
- [s390] crypto driver update (Jan Glauber ) [228049]
- [NMI] change watchdog timeout to 30 seconds (Larry Woodman ) [229563]
- [ppc64] allow vmsplice to work in 32-bit mode on ppc64 (Don Zickus ) [235184]
- [nfs] fix multiple dentries pointing to same directory inode (Steve Dickson ) [208862]
- [ipc] mqueue nested locking annotation (Eric Sandeen ) 
- [net] expand in-kernel socket api (Neil Horman ) [213287]
- [XEN] Better fix for netfront_tx_slot_available(). (Herbert Xu ) [224558]
- [fs] make static counters in new_inode and iunique be 32 bits (Jeff Layton ) [215356]
- [ppc64] remove BUG_ON() in hugetlb_get_unmapped_area() (Larry Woodman ) [222926]
- [dm] stalls on resume if noflush is used (Milan Broz ) [221330]
- [misc]: AMD/ATI SB600 SMBus support (Prarit Bhargava ) [232000]
- [mm] make do_brk() correctly return EINVAL for ppc64.   (Larry Woodman ) [224261]
- [agp] agpgart fixes and new pci ids (Geoff Gustafson ) [227391]
- [net] xfrm_policy delete security check misplaced (Eric Paris ) [228557]
- [x86]: Fix mtrr MODPOST warnings (Prarit Bhargava ) [226854]
- [elevator] move clearing of unplug flag  earlier (Eric Sandeen ) [225435]
- [net] stop leak in flow cache code (Eric Paris ) [229528]
- [ide] SB600 ide only has one channel (Prarit Bhargava ) [227908]
- [scsi] ata_task_ioctl should return ata registers (David Milburn ) [218553]
- [pcie]: Remove PCIE warning for devices with no irq pin (Prarit Bhargava ) [219318]
- [x86] ICH9 device IDs  (Geoff Gustafson ) [223097]
- [mm] Some db2 operations cause system to hang (Michal Schmidt ) [222031]
- [security] invalidate flow cache entries after selinux policy reload (Eric Paris ) [229527]
- [net] wait for IPSEC SA resolution in socket contexts. (Eric Paris ) [225328]
- [net] clean up xfrm_audit_log interface (Eric Paris ) [228422]
- [ipv6]: Fix routing regression. (David S. Miller ) [222122]
- [tux] date overflow fix (Jason Baron ) [231561]
- [cifs] recognize when a file is no longer read-only (Jeff Layton ) [231657]
- [module] MODULE_FIRMWARE support (Jon Masters ) [233494]
- [misc] some apps cannot use IPC msgsnd/msgrcv larger than 64K (Jerome Marchand ) [232012]
- [xen] Fix netfront teardown (Glauber de Oliveira Costa ) [219563]

* Fri Apr 13 2007 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-15.el5] 
- [x86_64] enable calgary support for x86_64 system (Neil Horman ) [221593]
- [s390] pseudo random number generator (Jan Glauber ) [184809]
- [ppc64] Oprofile kernel module does not distinguish PPC 970MP  (Janice M. Girouard ) [216458]
- [GFS2] honor the noalloc flag during block allocation (Steven Whitehouse ) [235346]
- [GFS2] resolve deadlock when writing and accessing a file (Steven Whitehouse ) [231380]
- [s390] dump on panic support (Jan Glauber ) [228050, 227841]
- [pci] include devices in NIC ordering patch and fix whitespace (Andy Gospodarek ) [226902]
- [ext3] handle orphan inodes vs. readonly snapshots (Eric Sandeen ) [231553]
- [fs] - Fix error handling in check_partition(), again (Eric Sandeen ) [231518]
- [ipv6] /proc/net/anycast6 unbalanced inet6_dev refcnt (Andy Gospodarek ) [231310]
- [s390] kprobes breaks BUG_ON (Jan Glauber ) [231155]
- [edac] add support for revision F processors (Aristeu Rozanski ) [202622]
- [scsi] blacklist touch-up (Chip Coldwell ) [232074]
- [gfs2] remove an incorrect assert (Steven Whitehouse ) [229873]
- [gfs2] inconsistent inode number lookups (Wendy Cheng ) [229395]
- [gfs2] NFS cause recursive locking (Wendy Cheng ) [229349]
- [gfs2] NFS v2 mount failure (Wendy Cheng ) [229345]
- [s390] direct yield for spinlocks on s390 (Jan Glauber ) [228869]
- [s390] crypto support for 3592 tape devices (Jan Glauber ) [228035]
- [cpu-hotplug] make and module insertion script cause a panic (Konrad Rzeszutek ) [217583]
- [s390] runtime switch for dasd erp logging (Jan Glauber ) [228034]
- [suspend] Fix x86_64/relocatable kernel/swsusp breakage. (Nigel Cunningham ) [215954]
- [ext3] buffer: memorder fix (Eric Sandeen ) [225172]
- [scsi] fix incorrect last scatg length (David Milburn ) [219838]
- [usb]: airprime driver corrupts ppp session for EVDO card (Jon Masters ) [222443]
- [misc] Fix race in efi variable delete code (Prarit Bhargava ) [223796]
- [ext3] return ENOENT from ext3_link when racing with unlink (Eric Sandeen ) [219650]
- [scsi] Missing PCI Device in aic79xx driver (Chip Coldwell ) [220603]
- [acpi]: Fix ACPI PCI root bridge querying time (Prarit Bhargava ) [218799]
- [kdump]: Simple bounds checking for crashkernel args (Prarit Bhargava ) [222314]
- [misc] longer CD timeout (Erik Jacobson ) [222362]
- [nfs] Disabling protocols when starting NFS server is broken. (Steve Dickson ) [220894]
- [s390] page_mkclean causes data corruption on s390 (Jan Glauber ) [235373]

* Wed Apr 04 2007 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-14.el5]
- [ppc] reduce num_pmcs to 6 for Power6 (Janice M. Girouard ) [220114]
- [sched] remove __cpuinitdata from cpu_isolated_map (Jeff Burke ) [220069]
- [gfs2] corrrectly display revalidated directories (Robert Peterson ) [222302]
- [gfs2] fix softlockups (Josef Whiter ) [229080]
- [gfs2] occasional panic in gfs2_unlink while running bonnie++ (Steven Whitehouse ) [229831]
- [gfs2] Shrink gfs2 in-core inode size (Steven Whitehouse ) [230693]
- [GFS2] Fix list corruption in lops.c (Steven Whitehouse ) [226994]
- [gfs2] fix missing unlock_page() (Steven Whitehouse ) [224686]
- [dlm] make lock_dlm drop_count tunable in sysfs (David Teigland ) [224460]
- [dlm] increase default lock limit (David Teigland ) [224460]
- [dlm] can miss clearing resend flag (David Teigland ) [223522]
- [dlm] fix master recovery (David Teigland ) [222307]
- [dlm] fix user unlocking (David Teigland ) [219388]
- [dlm] saved dlm message can be dropped (David Teigland ) [223102]

* Tue Mar 27 2007 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-13.el5]
- [x86_64] Don't leak NT bit into next task (Dave Anderson ) [213313]
- [mm] Gdb does not accurately output the backtrace. (Dave Anderson ) [222826]
- [net] IPV6 security holes in ipv6_sockglue.c - 2 (David S. Miller ) [231517] {CVE-2007-1000}
- [net] IPV6 security holes in ipv6_sockglue.c (David S. Miller ) [231668] {CVE-2007-1388}
- [audit] GFP_KERNEL allocations in non-blocking context fix (Alexander Viro ) [228409]
- [NFS] version 2 over UDP is not working properly (Steve Dickson ) [227718]
- [x86] Fix various data declarations in cyrix.c (Prarit Bhargava ) [226855]
- [sound] Fix various data declarations in sound/drivers (Prarit Bhargava ) [227839]
- [mm] remove __initdata from initkmem_list3 (Prarit Bhargava ) [226865]

* Wed Mar 14 2007 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-12.el5]
- [xen] move xen sources out of kernel-xen-devel (Don Zickus ) [212968]
- [net] __devinit & __devexit cleanups for de2104x driver (Prarit Bhargava ) [228736]
- [video] Change rivafb_remove to __deviexit (Prarit Bhargava ) [227838]
- [x86] Reorganize smp_alternatives sections in vmlinuz (Prarit Bhargava ) [226876]
- [atm] Fix __initdata declarations in drivers/atm/he.c (Prarit Bhargava ) [227830]
- [video] Change nvidiafb_remove to __devexit (Prarit Bhargava ) [227837]
- [usb] __init to __devinit in isp116x_probe (Prarit Bhargava ) [227836]
- [rtc] __init to __devinit in rtc drivers' probe functions (Prarit Bhargava ) [227834]
- [x86] remove __init from sysenter_setup (Prarit Bhargava ) [226852]
- [irq] remove __init from noirqdebug_setup (Prarit Bhargava ) [226851]
- [x86] remove __init from efi_get_time (Prarit Bhargava ) [226849]
- [x86] Change __init to __cpuinit data in SMP code (Prarit Bhargava ) [226859]
- [x86] apic probe __init fixes (Prarit Bhargava ) [226875]
- [x86] fix apci related MODPOST warnings (Prarit Bhargava ) [226845]
- [serial] change serial8250_console_setup to __init (Prarit Bhargava ) [226869]
- [init] Break init() into two parts to avoid MODPOST warnings (Prarit Bhargava ) [226829]
- [x86] declare functions __init to avoid  compile warnings (Prarit Bhargava ) [226858]
- [x86] cpu hotplug/smpboot misc MODPOST warning fixes (Prarit Bhargava ) [226826]
- [x86] Fix boot_params and .pci_fixup warnings (Prarit Bhargava ) [226824 226874]
- [xen] Enable Xen booting on machines with > 64G (Chris Lalancette ) [220592]
- [utrace] exploit and unkillable cpu fixes (Roland McGrath ) [229886]
- [pcmcia] buffer overflow in omnikey cardman driver    (Don Howard ) [227478]

* Fri Feb 23 2007 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-10.el5]
- [cpufreq] Remove __initdata from tscsync (Prarit Bhargava ) [223017]
- [security] Fix key serial number collision problem (David Howells ) [227497] {CVE-2007-0006}
- [fs] core dump of read-only binarys (Don Howard ) [228886] {CVE-2007-0958}

* Thu Feb 23 2007 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-9.el5]
- enable debug options

* Thu Jan 25 2007 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-8.el5]
- quiet down the console_loglevel (Don Zickus) [224613]

* Thu Jan 25 2007 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-7.el5]
- xen: fix TLB flushing in shadow pagetable mode (Rik van Riel ) [224227]

* Tue Jan 23 2007 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-6.el5]
- Update: xen: Add PACKET_AUXDATA cmsg (Herbert Xu ) [223505]

* Tue Jan 23 2007 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-5.el5]
- x86: /proc/mtrr interface MTRR bug fix (Bhavana Nagendra ) [223821]
- Revert: bonding: eliminate rtnl assertion spew (Andy Gospodarek ) [210577]
- ia64: Check for TIO errors on shub2 Altix (George Beshers ) [223529]
- nfs: Unable to mount more than 1 Secure NFS mount (Steve Dickson ) [220649]

