on 11/21/2007 3:07 PM Tom spake the following:
Scott Silva wrote:
on 11/16/2007 7:46 AM Theo Band spake the following:
Johnny Hughes wrote:
Tom wrote:
Hi all,
Since upgrading to perl 5.8.5-36.el4_5.2 I have had no end of
starting with needing compress::zlib which I got from rpmforge, then I
had to reinstall scalar::util to get mailscanner working but now I
install or upgrade any perl modules.
Has anyone else had problems or can someone tell me what I've done
OK ... I want to make something PERFECTLY CLEAR ...
Using CPAN installed modules is NOT supported while using a Package
Management system like RPM.
You should NOT use CPAN to install perl modules, nor should you use
to install pear modules.
That is because when you reinstall php-pear or perl, you will loose
these items that are updated/installed in any way other than via RPMS.
If you are using CentOS. then you need to get all your perl modules and
pear modules via RPM. If you need something, it should probably exist
either at RPMForge, at KBS-Centos-Extras, at EPEL or in the worst case
condition, take one of the other modules that does exist and use it to
create the module.
Also, look in Fedora 6.7.8 and see if you can get an SRPM to make your
If you don't ... when perl or php-pear are upgraded, your install will
absolutely, positively, beyond any and all shadow of doubt be BROKEN.
(BTW, this is not to Tom .. but to the whole list ... DON'T INSTALL
FROM CPAN !!!!!!!!)
Johnny Hughes
Ok, loud and clear.
What's the best way to revert back if a mess has been created. I tried
to install bugzilla on a Centos4.5 server but did not succeed. I now run
bugzilla on a Fedora installation instead. The bugzilla installation
suggested to install all kind of needed perl modules using CPAN.
So what's the best procedure to revert back the perl installation and
maintain it with yum?
I checked with rpm -V perl-5.8.5-36.el4_5.2.i386 and see a lot of
modified files. An uninstall is going to remove 266 packages, so
re-install is not a good option I guess. Yum upgrade/install will not
work, since the package is already installed of course.
Thanks for your help, and I shall never use CPAN again, never I
You could try rpm -Uvh --replacefiles and see if it fixes it
Thanks for the heads up Johnny, I ended up manually removing as many
cpan modules 1 by 1 that I could find rpm's for and installing the
appropriate rpm's. There are still quite a few cpan modules that don't
have rpm's but I now have everything fixed :)
You can also try cpan2rpm and make your own. Or look at dag.wieers.com or
atrpms.net. As long as they are in the database, there is less chance of
things getting corrupted.
MailScanner is like deodorant...
You hope everybody uses it, and
you notice quickly if they don't!!!!
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