Re: unstable kernel after update to CentOS 4.5

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Benjamin Franz wrote on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 07:21:35 -0800 (PST):

> That would be number of hours the drive has _already_ been running. IOW, 
> it is telling you that the drive has been on for about two years.

Ah, so the opposite of what I thought? Don't confuse the value from the 
selftest log with the value from smartctl -a. There's also a value 
Power_On_Hours in smartctl -a which I figured would be the hours it's on.
As I see now the RAW value of it is increasing, but certainly much faster as 
that it could be counting the hours.
Ah, confirmed, I ran a second short test about one hour later and the value 
in the log has increased by one, so it's indeed the power on time it has had 
already. Thanks.

> The entry that usually tells you if you are developing problems are 
> Reallocated_Sector_Ct. If that is in the hundreds (or even in the multiple 
> dozens), you are probably looking at a drive that is going to fail in the 
> near future.
> Offline_Uncorrectable and Current_Pending_Sector are other ones you don't 
> want to see values much above '0' on.

These are all at 253 (raw incidents = 0).

I understand that a drive that looks really well in SMART could still fail 
next day, but at least there is no indication of that from this side.


Kai Schätzl, Berlin, Germany
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