* Wed Jan 17 2007 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-4.el5]
- IPSec: incorrect return code in xfrm_policy_lookup (Eric Paris ) [218591]
- more kabi whitelist updates (Jon Masters)

* Tue Jan 16 2007 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-3.el5]
- scsi: fix EX8350 panic (stex.ko) (Jun'ichi Nick Nomura ) [220783]
- Audit: Mask upper bits on 32 bit syscall auditing on ppc64 (Eric Paris ) [213276]

* Mon Jan 15 2007 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-2.el5]
- mm: handle mapping of memory without a struct page backing it (Erik Jacobson ) [221029]
- rng: check to see if bios locked device (Erik Jacobson ) [221029]
- sata: support legacy IDE mode of SB600 SATA (Bhavana Nagendra ) [221636]
- xen: quick fix for Cannot allocate memory (Steven Rostedt ) [217056]
- XEN: Register PIT handlers to the correct domain (Herbert Xu ) [222520]
- SATA AHCI: support AHCI class code (Jeff Garzik ) [222674]
- fix vdso in core dumps (Roland McGrath ) [211744]

* Fri Jan 12 2007 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-1.3014.el5]
- XEN: Replace inappropriate domain_crash_synchronous use (Herbert Xu ) [221239]
- SATA timeout boot message  (Peter Martuccelli ) [222108]
- Netlabel: off by one and init bug in netlbl_cipsov4_add_common (Eric Paris ) [221648]
- NetLabel: fix locking issues (Eric Paris ) [221504]
- mm: fix statistics in vmscan.c (Peter Zijlstra ) [222030]
- usb: Sun/AMI virtual floppy issue (Pete Zaitcev ) [219628]
- bonding: eliminate rtnl assertion spew (Andy Gospodarek ) [210577]
- Xen: Make HVM hypercall table NR_hypercalls entries big. (Herbert Xu ) [221818]
- xen: Add PACKET_AUXDATA cmsg (Herbert Xu ) [219681]

* Wed Jan 10 2007 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-1.3002.el5]
- ppc64: initialization of hotplug memory fixes (Janice M. Girouard ) [220065]
- GFS2: return error for NULL inode (Russell Cattelan ) [217008]
- scsi: prevent sym53c1510 from claiming the wrong pci id (Chip Coldwell ) [218623]
- net: Disable the qla3xxx network driver. (Tom Coughlan ) [221328]
- xen: Disable CONFIG_IDE_GENERIC (Jarod Wilson ) [220099]
- sound: add support for STAC9205 codec (John Feeney ) [219494]
- ipv6: panic when bringing up multiple interfaces (Thomas Graf ) [218039]
- XFRM Audit: correct xfrm auditing panic (Eric Paris ) [222033]
- edac: fix /proc/bus/pci/devices to allow X to start (John Feeney ) [219288]
- x86_64: clear_kernel_mapping: mapping has been split. will leak memory. (Larry Woodman ) [218543]
- xen: >4G guest fix (Steven Rostedt ) [217770]
-  fs: listxattr syscall can corrupt user space programs (Eric Sandeen ) [220119]
- CacheFiles: Fix object struct recycling (David Howells ) [215599]
- Remove capability requirement to reading cap-bound (Eric Paris ) [219230]
- disable building ppc64iseries (Don Zickus) [219185]
- update: utrace fixes (Roland McGrath) [214405 215052 216150 209118]
- PPC config file changes for IPMI and DTLK (Peter Martuccelli ) [210214]
- update: Xen: emulate PIT channels for vbios support (Stephen C. Tweedie ) [215647]
- net: qla3xxx panics when eth1 is sending pings (Konrad Rzeszutek ) [220246]
- s390: inflate spinlock kabi (Jan Glauber ) [219871]
- x86: Add panic on unrecovered NMI (Prarit Bhargava ) [220829]
- ppc64: fix booting kdump env. w/maxcpus=1 on power5 (Jarod Wilson ) [207300]
- netfilter: iptables stop fails because ip_conntrack cannot unload. (Thomas Graf ) [212839]
- gfs: Fix gfs2_rename lock ordering (for local filesystem) (Wendy Cheng ) [221237]
- GFS2: Fix ordering of page disposal vs. glock_dq (Steven Whitehouse ) [220117]
- xen: fix nosegneg detection (Rik van Riel ) [220675]
- mm: Fix for shmem_truncate_range() BUG_ON() (Larry Woodman ) [219821]
- x86_64: enabling lockdep hangs the system (Don Zickus ) [221198]
- dlm: change some log_error to log_debug (David Teigland ) [221326]
- dlm: disable debugging output (David Teigland ) [221326]
- fs: ext2_check_page denial of service (Eric Sandeen ) [217018]
- CPEI - prevent relocating hotplug irqs (Kei Tokunaga ) [218520]
- Networking: make inet->is_icsk assignment binary (Eric Paris ) [220482]
- net: b44: phy reset problem that leads to link flap  (Neil Horman ) [216338]
- autofs - fix panic on mount fail - missing autofs module update (Ian Kent ) [221118]
- net: act_gact: division by zero (Thomas Graf ) [218348]
- ppc64: Avoid panic when taking altivec exceptions from userspace. (David Woodhouse ) [220586]

* Wed Jan 03 2007 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-1.2961.el5]
- new set of kabi whitelists (Jon Masters) [218682]
- x86: remove unwinder patches from x86/x86_64 (Don Zickus ) [220238]
- usb: disable ub and libusual (Pete Zaitcev ) [210026]
- NetLabel: stricter configuration checking (Eric Paris ) [219393]
- scsi: fix iscsi sense len handling (Mike Christie ) [217933]
- Xen: emulate PIT channels for vbios support (Stephen C. Tweedie ) [215647]
- VM: Fix nasty and subtle race in shared mmap'ed page writeback (Eric Sandeen ) [220963]
- Audit: Add type for 3rd party, emit key for audit events (Eric Paris ) [217958]
- NFS: system stall on NFS stress under high memory  pressure (Steve Dickson ) [213137]
- netfilter: IPv6/IP6Tables Vulnerabilities (Thomas Graf ) [220483]
- acpi: increase ACPI_MAX_REFERENCE_COUNT (Doug Chapman ) [217741]
- Race condition in mincore can cause ps -ef to hang (Doug Chapman ) [220480]
- Call init_timer() for ISDN PPP CCP reset state timer (Marcel Holtmann ) [220163]
- Race condition concerning VLAPIC interrupts (Bhavana Nagendra ) [213858]

* Tue Jan 02 2007 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-1.2943.el5]
- CIFS: Explicitly set stat->blksize (Steve Dickson ) [210608]
- FS-Cache: dueling read/write processes fix (Steve Dickson ) [212831]
- xen: Use swiotlb mask for coherent mappings too (Herbert Xu ) [216472]
- ia64: Kexec, Kdump on SGI IA64 NUMA machines fixes (George Beshers ) [219091]
- splice : Must fully check for fifos (Don Zickus ) [214289]
- Xen: Fix potential grant entry leaks on error (Herbert Xu ) [217993]
- e1000: truncated TSO TCP header with 82544, workaround (Herbert Xu ) [206540]
- scsi: fix bus reset in qla1280 driver (George Beshers ) [219819]
- scsi: add qla4032 and fix some bugs (Mike Christie ) [213807]
- XFRM: Config Change Auditing (Eric Paris ) [209520]
- Xen: ia64 guest networking finally works (Jarod Wilson ) [218895]
- scsi structs for future known features and fixes (Mike Christie ) [220458]
- squashfs fixup (Steve Grubb ) [219534]
- ppc64: DLPAR virtual CPU removal failure - cppr bits (Janice M. Girouard ) [218058]
- ia64: allow HP ZX1 systems to initalize swiotlb in kdump (Neil Horman ) [220064]
- export tasklist_lock (David Howells ) [207992]
- gfs2: Initialization of security/acls (Steven Whitehouse ) [206126]
- x86: handle _PSS object range corectly in speedstep-centrino (Brian Maly ) [211690]
- GFS2 change nlink panic (Wendy Cheng ) [215088]
- scsi: fix oops in iscsi packet transfer path (Mike Christie ) [215381]
- Fix Emulex lpfc ioctl on PPC (Tom Coughlan ) [219194]
- Xen: Fix agp on x86_64 under Xen (Stephen C. Tweedie ) [217715]
- Emulex lpfc update to (Tom Coughlan ) [218243]
- bluetooth: Add packet size checks for CAPI messages (Marcel Holtmann ) [219139]
- x86_64: create Calgary boot knob (Konrad Rzeszutek ) [220078]
- cciss bugfixes (Tom Coughlan ) [185021]
- ia64: Do not call SN_SAL_SET_CPU_NUMBER twice on cpu 0 on booting (Erik Jacobson ) [219722]
- scsi: Empty /sys/class/scsi_host/hostX/config  file (Janice M. Girouard ) [210239]
- refresh: Reduce iommu page size to 4K on 64K page PPC systems (Janice M. Girouard) [212097]
- update: Xen netback: Reenable TX queueing and drop pkts after timeout (Herbert Xu ) [216441]

* Sun Dec 17 2006 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-1.2910.el5]
- xen: Update xen paravirt framebuffer to upstream protocol (fixes) (Stephen C. Tweedie ) [218048]
- xen: Update xen paravirt framebuffer to upstream protocol (Stephen C. Tweedie ) [218048]
- nfs: disable Solaris NFS_ACL version 2  (Steve Dickson ) [215073]
- xen: EXPORT_SYMBOL(zap_page_range) needs to be moved (Stephen C. Tweedie ) [218476]
- ppc64: disable unused drivers that cause oops on insmod/rmmod (Janice M. Girouard ) [206658]
- scsi: GoVault not accessible due to software reset. (Konrad Rzeszutek ) [215567]
- GFS2 fix DIO deadlock (Steven Whitehouse ) [212627]
- dlm: fix lost flags in stub replies (David Teigland ) [218525]
- CacheFiles: Improve/Fix reference counting (David Howells ) [212844]
- gfs2: Fails back to readpage() for stuffed files (Steven Whitehouse ) [218966]
- gfs2: Use try locks in readpages (Steven Whitehouse ) [218966]
- GFS2 Readpages fix (part 2) (Steven Whitehouse ) [218966]
- gfs2: Readpages fix  (Steven Whitehouse ) [218966]
- bonding: Don't release slaves when master is admin down (Herbert Xu ) [215887]
- x86_64: fix execshield randomization for heap (Brian Maly ) [214548]
- x86_64: check and enable NXbit support during resume (Vivek Goyal ) [215954]
- GPL export truncate_complete_page (Eric Sandeen ) [216545]
- mm: reject corrupt swapfiles earlier (Eric Sandeen ) [213118]
- QLogic qla2xxx - add missing PCI device IDs (Tom Coughlan ) [219350]
- mpt fusion bugfix and maintainability improvements (Tom Coughlan ) [213736]
- scsi: make fc transport removal of target configurable (Mike Christie ) [215797]
- gfs2: don't try to lockfs after shutdown (Steven Whitehouse ) [215962]
- xen: emulation for accesses faulting on a page boundary (Stephen C. Tweedie ) [219275]
- gfs2: dirent format compatible with gfs1 (Steven Whitehouse ) [219266]
- gfs2: Fix size caclulation passed to the allocator. (Russell Cattelan ) [218950]
- ia64: PAL_GET_PSTATE implementation (Prarit Bhargava ) [184896]
- CacheFiles: Handle ENOSPC on create/mkdir better (David Howells) [212844]
- connector: exessive unaligned access (Erik Jacobson ) [218882]
- revert: Audit: Add type for 3rd party, emit key for audit events (Eric Paris ) [217958]

