I installed CentOS 5 on a client's machine yesterday afternoon. He
phoned me in the evening to tell me that his desktop "froze several
times upon him", and he had to hard-reboot it.
The last time this happened to me was with some exotic wireless card
whose driver had problems with SMP. But here, I have no wireless card.
So the only suspect is the NVidia Geforce 4000 card.
The only non-standard thing I did in my install was to install the
proprietary NVidia driver from nvidia.com. I knew afterwards this was
not a good thing to do, since the RPMForge repos do have an
nvidia-legacy drivers. I remembered this too late.
Anyway. I'm due to return to the client in a few hours time next
morning. I wonder if reverting from "nvidia" to "nv" in xorg.conf could
solve my problem.
As for updates, the system is up to date. But I admit I'm a bit clueless.
Any suggestions?
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