Any ideas why this is happening? I dont have a firewall on the 10.54
presumably, the windows machine is connected to the 'eth0' network
that the centos machines are connected to?
how exactly do you expect the packets to get from there to the other
network? the windows machine has been instructed to forward all
unknown packets to, which presumably is some other sort of
router... chances are, said has no clue where is.
Ya- I see - your right the router is The rest of the network
switches are hubs off of that (all still 10.54.7.)
this private network is truly private (independent to the 2 computers
connected) in other words they are off the network, their traffic oesn't
go through a switch.
I didn't give this enough thought ....
the fact is I dont need to connect to the 0 address directly from the
windows machine. The 0 address is only for private network between the
database servers...
I was just curious that I couldn't ping them, I thought ping (and the
port scanner) should magically find them (like dns) ...
solution 1) configure a linux computer to do 'ip forwarding', and give
the windows machine a route like...
C> route add mask gw
or, solution 2) configure the router at to have a route to
this other network.
if both networks are on the same hub/switch, then I can only ask... WHY?
Thanks for the insight,
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