* Wed Dec 13 2006 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-1.2876.el5]
- touch softdog during oops (Dave Jones ) [218109]
- selinux: allow quoted commas for certain catagories in context mounts (Eric Paris ) [211857]
- xen: oprofile on Intel CORE (Glauber de Oliveira Costa ) [213964]
- Xen: make ballooning work right (xen part) (Rik van Riel ) [212069]
- Xen: make ballooning work right (Rik van Riel ) [212069]
- Xen: HVM crashes on IA32e SMP (Glauber de Oliveira Costa ) [214774]
- gfs2: Fix uninitialised variable (Steven Whitehouse ) [219212]
- GFS2: Don't flush everything on fdatasync (Steven Whitehouse ) [218770]
- Disable PCI mmconf and segmentation on HP xw9300/9400 (Bhavana Nagendra ) [219159]
- Audit: Add type for 3rd party, emit key for audit events (Eric Paris ) [217958]
- Fix time skew on Intel Core 2 processors (Prarit Bhargava ) [213050]
- Xen : Fix for SMP Xen guest slow boot issue on AMD systems (Bhavana Nagendra ) [213138]
- GFS2: fix mount failure (Josef Whiter ) [218327]
- cramfs: fix zlib_inflate oops with corrupted image (Eric Sandeen ) [214705]
- xen: Fix xen swiotlb for b44 module (xen part) (Stephen C. Tweedie ) [216472]
- xen: Fix xen swiotlb for b44 module (Stephen C. Tweedie ) [216472]
- scsi: fix stex_intr signature (Peter Zijlstra ) [219370]
- GFS2: Fix recursive locking in gfs2_permission (Steven Whitehouse ) [218478]
- GFS2: Fix recursive locking in gfs2_getattr (Steven Whitehouse ) [218479]
- cifs: Fix mount failure when domain not specified (Steve Dickson ) [218322]
- GFS2: Fix memory allocation in glock.c (Steven Whitehouse ) [204364]
- gfs2: Fix journal flush problem (Steven Whitehouse ) [203705]
- gfs2: Simplify glops functions (Steven Whitehouse ) [203705]
- gfs2: Fix incorrect fs sync behaviour (Steven Whitehouse ) [203705]
- fix check_partition routines to continue on errors (David Milburn ) [210234]
- fix rescan_partitions to return errors properly (David Milburn ) [210234]
- gfs2: Tidy up bmap & fix boundary bug (Steven Whitehouse ) [218780]
- Fix bmap to map extents properly (Steven Whitehouse ) [218780]
- ide-scsi/ide-cdrom module load race fix (Alan Cox ) [207248]
- dlm: fix receive_request lvb copying (David Teigland ) [214595]
- dlm: fix send_args lvb copying (David Teigland ) [214595]
- device-mapper mirroring - fix sync status change (Jonathan Brassow ) [217582]
- Xen: Copy shared data before verification (Herbert Xu ) [217992]
- s390: common i/o layer fixes (Jan Glauber ) [217799]
- Spurious interrups from ESB2 in native mode (Alan Cox ) [212060]

* Wed Dec 06 2006 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-1.2839.el5]
- Xen: fix xen/ia64/vti panic when config sets maxmem (Aron Griffis ) [214161]
- Xen: ia64 making it work (Aron Griffis ) [210637]
- Xen: upstream patches to make Windows Vista work (Steven Rostedt) [214780]
- enable PCI express hotplug driver (Kei Tokunaga ) [207203]
- d80211: kABI pre-compatibility (John W. Linville ) [214982]
- Xen: ia64 kernel unaligned access (Aron Griffis ) [212505]
- Xen: getting ia64 working; kernel part (Aron Griffis) [210637]
- Xen: Properly close block frontend on non-existant file (Glauber de Oliveira Costa ) [218037]
- SHPCHP driver doesn't work if the system was under heavy load (Kei Tokunaga ) [215561]
- SHPCHP driver doesn't work in poll mode (Kei Tokunaga) [211679]
- pciehp: free_irq called twice (Kei Tokunaga ) [216940]
- pciehp: pci_disable_msi() called to early (Kei Tokunaga ) [216939]
- pciehp: parallel hotplug operations cause kernel panic (Kei Tokunaga ) [216935]
- pciehp: info messages are confusing (Kei Tokunaga ) [216932]
- pciehp: Trying to enable already enabled slot disables the slot (Kei Tokunaga ) [216930]
- CacheFiles: cachefiles_write_page() shouldn't indicate error twice (David Howells) [204570]
- IPMI - allow multiple Baseboard Management Centers (Konrad Rzeszutek ) [212572]
- nfs - set correct mode during create operation (Peter Staubach ) [215011]
- Xen: blkback: Fix potential grant entry leaks on error (Rik van Riel ) [218355]
- Xen: blkback: Copy shared data before verification (Rik van Riel) [217994]
- revert: Xen: fix SMP HVM guest timer irq delivery (Rik van Riel ) [213138]

* Tue Dec 05 2006 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-1.2817.el5]
- Adding in a kabi_whitelist (Jon Masters) [218402]
- Xen: AMD-V HVM fix for Windows hibernate (Bhavana Nagendra ) [217367]
- Xen: fix SMP HVM guest timer irq delivery (Rik van Riel ) [213138]
- NetLabel: bring current with upstream: cleanup/future work (Eric Paris ) [218097]
- NetLabel: bring current with upstream: performance (Eric Paris ) [218097]
- NetLabel: bring current with upstream: bugs (Eric Paris ) [218097]
- TG3 support Broadcom 5756M/5756ME  Controller (John Feeney ) [213204]
- tg3: BCM5752M crippled after reset (Andy Gospodarek ) [215765]
- sata ata_piix map values (Geoff Gustafson ) [204684]
- e1000: Reset all functions after a PCI error (Janice M. Girouard) [211694]
- prevent /proc/meminfo's HugePages_Rsvd from going negative. (Larry Woodman ) [217910]
- netlabel: disallow editing of ip options on packets with cipso options (Eric Paris ) [213062]
- xen netback: Fix wrap to zero in transmit credit scheduler. (Herbert Xu ) [217574]
- megaraid initialization fix for kdump (Jun'ichi Nick Nomura ) [208451]
- HFS: return error code in case of error (Eric Paris ) [217009]
- Xen: fix 2TB overflow in virtual disk driver (Rik van Riel ) [216556]
- e1000: fix garbled e1000 stats (Neil Horman ) [213939]
- dlm: use recovery seq number to discard old replies (David Teigland ) [215596]
- dlm: resend lock during recovery if master not ready (David Teigland ) [215596]
- dlm: check for incompatible protocol version (David Teigland ) [215596]
- NetLabel: Do not send audit messages if audit is off (Eric Paris ) [216244]
- selinux: give correct response to get_peercon() calls (Eric Paris ) [215006]
- SELinux: Fix oops with non-mls policies (Eric Paris ) [214397]
- Xen blkback: Fix first_sect check. (Rik van Riel ) [217995]
- allow the highest frequency if bios think so. (Dave Jones ) [218106]
- AGP corruption fixes. (Dave Jones ) [218107]

* Mon Dec 04 2006 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-1.2789.el5]
- Xen: fix vcpu hotplug statistics (Rik van Riel ) [209534]
- DLPAR and Hotplug not enabled (Janice M. Girouard ) [207732]
- Reduce iommu page size to 4K on 64K page PPC systems (Janice M. Girouard) [212097]
- e1000: add (2) device ids (Bruce Allan) [184864]
- power6: illegal instruction errors during install (Janice M. Girouard) [216972]
- update_flash is broken across PPC (Janice M. Girouard) [214690]
- write failure on swapout could corrupt data (Peter Zijlstra) [216194]
- IBM veth panic when buffer rolls over (Janice M. Girouard ) [214486]
- Make the x86_64 boot gdt limit exact (Steven Rostedt ) [214736]
- Xen: make netfront device permanent (Glauber de Oliveira Costa ) [216249]
- lockdep: fix ide/proc interaction (Peter Zijlstra ) [210678]
- Xen: fix iSCSI root oops on x86_64 xen domU (Rik van Riel ) [215581]
- Fix flowi clobbering (Chris Lalancette ) [216944]
- Enable netpoll/netconsole for ibmveth (Neil Horman ) [211246]
- dlm: fix size of STATUS_REPLY message (David Teigland ) [215430]
- dlm: fix add_requestqueue checking nodes list (David Teigland ) [214475]
- dlm: don't accept replies to old recovery messages (David Teigland ) [215430]
- x86_64: kdump mptable reservation fix  (Vivek Goyal ) [215417]
- Add Raritan KVM USB dongle to the USB HID blacklist (John Feeney ) [211446]
- Fix bogus warning in [un]lock_cpu_hotplug (Prarit Bhargava ) [211301]
- Xen: Avoid touching the watchdog when gone for too long (Glauber de Oliveira Costa ) [216467]
- add missing ctcmpc Makefile target (Jan Glauber ) [184608]
- remove microcode size check for i386 (Geoff Gustafson ) [214798]

* Thu Nov 30 2006 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-1.2769.el5]
- add the latest security patches (Don Zickus) [217904]
- revert: mspec failures due to memory.c bad pte problem (Erik Jacobson ) [211854]

* Wed Nov 29 2006 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-1.2767.el5]
- disable W1 config (Dave Jones ) [216176]
- Xen netback: Reenable TX queueing and drop pkts after timeout (Herbert Xu ) [216441]
- Xen: fix profiling (Rik van Riel ) [214886]
- bnx2: update firmware to correct rx problem in promisc mode (Neil Horman ) [204534]
- sound-hda: fix typo in patch_realtek.c (John W. Linville) [210691]
- Fix sys_move_pages when a NULL node list is passed. (Dave Jones ) [214295]
- proc: readdir race fix (Nobuhiro Tachino ) [211682]
- device mapper: /sys/block/dm-* entries remain after removal (Milan Broz ) [214905]
- Fix 64k page table problems on ppc specific ehca driver (Doug Ledford ) [199765]
- configfs: mutex_lock_nested() fix (Eric Sandeen ) [211506]
- CIFS: Explicitly set stat->blksize (Eric Sandeen ) [214607]
- Compute checksum properly in netpoll_send_udp (Chris Lalancette ) [214542]
- Noisy stack trace by memory hotplug on memory busy system (Kei Tokunaga ) [213066]
- catch blocks beyond pagecache limit in __getblk_slow (Eric Sandeen ) [214419]
- xen privcmd: Range-check hypercall index. (Herbert Xu ) [213178]
- strange messages around booting and acpi-memory-hotplug (Kei Tokunaga) [212231]
- Fix panic in CPU hotplug on ia64 (Prarit Bhargava ) [213455]
- Fix spinlock bad magic when removing xennet device (Chris Lalancette ) [211684]
- netlabel: various error checking cleanups (Eric Paris ) [210425]
- mspec failures due to memory.c bad pte problem (Erik Jacobson ) [211854]
- Fix autofs creating bad dentries in NFS mount (David Howells ) [216178]

