On 8/21/07, Jerry Geis <geisj at pagestation.com <http://lists.centos.org/mailman/listinfo/centos>> wrote:
/ All,
/>>/ I have been looking at zenity to pop up messages on the X screen.
/>>/ Is there another alternative to zenity that I have not found?
/>>/ I need to be able to completely remove the OK button, I cannot find a
/>>/ way in zenity to do this.
/>>/ also It would be nice to have a --timeout 5 option on the command line also.
/>>/ Any suggestions?
Jim - on my 4.5 system this is what gdialog says...
gdialog --help
gdialog is a compatibility wrapper around zenity, provided to hopefully
allow older scripts to run. If you are reading this message, you should
probably be using zenity directly
type: 'zenity --help' or 'man zenity' for more information
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