John R Pierce wrote:
Jerry Geis wrote:
I can ssh into a remote machine.
I can start X on that machine with startx
How do I then start firefox on that machine (from the ssh prompt) and
have it display on my machine in my office.
So I want to be using firefox on the remote machine but displaying the
screen output from firefox in my office.
Both boxes are running centos 5.
don't startx on the REMOTE machine, have it running on the LOCAL machine.
local$ ssh -X remote
remote$ firefox &
and firefox should open on the local...
or you can do a port forward if you wanted to just use your local browser.
ssh -L <local-port>:localhost:<remote-port> <user>@<destination>
eg. ssh -L 8080:localhost:80 root@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
then, in your local browser, simply type localhost:8080 as the url to
display port 80 from the remote server.
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