* Thu Nov 09 2006 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-1.2747.el5] 
- Set HZ to 1000 for kernel and 250 for Xen (Don Zickus) [198594] 
- Custom Diagnostics kernel module fails to load on RHEL5 (Janice Girouard) [213020] 
- kernel: FS-Cache: error from cache: -105 (2nd part) (Don Zickus) [214678] 
* Mon Nov 06 2006 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-1.2746.el5] 
- configure XPC as a loadable kernel module instead of static (Erik Jacobson) [213903] 
- kernel BUG at drivers/xen/core/evtchn.c:482! (Glauber de Oliveira Costa) [210672] 
- IPv6 MRT: 'lockdep' annotation is missing? (Thomas Graf) [209313] 
- sort PCI device list breadth-first (John Feeney) [209484] 
- reenable xen pae >4GB patch (Don Zickus) 
* Sun Nov 05 2006 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-1.2745.el5] 
- disable the xen-pae patch due to compile problems

* Sun Nov 05 2006 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-1.2744.el5] 
- Kernel Panic on Initial boot of guest (Steven Rostedt) [211633] 
- kernel unable to read partition (device busy) (Peter Zijlstra) [212191] 
- QEMU always crashes (Don Zickus) [212625] 
- kernel: FS-Cache: error from cache: -105 (Steve Dickson) [212831] 
- DLM oops in kref_put when umounting (Patrick Caulfield) [213005] 
- gfs umount hung, message size too big (Patrick Caulfield) [213289] 
- CPU hotplug doesn't work trying to BSP offline (Keiichiro Tokunaga) [213324] 
- status messages ping-pong between unmounted nodes (Dave Teigland) [213682] 
- res_recover_locks_count not reset when recover_locks is aborted (Dave Teigland) [213684] 
- disable CONFIG_ISA (Don Zickus) 
* Wed Nov 01 2006 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-1.2740.el5] 
- Remove support for ipw3945 driver (Don Zickus) [195534] 
- acpiphp will not load due to unknown symbols (Prarit Bhargava) [209506] 
- Can not install rhel5 b1 on ipr dasd. (Janice Girouard) [210851] 
- Can't make SCTP connections between Xen guests (Don Zickus) [212550] 
- eHEA update to support 64K pages for Power6 (Janice Girouard) [212041] 
- Failure to boot second kernel on HP hardware (Don Zickus) [212578] 
- dlm deadlock during simultaneous mount attempts (Dave Teigland) [211914] 
- CMT-eligible ipw2200/2915 driver (John W. Linville) [184862] 
- CVE-2006-5174 copy_from_user information leak on s390 (Jan Glauber) [213568] 
- NFSv4: fs_locations support (Steve Dickson) [212352] 
- [IPv6] irrelevant rules break ipv6 routing. (Thomas Graf) [209354] 
- [IPv6] blackhole and prohibit rule types not working (Thomas Graf) [210216] 
- [KEXEC] bad offset in icache instruction crashes Montecito systems (Jarod Wilson) [212643] 
- assertion "FALSE" failed in gfs/glock.c (Dave Teigland) [211622] 
- I/O DLPAR and Hotplug not enabled in RHEL5 (Janice Girouard) [207732] 
* Thu Oct 26 2006 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-1.2739.el5] 
- SHPCHP driver doesn't work (Keiichiro Tokunaga) [210478] 
- ext3/jbd panic (Eric Sandeen) [209647] 
- Oops in nfs_cancel_commit_list (Jeff Layton) [210679] 
- kernel Soft lockup detected on corrupted ext3 filesystem (Eric Sandeen) [212053] 
- CIFS doesn't work (Steve Dickson) [211070] 
* Thu Oct 26 2006 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-1.2738.el5] 
- need to convert bd_mount_mutex on gfs2 also (Peter Zijlstra)

* Wed Oct 25 2006 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-1.2737.el5] 
- Grant table operations unsuitable for guest domains (Rik van Riel) [210489] 
- AMD-V HVM windows guest boot menu timer issue (Steven Rostedt) [209001] 
- iflags.h is not upstream (Steve Whitehouse) [211583] 
- ACPIPHP doesn't work (Keiichiro Tokunaga) [209677] 
- IBMVSCSI does not correctly reenable the CRQ (Janice Girouard) [211304] 
- librdmacm-utils failures (Doug Ledford) [210711] 
- Badness in debug_mutex_unlock at kernel/mutex-debug.c:80 (Janice Girouard) [208500] 
- Stratus memory tracking functionality needed in RHEL5 (Kimball Murray) [209173, 211604] 
* Tue Oct 24 2006 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-1.2736.el5] 
- Can't unload gnbd module, 128 references (Peter Zijlstra) [211905]
- ddruid does not recognize dasd drives (Peter Zijlstra) [210030]
* Mon Oct 23 2006 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-1.2733.el5]
- disable x86_64 dirty page tracking, it breaks some machines (Don Zickus)

* Tue Oct 17 2006 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-1.2732.el5] 
- possible recursive locking detected: cachefilesd (David Howells) [204615] 
- Stratus memory tracking functionality needed in RHEL5 (Kimball Murray) [209173] 
- nfs handled rpc error incorrectly (Steve Dickson) [207040] 
- cachefiles: inode count maintance (Steve Dickson) [209434] 
- mkinitrd: iSCSI root requires crc32c module (Mike Christie) [210232] 
- implemented sysrq-w to dump all cpus (Larry Woodman) 
- enable panic_on_oops (Dave Anderson) 
- re-enable x86_64 stack unwinder fixes (Don Zickus) 
- disable kernel debug flags (Don Zickus) 
* Tue Oct 17 2006 Stephen C. Tweedie <sct@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Fix up xen blktap merge to restore modular build

* Tue Oct 17 2006 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> 
- fix xen breakage from last night's incorrect commits

* Mon Oct 16 2006 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-1.2729.el5] 
- revert Kpobes backport from 2.6.19-rc1, it fails to compile

* Mon Oct 16 2006 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-1.2728.el5] 
- Update FC transport and Emulex lpfc Fibre Channel Driver (Tom Coughlan) [207551] 
- NFSv4 using memory after its freed fix (Steve Dickson) [206996] 
- GFS2 dirents are 'unkown' type (Steve Whitehouse) [210493] 
- Cachefs double unlock (Steve Dickson) [210701] 
- tty locking cleanup (Prarit Bhargava) [210249] 
- ibmveth fails in kdump boot (Janice Girouard - IBM on-site partner) [199129] 
- Kpobes backport from 2.6.19-rc1 (Anil S Keshavamurthy) [210555] 
- Ia64 - kprobe opcode must reside on 16 bytes alignment (Anil S Keshavamurthy) [210552] 
- GFS2 forgets to unmap pages (Steve Whitehouse) [207764] 
- DIO needs to avoid using page cache (Jeffrey Moyer) [207061] 
- megaraid_sas: update (Chip Coldwell) [209463] 
- NFS data corruption (Steve Dickson) [210071] 
- page align bss sections on x86_64 (Vivek Goyal) [210499] 
- blkbk/netbk modules don't load (Aron Griffis) [210070] 
- blktap does not build on ia64 (Aron Griffis) [208895] 
- blkbk/netbk modules don't load (Rik van Riel) [202971] 
- patches from xen-ia64-unstable (Rik van Riel) [210637] 
- Xen version strings need to reflect exact Red Hat build number (Stephen Tweedie) [211003] 
- updated to stable series (Don Zickus) 
- updated execshield patch (Don Zickus) 
- revert CONFIG_PCI_CALGARY_IOMMU config (Don Zickus) 
- disable CONFIG_MAMBO (Don Zickus) 
* Thu Oct 12 2006 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-1.2727.el5] 
- I/O errors with dm-multipath when adding new path (Alasdair Kergon) [169302] 
- Kdump on i386 fails - Second kernel panics (Vivek Goyal) [207598] 
- patch to qla4xxx for supporting ioctl module (Mike Christie) [207356] 
- lockdep fixes (Peter Zijlstra) [208165 209135 204767] 
- printk cleanup (Dave Jones) 
- spec file cleanup (Dave Jones, Bill Nottingham) 
- gfs-dlm fix (Patrick Caulfield) 
- find-provides fix (Jon Masters) 
* Wed Oct 11 2006 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-1.2726.el5] 
- need to disable all cpu frequency scaling drivers in Xen kernel (Rik van Riel) [210336 208942] 
- radeon hangs DMA when CONFIG_CALGARY_IOMMU is build in kernel. (Konrad Rzeszutek) [210380] 
- Got Call Trace message when remove veth module (Janice Girouard) [208938] 
- cannot generate kABI deps unless kernel is installed (Jon Masters) [203926] 
- ctcmpc driver (Jan Glauber) [184608] 
- PTRACE_DETACH doesn't deliver signals under utrace. (Aristeu S. Rozanski F.) [207674] 
- SG_SCATTER_SZ causing Oops during scsi disk microcode update (Doug Ledford) [207146] 
- ia64 kprobe fixes (David Smith) 
* Tue Oct 10 2006 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-1.2725.el5] 
- Duplicate dput in sysfs_update_file can cause a panic. (Prarit Bhargava) [209454] 
- Lock issue with 2.6.18-1.2702.el5, NetworkManager and ipw3945 (John W. Linville) [208890] 
- cpqarray module fails to detect arrays (Chip Coldwell) [205653] 
- stex.c driver for Promise SuperTrak EX is missing (Jeff Garzik) [209179] 
- NetLabel does not audit configuration changes (Eric Paris) [208456] 
- NetLabel has a race problem in the cache (Eric Paris) [209324] 
- kernel/lockdep.c:1814/trace_hardirqs_on() (Not tainted) for APM (Peter Zijlstra) [209480] 
-  correct netlabel secid for packets without a known label (Eric Paris) [210032] 
- IPSec information leak with labeled networking (Eric Paris) [209171] 
- NetLabel hot-add memory confict pre-beta2 kenrel x86_64 (Konrad Rzeszutek) [208445] 
- NFS data corruption (Steve Dickson) [210071] 
- kernel dm multipath: ioctl support (Alasdair Kergon) [207575] 
- kernel dm: fix alloc_dev error path (Alasdair Kergon) [209660] 
- kernel dm snapshot: fix invalidation ENOMEM (Alasdair Kergon) [209661] 
- kernel dm snapshot: chunk_size parameter is not required after creation (Alasdair Kergon) [209840] 
- kernel dm snapshot: fix metadata error handling (Alasdair Kergon) [209842] 
- kernel dm snapshot: fix metadata writing when suspending (Alasdair Kergon) [209843] 
- kernel dm: full snapshot removal attempt causes a seg fault/kernel bug (Alasdair Kergon) [204796] 
- dm mirror: remove trailing space from table (Alasdair Kergon) [209848] 
- kernel dm: add uevent change event on resume (Alasdair Kergon) [209849] 
- kernel dm crypt: Provide a mechanism to clear key while device suspended (Milan Broz) [185471] 
- kernel dm: use private biosets to avoid deadlock under memory pressure (Alasdair Kergon) [209851] 
- kernel dm: add feature flags to structures for future kABI compatibility (Alasdair Kergon) [208543] 
- kernel dm: application visible I/O errors with dm-multipath and queue_if_no_path when adding new path (Alasdair Kergon) [169302] 
- refresh ia64-kexec-kdump patch (Don Zickus) 
- update exec-shield patch (Don Zickus) 
- revert x86 unwinder fixes (Don Zickus) 
* Mon Oct 09 2006 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-1.2722.el5]  
- update utrace patch to fix s390 build problems
- ia64 hotswap cpu patch fixes to compile under xen
- ia64 export fixes

