Re: Announcing the CentOS on Laptops initiative

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Dag, is this the correct page?
It is. I forgot to send a link with the announcement :|

And are we supposed to do it on our own page and then link to it? Seems like
the existing ones are like that.
No, I googled for specific keywords to find existing pages. These links
eventually belong in their own Laptop-model pages.

Or, if we create a page on there, should multiple entries of the same laptop
model go on the same line somehow?
What I prefer is to have one single page per Laptop model. And a different
section for each CentOS version (starting with the latest, CentOS-5

If people have their own blog articles or webpages about their laptop
model, I would like to have this information reside inside of that page
(now they are on the index page temporarily).

Sadly, for now, you have to request access to be allowed to create or edit
these pages. I hope in the future we will have a more liberal view wrt.
the wiki.

PS I created this structure for your X60 for now, I plan to add my own
laptops soon (but it does not include a X60). If you can add your
information to this existing page, I am sure this is very valuable for
another X60 owner.

I think it is cool to see this effort undertaken, thanks Dag! :) I may need to install C5 on my Fujitsu that currently has Ubuntu on it.
Speaking of which, those guys have been maintaining both official and 
user submitted laptop reports for awhile so you might want to take a 
look over there and possibly borrow some cues or ideas for this project.


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