Re: Could not connect to host box.domain.tld

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on 1/24/2008 11:32 AM Anne Wilson spake the following:
On Thursday 24 January 2008 19:22:19 Craig White wrote:

there may be a 3rd party repo that has a more recent build available but
I am not aware of such.

I'm told that atrpms has one. Do the problems of conflicting third-party repos still exist as much as they did in FC6? I already have some rpmforge packages.
FWIW, I would recommend using cyrus-imapd for an IMAP server with a lot
more features (albeit at a little greater complexity)

When I started with imap I chose dovecot because it could easily handle both mbox and maildir - and I needed it during a change-over period. That was 3 years ago, and I've become comfortable with it. I've set up temporary servers twice and a full server once more during that time. Although I started with v.0.99, this is the first time I've had a problem with it. I'm going to sleep on it. I'm sure that the problem can be solved.
Thanks for your thoughts, though.

If you are trying to re-use a config file from 0.99 it won't work. You need to follow the layout of the newer files for your current version and adjust the settings as needed.
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