* Mon Oct 09 2006 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-1.2718.el5]  
- Audit Filtering on PPID for = and != is inverted (Eric Paris) [206425] 
- Adding Hitachi SANRISE entries into SCSI white list (Chip Coldwell) [206532] 
- forward port of SCSI blacklist from RHEL4 (Chip Coldwell) [208256] 
- Need to add ALSA support for Broadwater platform (John W. Linville) [184855] 
- /proc/<pid>/smaps doesn't give any data (Alexander Viro) [208589] 
- ACPI based CPU hotplug causes kernel panic (Keiichiro Tokunaga) [208487] 
- New infiniband 12x power driver opensourced from IBM (Janice Girouard) [184791] 
- iscsi oops when connection creation fails (Mike Christie) [209006] 
- nommconf work-around still needed for AMD chipsets (Jim Baker) [207396] 
- ProPack XPMEM exported symbols (Greg Edwards) [206215] 
- PCI error recovery bug in e100 and e1000 cards (John W. Linville) [208187] 
- / on raid fails to boot post-install system (Jan Glauber) [196943] 
- auditctl fails to reject malformed ARCH filter (Eric Paris) [206427] 
- oom-killer updates (Larry Woodman) [208583] 
- NFS is revalidating directory entries too often (Steve Dickson) [205454] 
- kernel-xen cannot reboot (Stephen Tweedie) [209841] 
- Unsupported FS's in RHEL 5 Beta 1 (Don Zickus) [206486] 
* Thu Oct 05 2006 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-1.2717.el5] 
- patch fix for RDSCTP (Don Zickus)

* Thu Oct 05 2006 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-1.2715.el5] 
- RDTSCP Support (Bhavana Nagendra) [185057] 
- s390 kprobe on larl instruction crashes system (Jan Glauber) [205738] 
- single stepping is broken when kprobes is configured (Jan Glauber) [205739] 
- autofs kernel patches resulting from Connectathon testing (Ian Kent) [206952] 
- Include the qla3xxx networking driver (Konrad Rzeszutek) [208182] 
- overzealous sanity checking in sys_poll() (Chris Snook) [204705] 
- automounter cannot shutdown when timeout=0 (Ian Kent) [205836] 
- Rewrite of journaling data commit code (Eric Sandeen) [207739] 
- qla4xxx soft lockup when ethernet cable disconnected (Mike Christie) [206063] 
- hypfs_kill_super() check for initialized root inode (Jan Glauber) [207717] 
- The Matrox graphics driver is not built (Janice Girouard) [207200] 
* Mon Oct 02 2006 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> [2.6.18-1.2714.el5] 
- Wrong SELinux context prevents hidd from working (David Woodhouse) [204655] 
- nfs connectathon component basic test 6 fails.... (Steve Dickson) [208637] 
- unstick STICKY bit to fix suspend/resume (Dave Jones) 
* Fri Sep 29 2006 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx>
- fix up ipv6 multiple routing table patch

* Thu Sep 28 2006 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> 
- s390 ccs/ccw subsystem does not have proper uevent support (Pete Zaitcev) [199994] 
- 'Cannot allocate memory' when cat /proc/scsi/scsi (Chip Coldwell) [200299] 
- Add support for Kirkwood and Kirkwood LP NICs (John W. Linville) [207776] 
- remove userspace support from qla4xxx (Mike Christie) [206063] 
- NetLabel interface has changed in the upstream kernels (Eric Paris) [208119] 
- lockdep fixes (Peter Zijlstra) [208304 204795] 
* Thu Sep 28 2006 Steven Whitehouse <swhiteho@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Updated GFS2/DLM patch

* Wed Sep 27 2006 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> 
-Multiple routing tables for IPv6 (Thomas Graf) [179612] 
-bunch of lockdep fixes (Peter Zijlstra) [200520 208294 208293 208292 208290] 
-rearrange the cachefs patches for easier future maintance (Steve Dickson) 
-enable some TCP congestion algorithms (David Miller) 
-add a test patch (Eric Paris) 
* Tue Sep 26 2006 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Need to add the sata sas bits
* Tue Sep 26 2006 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx> 
-Native SAS and SATA device support - SATA/IDE converter (Janice Girouard) [196336] 
-kernel unaligned access messages in rhel5a1 (Prarit Bhargava) [198572] 
-problems with LUNs mapped at LUN0 with iscsi and netapp filers (Mike Christie) [205802] 
-ext3 fails to mount a 16T filesystem due to overflows (Eric Sandeen) [206721] 
-possible recursive locking detected - swapper/1 (Peter Zijlstra) [203098] 
-FS-Cache: error from cache: -28 (David Howells) [204614] 
-aic94xx driver does not recognise SAS drives in x366 (Konrad Rzeszutek) [206526] 
-Support for 3945 driver (John W. Linville) [195534] 
-Memory Hotplug fails due to relocatable kernel patches (Vivek Goyal) [207596] 
-Potential overflow in jbd for filesystems > 8T (Eric Sandeen) [208024] 
-2,4-node x460 halts during bootup after installation (Konrad Rzeszutek) [203971] 
* Mon Sep 25 2006 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx>
- fix x86 relocatable patch (again) to build properly

* Mon Sep 25 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Disable 31bit s390 kernel builds.

* Mon Sep 25 2006 Jarod Wilson <jwilson@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Make kernel packages own initrd files

* Mon Sep 25 2006 John W. Linville <linville@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Add periodic work fix for bcm43xx driver

* Sat Sep 23 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Disable dgrs driver.

* Fri Sep 22 2006 David Woodhouse <dwmw2@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Fix PowerPC audit syscall success/failure check (#204927)
- Remove offsetof() from <linux/stddef.h> (#207569)
- One line per header in Kbuild files to reduce conflicts
- Fix visibility of ptrace operations on ppc32
- Fix ppc32 SECCOMP

* Thu Sep 21 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- reiserfs: make sure all dentry refs are released before
  calling kill_block_super
- Fix up some compile warnings

* Thu Sep 21 2006 Mike Christie <mchristie@xxxxxxxxxx>
- clean up spec file.

* Thu Sep 21 2006 Mike Christie <mchristie@xxxxxxxxxx>
- drop 2.6.18-rc iscsi patch for rebase

* Wed Sep 20 2006 Juan Quintela <quintela@xxxxxxxxxx>
- xen HV printf rate limit (rostedt).
- xen HV update to xen-unstable cset11540:9837ff37e354
- xen-update:
  * linux-2.6 changeset:   34294:dc1d277d06e0
  * linux-2.6-xen-fedora changeset:   36184:47c098fdce14
  * xen-unstable changeset:   11540:9837ff37e354

* Wed Sep 20 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.18
- i965 AGP suspend support.
- AGP x8 fixes.

* Tue Sep 19 2006 Juan Quintela <quintela@xxxxxxxxxx>
- xen update to 2.6.18-rc7-git4.
  * linux-2.6 changeset: 34288:3fa5ab23fee7
  * linux-2.6-xen-fedora changeset: 36175:275f8c0b6342
  * xen-unstable changeset: 11486:d8bceca5f07d

* Tue Sep 19 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.18rc7-git4
- Further lockdep fixes. (#207064)

* Tue Sep 19 2006 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx>
- EXT3 overflows at 16TB (#206721)

* Tue Sep 19 2006 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Increase nodes supported on ia64 (#203184)
- Powernow K8 Clock fix (#204354)
- NetLabel fixes

* Mon Sep 18 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Fix RTC lockdep bug. (Peter Zijlstra)

* Mon Sep 18 2006 Juan Quintela <quintela@xxxxxxxxxx>
- xen HV update (cset 11470:2b8dc69744e3).

* Mon Sep 18 2006 David Woodhouse <dwmw2@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Fix various Bluetooth compat ioctls

* Sun Sep 17 2006 Juan Quintela <quintela@xxxxxxxxxx>
- xen update:
  * linux-2.6 changeset: 34228:ea3369ba1e2c
  * linux-2.6-xen-fedora changeset: 36107:47256dbb1583
  * linux-2.6-xen changeset: 22905:d8ae02f7df05
  * xen-unstable changeset: 11460:1ece34466781ec55f41fd29d53f6dafd208ba2fa

* Sun Sep 17 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Fix task->mm refcounting bug in execshield. (#191094)
- 2.6.18rc7-git2
- 586 SMP support.

* Sat Sep 16 2006 David Woodhouse <dwmw2@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Implement futex primitives on IA64 and wire up [gs]et_robust_list again
  (patch from Jakub, #206613)

* Fri Sep 15 2006 Mike Christie <mchristie@xxxxxxxxxx>
- fix slab corruption when starting qla4xxx with iscsid not started.

* Thu Sep 14 2006 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx>
- add include/asm-x86_64/const.h to exported header file list
  used by the x86 relocatable patch (inside include/asm-x86_64/page.h)
* Thu Sep 14 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- kprobe changes to make systemtap's life easier.

* Thu Sep 14 2006 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx>
- sync up beta1 fixes and patches
   - includes infiniband driver
   - aic9400/adp94xx updates
   - squashfs s390 fix
- include x86 relocatable patch at end of list
- some /proc/kcore changes for x86 relocatable kernel
* Thu Sep 14 2006 David Woodhouse <dwmw2@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.18rc7-git1
- header file fixups
- use correct arch for 'make headers_install' when cross-building

* Wed Sep 13 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.18rc7

* Tue Sep 12 2006 David Woodhouse <dwmw2@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Export <linux/netfilter/xt_{CONN,}SECMARK.h> (#205612)

* Tue Sep 12 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.18rc6-git4
- Enable IFB driver. (#204552)
- Export copy_4K_page for ppc64

* Tue Sep 12 2006 David Woodhouse <dwmw2@xxxxxxxxxx>
- GFS2 update

* Mon Sep 11 2006 Roland McGrath <roland@xxxxxxxxxx>
- s390 single-step fix

* Mon Sep 11 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Add a PCI ID to sata_via
- Intel i965 DRM support.
- Fix NFS/Selinux oops. (#204848)

* Sat Sep  9 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.18rc6-git3

* Fri Sep  8 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.18rc6-git2

* Thu Sep  7 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.18rc6-git1
- GFS2/DLM updates.

* Wed Sep  6 2006 Roland McGrath <roland@xxxxxxxxxx>
- New utrace patch: fix 32-bit PTRACE_PEEKUSR for FP regs on ppc64. (#205179)

* Wed Sep  6 2006 Juan Quintela <quintela@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Undo rhel5 xen patch for relocatable.

* Wed Sep  6 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- AGP support for Intel I965

* Tue Sep  5 2006 Jeremy Katz <katzj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Update xenfb based on upstream review

* Tue Sep  5 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Numerous sparse fixes to Tux.

* Tue Sep  5 2006 Mike Christie <mchristi@xxxxxxxxxx>
- update iscsi layer to what will be in 2.6.19-rc1

* Tue Sep  5 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- NFS lockdep fixes.
- Make ia64 Altix IDE driver built-in instead of modular. (#205282)

* Mon Sep  4 2006 Juan Quintela <quintela@xxxxxxxxxx>
- xenoprof upstream fix.
- update xen HV to cset 11394.
- xen update (3hypercall incompatibility included)
- linux-2.6 changeset: 34073:b1d36669f98d
- linux-2.6-xen-fedora changeset: 35901:b7112196674e
- xen-unstable changeset: 11204:5fc1fe79083517824d89309cc618f21302724e29
- fix ia64 (xen & net xen).

* Mon Sep  4 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.18rc6
- Drop recent NFS changes completely.

* Sun Sep  3 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Fix bogus -EIO's over NFS (#204859)
- Enable ptrace in olpc kernels. (#204958)

* Sun Sep  3 2006 Marcelo Tosatti <mtosatti@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Remove PAE, xen and kdump configs for olpc case

* Sun Sep  3 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.18rc5-git7

* Sat Sep  2 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Fix up typo in tux.patch
- 2.6.18rc5-git6

* Wed Aug 30 2006 Juan Quintela <quintela@xxxxxxxxxx>
- update xen-hv to cset 11256 (pre 3 hypercall breakage).
- remove debug=y from HV compilation.
- xen update (pre 3 hypercall breakage)
  * linux-2.6 changeset: 33957:421a6d428e95
  * linux-2.6-xen-fedora changeset: 35756:78332fcbe5b0
  * xen-unstable changeset: 11251:5fc1fe79083517824d89309cc618f21302724e29
  * get new irqflags code from linux-2.6.tip-xen.

* Wed Aug 30 2006 Jeremy Katz <katzj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Fix up DEFAULTKERNEL for kernel-xen[0U]->kernel-xen change

* Wed Aug 30 2006 Marcelo Tosatti <mtosatti@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Fixes for DUB-E100 vB1 usb ethernet (backported from James M.)

* Tue Aug 29 2006 Jarod Wilson <jwilson@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.18-rc5-git1

* Tue Aug 29 2006 Jeremy Katz <katzj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Fix serial console with xen dom0

* Tue Aug 29 2006 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx>
- enabled EHEA driver
- x86 relocatable fixes
- audit code fixes for cachefs

* Mon Aug 28 2006 Jeremy Katz <katzj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Add updated pv framebuffer patch for Xen and re-enable the config options

* Mon Aug 28 2006 Juan Quintela <quintela@xxxxxxxxxx>
- ia64 xen fixing.

* Sun Aug 27 2006 David Woodhouse <dwmw2@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Fix V4L1 stuff in <linux/videodev.h> (#204225)

* Fri Aug 25 2006 Juan Quintela <quintela@xxxxxxxxxx>
- update xen HV to xen-unstable cset 11251.
- fix ia64 xen HV compilation.
- linux xen kernel update:
  * linux-2.6 changeset: 33681:2695586981b9
  * linux-2.6-xen-fedora changeset: 35458:b1b8e00e7a17
  * linux-2.6-xen changeset: 22861:0b726fcb6780
  * xen-unstable changeset: 11204:5fc1fe79083517824d89309cc618f21302724e29

* Fri Aug 25 2006 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx>
- build fix for ia64 kdump

* Fri Aug 25 2006 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx>
- update utrace
- more gfs2-dlm fixes
- fix xen-devel build directory issue
- add x86, x86_64 relocatable kernel patch for rhel only (davej, forgive my sins)
  - applied xen relocatable cleanup on top of it
- add ia64 kexec/kdump pieces

* Fri Aug 25 2006 Jesse Keating <jkeating@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Enable i386 for olpc so that kernel-headers is built

* Thu Aug 24 2006 David Woodhouse <dwmw2@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Update GFS2 patch (from swhiteho)
- Enable kernel-headers build
- Enable i386 build _only_ for kernel-headers

* Tue Aug 22 2006 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Another lockdep-fix
- NFS fix for the connectathon test
- Enable mmtimer for ia64
- Add support for iscsi qla4xxx

* Tue Aug 22 2006 Marcelo Tosatti <mtosatti@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Add Libertas wireless driver

* Mon Aug 21 2006 Roland McGrath <roland@xxxxxxxxxx>
- New utrace patch: experimental support for ia64, sparc64.

* Sun Aug 20 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.18rc4-git1

* Sat Aug 19 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Update to latest upstream from GregKH's git tree.

* Sat Aug 19 2006 Juan Quintela <quintela@xxxxxxxxxx>
- xen kernel update.
  * linux-2.6 changeset: 33525:dcc321d1340a
  * linux-2.6-xen-fedora changeset: 35247:400b0cf28ee4
  * linux-2.6-xen changeset: 22813:80c2ccf5c330
  * xen-unstable changeset: 11069:0340e579f06544431e915d17596ac144145a077e
- xen big config update.  Every config option is the same than normal kernel
- make sysrq c to "crash" all kernels.

* Thu Aug 17 2006 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx>
- NFS 64-bit inode support
- QLogic firmware
- SELinux support for range transitions
- EHEA ethernet driver
- ppc irq mapping fix

* Wed Aug 16 2006 Roland McGrath <roland@xxxxxxxxxx>
- New utrace patch:
  - Fix s390 single-step for real this time.
  - Revamp how arch code defines ptrace compatibility.

* Wed Aug 16 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Update to latest GregKH tree.
- Reenable debug.

* Tue Aug 15 2006 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx>
- cleanup config-rhel-generic to compile again
- removed useless options in config-rhel-generic

* Tue Aug 15 2006 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx>
- ppc64 spec cleanups

* Mon Aug 14 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Update to squashfs 3.1 which should fix stack overflows seen
  during installation.
- Merge framebuffer driver for OLPC.

* Sun Aug 13 2006 Juan Quintela <quintela@xxxxxxxxxx>
- enable ia64 xen again.
- xen kernel-update linux-2.6-xen-fedora cset 35236:70890e6e4a72.
  * fix ia64 compilation problems.

* Sat Aug 12 2006 Juan Quintela <quintela@xxxxxxxxxx>
- disable ia64 xen, it doesn't compile.
- xen HV update cset 11057:4ee64035c0a3
  (newer than that don't compile on ia64).
- update linux-2.6-xen patch to fix sort_regions on ia64.
- fix %%setup for xen HV to work at xen HV upgrades.

* Fri Aug 11 2006 Juan Quintela <quintela@xxxxxxxxxx>
- xen HV update cset 11061:80f364a5662f.
- xen kernel update
  * linux-2.6-xen-fedora cset
  * linux-2.6-xen cset 22809:d4b3aba8876df169ffd9fac1d17bd88d87eb67c5.
  * xen-unstable 11060:323eb29083e6d596800875cafe6f843b5627d77b
  * Integrate xen virtual frame buffer patch.
  * Enable CONFIG_CRASH on xen.

* Fri Aug 11 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Yet more lockdep fixes.
- Update to GregKH's daily tree.
- GFS2/DLM locking bugfix

* Thu Aug 10 2006 Roland McGrath <roland@xxxxxxxxxx>
- New utrace patch: fix ptrace synchronization issues.

* Thu Aug 10 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- GFS2/DLM update.
- Daily GregKH updates
- More lockdep fixes.

* Wed Aug  9 2006 Roland McGrath <roland@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Fix utrace_regset nits breaking s390.

* Wed Aug  9 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Another lockdep fix for networking.
- Change some hotplug PCI options.
- Daily update from GregKH's git tree.
- Unbreak SMP locking in oprofile.
- Fix hotplug CPU locking in workqueue creation.
- K8 EDAC support.
- IPsec labelling enhancements for MLS
- Netlabel: CIPSO labeled networking

* Tue Aug  8 2006 Roland McGrath <roland@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Fix utrace/ptrace interactions with SELinux.

* Tue Aug  8 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Pull post-rc4 fixes from GregKH's git tree.

* Mon Aug  7 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.18rc4

* Sun Aug  6 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.18rc3-git7

* Fri Aug  4 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.18rc3-git6
- Return of signed modules.

* Thu Aug  3 2006 Roland McGrath <roland@xxxxxxxxxx>
- New utrace patch:
  - fix s390 single-step
  - first third of ia64 support, enable CONFIG_UTRACE (no ptrace yet)

* Fri Aug  3 2006 Juan Quintela <quintela@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Update linux-2.6-xen patch.
  * linux-2.6-xen-fedora cset 34931:a3fda906fb82
  * linux-2.6-xen cset 22777:158b51d317b76ebc94d61c25ad6a01d121dff750
  * xen-unstable cset  10866:4833dc75ce4d08e2adc4c5866b945c930a96f225

* Thu Aug  3 2006 Juan Quintela <quintela@xxxxxxxxxx>
- xen hv compiled with -O2 through
- Update xen HV cset 10294.

* Thu Aug  3 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.18rc3-git3
- Fix PCI ID clash between ipr and dac960

* Thu Aug  3 2006 Jon Masters <jcm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Copy .config to include/config/auto.conf to avoid unnecessary "make prepare".
- This should finally fix #197220.
- Pulled in patch-2.6.18-rc3-git2.bz2.sign to fix SRPM build failure.

* Wed Aug  2 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.18rc3-git2
- Readd patch to allow 460800 baud on 16C950 UARTs.
- Fix backtracing for interrupt stacks

* Wed Aug  2 2006 Jeremy Katz <katzj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- add necessary ia64 hv fixes (#201040)

* Wed Aug  2 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- More GFS2 bugfixing.

* Tue Aug  1 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- s390 kprobes support.
- Fix oops in libata ata_device_add()
- Yet more fixes for lockdep triggered bugs.
- Merge numerous patches from -mm to improve software suspend.
- Fix incorrect section usage in MCE code that blew up on resume.

* Tue Aug  1 2006 Roland McGrath <roland@xxxxxxxxxx>
- fix bogus BUG_ON in ptrace_do_wait

* Tue Aug  1 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.18rc3-git1

* Tue Aug  1 2006 Juan Quintela <quintela@xxxxxxxxxx>
- disable CONFIG_DEBUG_SLAB for xen (should fix #200127).

* Mon Jul 31 2006 Roland McGrath <roland@xxxxxxxxxx>
- New utrace patch:
  - fix ptrace_do_wait deadlock (#200822, #200605)
  - arch cleanups

* Mon Jul 31 2006 Juan Quintela <quintela@xxxxxxxxxx>
- disable blktap for xen-ia64 (don't compile).
- enable ia64-xen (it compiles, but still don't boot).

* Mon Jul 31 2006 Juan Quintela <quintela@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Fix dlm s/u.generic_ip/i_private/.

* Mon Jul 31 2006 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx>
- IA64 compile fixes

* Mon Jul 31 2006 Juan Quintela <quintela@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Update xen patch to linux-2.6-xen-fedora cset 34801.
	* linux-2.6 cset 33175
	* no linux-2.6-xen updates.
- Remove xen x86_64 8 cpu limit.

* Mon Jul 31 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Numerous GFS2/DLM fixes.

* Mon Jul 31 2006 Jeremy Katz <katzj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- new ahci suspend patch

* Mon Jul 31 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- VFS: Destroy the dentries contributed by a superblock on unmounting [try #2]

* Sun Jul 30 2006 Jon Masters <jcm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Wasn't calling weak-modules properly.
- kabitool not being picked up (weird).

* Sun Jul 30 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.18rc3

* Sat Jul 29 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- lockdep fix: ipv6
- 2.6.18rc2-git7

* Fri Jul 28 2006 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Refreshed NFS caching patches
- tweaked some ppc64 kdump config options

* Fri Jul 28 2006 Jon Masters <jcm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Remove make-symsets and built-in-where as now handled by kabitool

* Fri Jul 28 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Update futex-death patch.

* Thu Jul 27 2006 Roland McGrath <roland@xxxxxxxxxx>
- s390 utrace fix

* Thu Jul 27 2006 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Enable kdump on ppc64iseries.  yeah more rpms..

* Thu Jul 27 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Add missing export for ia64 (#200396)

* Thu Jul 27 2006 Juan Quintela <quintela@xxxxxxxxxx>
- review all xen related patches.
- x86_64 dom0, x86_64 domU and i386 domU should work.
- fix xen i386 dom0 boot (#200382).

* Thu Jul 27 2006 Rik van Riel <riel@xxxxxxxxxx>
- reduce hypervisor stack use with -O2, this really fixes bug (#198932)

* Wed Jul 26 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.18rc2-git6

* Wed Jul 26 2006 Roland McGrath <roland@xxxxxxxxxx>
- New utrace patch: unsafe_exec fix; s390 build enabled (but non-working).

* Wed Jul 26 2006 Juan Quintela <quintela@xxxxxxxxxx>
- new xen patch based on linux-2.6-xen cset 22749.
  and linux-2.6 cset 33089.

* Wed Jul 26 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Enable sparsemem on ia64. (#108848)

* Wed Jul 26 2006 Juan Quintela <quintela@xxxxxxxxxx>
- update xen-hv to 10730 cset, should really fix huge timeout problems.

* Wed Jul 26 2006 Juan Quintela <quintela@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Workaround the huge timeouts problems on xen HV x86.
- xen update and cleanup/reorgatization of xen patches.

* Tue Jul 25 2006 Rik van Riel <riel@xxxxxxxxxx>
- disable debug=y hypervisor build option because of stack overflow (#198932)

* Tue Jul 25 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.18rc2-git4 & git5

* Tue Jul 25 2006 Jon Masters <jcm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Fix kabitool provided find-provides once again.

* Tue Jul 25 2006 Juan Quintela <quintela@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Use cset number instead of date for xen hypervisor.
- Update xen hypervisor to cset 10712.

* Mon Jul 24 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.18rc2-git2 & git3
- Fix PI Futex exit crash.
- Fix an inotify locking bug.
- Add device mapper mirroring patches.

* Mon Jul 24 2006 Jon Masters <jcm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Change kabideps location.

* Mon Jul 24 2006 Juan Quintela <quintela@xxxxxxxxxx>
- New xen patch, fixes gso, xenoprof, vDSO.

* Sat Jul 22 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Enable connector proc events.
- Enable PPC64 memory hotplug.
- 2.6.18rc2-git1

* Sat Jul 22 2006 Juan Quintela <quintela@xxxxxxxxxx>
- addia64-xen support, not enabled by default.
- add ia64-xen config

* Fri Jul 21 2006 Jeremy Katz <katzj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Patch from jakub to use sysv style hash for VDSO to fix booting
  on ia64 (#199634, #199595)
- Fix e1000 crc calculation for things to work with xen
- Update gfs2 patchset

* Thu Jul 20 2006 Roland McGrath <roland@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Clean up spec changes for debuginfo generation to cover Xen case.
- New version of utrace patch, fixes /proc permissions. (#199014)

* Thu Jul 20 2006 Juan Quintela <quintela@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- remove xenPAE option, as now the i686 xen kernel is PAE.

* Thu Jul 20 2006 Juan Quintela <quintela@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Fix to get xen debug info files in the right position.

* Thu Jul 20 2006 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx>
- apparently I was wrong and was fixed already

* Thu Jul 20 2006 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx>
- fixed build_debuginfo to not collect a stripped kernel

* Wed Jul 19 2006 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Add in support for nfs superblock sharing and cachefs
  patches from David Howells
- Disable 'make prepare' hack as it is breaking ppc symlinks
- Added tracking dirty pages patch from Peter Zijlstra
- Fix for Opteron timer scaling
- Fix for Calgary pci hang

* Wed Jul 19 2006 Juan Quintela <quintela@redhat>
- big xen patch.
- enable xen again.
- redo xen config.
- i686 kernel for xen uses PAE now.
- new xen Hypervisor cset 10711.

* Wed Jul 19 2006 Roland McGrath <roland@xxxxxxxxxx>
- New version of utrace patch, might fix #198780.

* Wed Jul 19 2006 Jon Masters <jcm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Workaround upstream "make prepare" bug by adding an additional prepare stage.
- Fix kabideps

* Tue Jul 18 2006 Jon Masters <jcm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Check in new version of kabitool for kernel deps.
- Fix kabitool for correct location of symvers.
- Various other fixes when things broke.

* Sun Jul 16 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Support up to 4GB in the 586 kernel again.
- Drop the FPU optimisation, it may be the reason for
  strange SIGFPE warnings various apps have been getting.

* Sat Jul 15 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Cleaned up a bunch of bogons in the config files.
- 2.6.18-rc1-git9,git10 & 2.6.18-rc2
- improvements to linked list debugging.

* Fri Jul 14 2006 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx>
- remove the ppc kdump patches

* Fri Jul 14 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.18-rc1-git8

* Thu Jul 13 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.18-rc1-git7
- More lockdep fixes.
- Fix slab corruption issue.

* Thu Jul 13 2006 Mike Christie <mchristi@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Add iscsi update being sent upstream for 2.6.18-rc2

* Thu Jul 13 2006 Roland McGrath <roland@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Fix spec typo that swallowed kdump subpackage.

* Thu Jul 13 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.18-rc1-git6

* Wed Jul 12 2006 Roland McGrath <roland@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Build separate debuginfo subpackages instead of a single one.

* Wed Jul 12 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.18-rc1-git5
- Make serial console installs on ia64 work again.
- Shrink struct inode.

* Wed Jul 12 2006 David Woodhouse <dwmw2@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Temporarily disable -headers subpackage until the problems which
  arise from brew not using older package are dealt with.

* Wed Jul 12 2006 David Woodhouse <dwmw2@xxxxxxxxxx>
- No headers subpackage for noarch build
- Fix PI-futexes to be properly unlocked on unexpected exit

* Wed Jul 12 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Add sleazy fpu optimisation.   Apps that heavily
  use floating point in theory should get faster.

* Tue Jul 11 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Add utrace. (ptrace replacement).

* Tue Jul 11 2006 David Woodhouse <dwmw2@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Build iSeries again
- Minor GFS2 update
- Enable kernel-headers subpackage

* Tue Jul 11 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.18-rc1-git4

* Mon Jul 10 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.18-rc1-git3
- Big bunch o' lockdep patches from Arjan.

* Sun Jul  9 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.18-rc1-git2

* Fri Jul  7 2006 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Unified rhel and fedora srpm

* Fri Jul  7 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Add lockdep annotate for bdev warning.
- Enable autofs4 to return fail for revalidate during lookup

* Thu Jul  6 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.18-rc1

* Wed Jul  5 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.17-git25

* Wed Jul  5 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Try out sparsemem experiment on x86-64.

* Wed Jul  5 2006 David Woodhouse <dwmw2@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Fix asm-powerpc/cputime.h for new cputime64_t stuff
- Update GFS2

* Wed Jul  5 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Further lockdep improvements.

* Wed Jul  5 2006 David Woodhouse <dwmw2@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.17-git24 (yay, headers_install)

* Tue Jul  4 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.17-git21, git22 & git23

* Sun Jul  2 2006 David Woodhouse <dwmw2@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Add ppoll() and pselect() on x86_64 again

* Sat Jul  1 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.17-git19

* Fri Jun 30 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.17-git16 & git17

* Fri Jun 30 2006 Jeremy Katz <katzj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- really fix up squashfs

* Thu Jun 29 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.17-git13, git14 & git15
- Hopefully fix up squashfs & gfs2

* Tue Jun 27 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.17-git12
- Disable the signed module patches for now, they need love.

* Mon Jun 26 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.17-git10 & git11
- Enable fake PCI hotplug driver. (#190437)
- Remove lots of 'modprobe loop's from specfile.

* Sun Jun 25 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.17-git8 & git9

* Sat Jun 24 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Enable profiling for 586 kernels.
- 2.6.17-git6 & git7
  This required lots of rediffing. SATA suspend, Promise PATA-on-SATA,
  Xen, exec-shield, and more.  Tread carefully, harmful if swallowed etc.

* Fri Jun 23 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.17-git5

* Fri Jun 23 2006 Jeremy Katz <katzj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- update to squashfs 3.0

* Thu Jun 22 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.17-git4
- Update sysconfig/kernel on x86 %%post - Robert Scheck (#196307)

* Thu Jun 22 2006 David Woodhouse <dwmw2@xxxxxxxxxx>
- MTD update

* Thu Jun 22 2006 David Woodhouse <dwmw2@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Update GFS2 patch
- Apply 'make headers_install' unconditionally now Linus has the cleanups

* Wed Jun 21 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.17-git3

* Tue Jun 20 2006 David Woodhouse <dwmw2@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Update MTD tree, Update and re-enable Geode tree
- Remove AC97 patch obsoleted by Geode tree

* Tue Jun 20 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.17-git1

* Sun Jun 18 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.17

* Sat Jun 17 2006 David Woodhouse <dwmw2@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Add Geode and MTD git trees (for OLPC)

* Thu Jun 15 2006 Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx>
- rhelbuild clean ups
- add back in support for iSeries and s390 (needed internally only)

* Thu Jun 15 2006 Jeremy Katz <katzj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- fix installation of -xen kernel on baremetal to be dom0 grub config

* Wed Jun 14 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.17-rc6-git7
- Console fixes for suspend/resume
- Drop support for PPC iseries & 31bit s390.

* Wed Jun 14 2006 Juan Quintela <quintela@xxxxxxxxxx>
- remove xen0/xenU/xen0-PAE/xenU-PAE packages
- disable xen PAE kernel for i386 for now
- create xen-PAE kernel
- remove %%requires xen from xen kernels

* Wed Jun 14 2006 Juan Quintela <quintela@xxxxxxxxxx>
- rename xen0 & xenU to single xen kernels.

* Tue Jun 13 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.17-rc6-git5
- serial/tty resume fixing.

* Mon Jun 12 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.17-rc6-git3
- autofs4 - need to invalidate children on tree mount expire

* Sun Jun 11 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.17-rc6-git2
- Add MyMusix PD-205 to the unusual USB quirk list.
- Silence noisy unimplemented 32bit syscalls on x86-64.

* Sat Jun 10 2006 Juan Quintela <quintela@xxxxxxxxxx>
- rebase xen to linux-2.6 cset 27412
- rebase xen to linux-2.6-xen cset 22608
- rebase HV cset 10314

* Fri Jun  9 2006 David Woodhouse <dwmw2@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Update GFS2 patch, export GFS2 and DLM headers

* Fri Jun  9 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Disable KGDB again, it broke serial console :(
- 2.6.17-rc6-git1

* Wed Jun  7 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Experiment: Add KGDB.
- AC97 fix for OLPC.

* Tue Jun  6 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.17rc6. Special 6/6/6 edition, what could go wrong?
- Add a kdump kernel for PPC64 (Don Zickus)

* Mon Jun  5 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Do PCI config space restore on resume in reverse.
- Make Powernow-k7 work again.
- Fix the setuid /proc/self/maps fix (#165351, #190128)

* Sun Jun  4 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.17rc5-git11

* Fri Jun  2 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Drop previous autofs4 patch, it was broken.

* Fri Jun  2 2006 Juan Quintela <quintela@xxxxxxxxxx>
- disable PAE for now
- update xen HV to xen-unstable cset 10243
- rebase xen-patch to linux-2.6-xen cset 22568
- rebase xen-patch to linux-2.6 cset 27329

* Thu Jun  1 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.17rc5-git8

* Wed May 31 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.17rc5-git7
- Ressurect V4L1, too much still depends on it.

* Tue May 30 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Fix up CFQ locking bug.
- 2.6.17rc5-git6
- Update iscsi to what will be pushed for 2.6.18

* Tue May 30 2006 Jon Masters <jcm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Add KMP enablers to kernel spec file.

* Mon May 29 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.17rc5-git5
- autofs4: spoof negative dentries from mount fails on browseable
  indirect map mount points
- Make acpi-cpufreq sticky.

* Sun May 28 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.17rc5-git4

* Sat May 27 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.17rc5-git2 & git3

* Fri May 26 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.17rc5-git1

* Thu May 25 2006 Juan Quintela <quintela@xxxxxxxxxx>
- enable xen PAE kernels for testing.
- rebase xen patch (linux-2.6-xen cset 22558, linux-2.6 cset 27227)

* Thu May 25 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.17rc5
- Merge GFS2/DLM (Steven Whitehouse)
- Remove .orig's during rpmbuild. (#192982)

* Wed May 24 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.17rc4-git13

* Wed May 24 2006 Juan Quintela <quintela@xxxxxxxxxx>
- remove xen-irq-patch included upstream.
- rebase xen hipervisor to xen-unstable cset 10140.
- rebase xen patch linux-2.6-xen cset 22552.

* Tue May 23 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.17rc4-git11

* Mon May 22 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.17rc4-git10

* Sat May 20 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.17rc4-git9

* Thu May 18 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.17rc4-git6

* Wed May 17 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.17rc4-git5

* Tue May 16 2006 Juan Quintela <quintela@xxxxxxxxxx>
- rebase xen to cset 28078.

* Sun May 16 2006 David Woodhouse <dwmw2@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.17rc4-git3

* Sun May 14 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.17rc4-git2

* Thu May 11 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.17rc4

* Tue May  9 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.17rc3-git17

* Mon May  8 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.17rc3-git15

* Sat May  6 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.17rc3-git12

* Fri May  5 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.17rc3-git11

* Fri May  5 2006 David Woodhouse <dwmw2@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Fix #190776 by rediffing the patch so it actually gets applied properly
- Fix the machine check too.

* Fri May  5 2006 David Woodhouse <dwmw2@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Remove bcm43xx-assoc-on-startup patch. I don't think the original
  problem is fixed upstream yet, but this patch causes BZ #190776.

* Fri May  5 2006 Juan Quintela <quintela@xxxxxxxxxx>
- fix irq handling on xen Hypervisor.
- rebase to linux-2.6-xen-fedora cset 27866

* Thu May  4 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.17rc3-git10

* Thu May  4 2006 Jeremy Katz <katzj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- improved ahci suspend patch from Forrest Zhao

* Wed May  3 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.17rc3-git8

* Wed May  3 2006 Juan Quintela <quintela@xxxxxxxxxx>
- rebase xen-unstable HV 9920"

* Tue May  2 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.17rc3-git6

* Tue May  2 2006 Juan Quintela <quintela@xxxxxxxxxx>
- rebase on linux-2.6 & linux-2.6-xen as of May,1st.
- new HV from xen-unstable as of 20060428.
- fixed the binaries included on xen tarball :p

* Mon May  1 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.17rc3-git4

* Sun Apr 30 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.17rc3-git3

* Fri Apr 28 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.17rc3-git2

* Fri Apr 28 2006 David Woodhouse <dwmw2@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Disable Xen on the basis that it doesn't build
- Check for Xen tarball being unclean, abort early even on i386.

* Thu Apr 27 2006 Juan Quintela <quintela@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Remove figlet by hand again.
- Enable xen again
- rebase linux-2.6-xen linux-2.6-xen
- fix & enable xenoprof

* Wed Apr 26 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.17rc3
- 2.6.17rc2-git8

* Wed Apr 26 2006 David Woodhouse <dwmw2@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Don't include /usr/include/scsi in kernel-headers for now, because
  glibc ships those for itself. Update header cleanup patches so that
  glibc actually builds against the resulting headers

* Wed Apr 26 2006 Juan Quintela <quintela@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Delete figlet form xen hypervisor.

* Wed Apr 26 2006 David Woodhouse <dwmw2@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Include kernel-headers subpackage, conditionally (and off for now)

* Wed Apr 26 2006 Juan Quintela <quintela@xxxxxxxxxx>
- rebase with last linux-2.6-xen.
- enable xen again.

* Tue Apr 25 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.17rc2-git7

* Tue Apr 25 2006 David Woodhouse <dwmw2@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Drop the last remnants of the 'make bzImage on all arches' silliness

* Sun Apr 23 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.17rc2-git5

* Sat Apr 22 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Ugly SATA suspend/resume hack de jour.

* Sat Apr 22 2006 Juan Quintela <quintela@xxxxxxxxxx>
- rebase xen.
- fix x86_64 xen (thanks chris).
- enable xen again.

* Fri Apr 21 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Make Promise PATA on SATA work again (thanks Jim Bevier)
- 2.6.17rc2-git4

* Thu Apr 20 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.17rc2-git3
- Make AHCI suspend/resume work.

* Wed Apr 19 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.17rc2-git1
- Use unicode VTs by default.

* Tue Apr 18 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.17rc2
- 2.6.17rc1-git13
- Enable DECNET to keep both users happy. (#120628)
- Enable TPM modules. (#189020)
- Enable some SGI specific ia64 options. (#188915)
- Add missing -kdump %%preuninstall (#189100)

* Mon Apr 17 2006 Juan Quintela <quintela@xxxxxxxxxx>
- enable xen again.

* Sun Apr 16 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Big rebase to 2.6.17-rc1-git12

* Fri Apr 14 2006 Juan Quintela <quintela@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Enable xen again.
- Update xen hypervisor to cset 9638.
- Update xen patch to linux-2.6.tip-xen.hg cset 26602.
- Remove/rediff lots of patches.
- x86_64 xen don't work, fixing that.

* Wed Apr 12 2006 David Woodhouse <dwmw2@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Add include/{mtd,rdma,keys} directories to kernel-devel package

* Tue Apr 11 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.17rc1-git4

* Mon Apr 10 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.17rc1-git2 & git3
- Enable SMP on all x86 kernels.
  SMP_ALTERNATIVES disables the spinlocks etc at runtime.
- setuid /proc/self/maps fix (#165351)

* Thu Apr  6 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Rebuild without a zillion warnings.

* Tue Apr  4 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Reenable non-standard serial ports. (#187466)
- Reenable snd-es18xx for x86-32 (#187733)
- Map x86 kernel to 4MB physical address.

* Mon Apr  3 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Disable 'quiet' mode.

* Sun Apr  2 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.17rc1

* Sun Apr  2 2006 James Morris <jmorris@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Rework dom0 sedf scheduler defaults patch, bz # 181856

* Sat Apr  1 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.16-git20

* Fri Mar 31 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.16-git19

* Fri Mar 31 2006 David Woodhouse <dwmw2@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Send standard WEXT events on softmac assoc/disassociation.
- OFFB udpate

* Thu Mar 30 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.16-git18

* Wed Mar 29 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.16-git16 & git17

* Tue Mar 28 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.16-git14 & git15
- reenable sky2.

* Mon Mar 27 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.16-git13
- Fix broken x86-64 32bit vDSO (#186924)

* Sat Mar 25 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.16-git10

* Fri Mar 24 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.16-git9

* Fri Mar 24 2006 David Woodhouse <dwmw2@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Fix lockup when someone takes the bcm43xx device down while it's
  scanning (#180953)

* Thu Mar 23 2006 Juan Quintela <quintela@xxxxxxxxxx>
- disable sky2 (as it is broken upstream)

* Thu Mar 23 2006 Juan Quintela <quintela@xxxxxxxxxx>
- fix xen to compile with 2.6.16-git6.

* Thu Mar 23 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.16-git6

* Wed Mar 22 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.16-git5

* Wed Mar 22 2006 David Woodhouse <dwmw2@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Update the bcm43xx driver to make it work nicely with initscripts
  and NetworkManager without user intervention.
- Fix Tux build

* Tue Mar 21 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.16-git3
- Improve spinlock scalability on big machines.

* Tue Mar 21 2006 Juan Quintela <quintela@xxxxxxxxxx>
- rebase to xen unstable cset 9334.

* Tue Mar 21 2006 Juan Quintela <quintela@xxxxxxxxxx>
- buildxen again.

* Mon Mar 20 2006 Juan Quintela <quintela@xxxxxxxxxx>
- fix xen vmx in 64 bits.

* Mon Mar 20 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.16 & 2.6.16-git1
- Tux 2.6.16-A0 (Just rediffing)
- Update Ingo's latency tracer patch.
- Update exec-shield to Ingo's latest.
  (Incorporates John Reiser's "map the vDSO intelligently" patch
   which increases the efficiency of prelinking - #162797).
- ACPI ecdt uid hack. (#185947)

* Sun Mar 19 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.16rc6-git12
- Enable EFI on x86.

* Sat Mar 18 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.16rc6-git10 & git11

* Fri Mar 17 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.16rc6-git8 & git9

* Thu Mar 16 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.16rc6-git7

* Wed Mar 15 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.16rc6-git5
- Unmark 'print_tainted' as a GPL symbol.

* Tue Mar 14 2006 Dave Jones <davej@xxxxxxxxxx>
- FC5 final kernel
- 2.6.16-rc6-git3
--- linux-2.6.orig/fs/splice.c
+++ linux-2.6/fs/splice.c
@@ -1237,6 +1237,9 @@ static int get_iovec_page_array(const st
 		if (unlikely(!base))
+		if (unlikely(!access_ok(VERIFY_READ, base, len)))
+			break;
 		 * Get this base offset and number of pages, then map
 		 * in the user pages.
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