On Mon, 30 Jul 2007, Les Mikesell wrote:
ATM we'll just live and let live, and there will not be any one-side
effort to rectify any compatibility issues EPEL created. It's their
mess, they'll have to clean it up.
Live and let die, you mean - at least as far as the users
are concerned. I don't think this issue has any solution
other than separate namespaces.
Your issue belongs on another list -- the 'mark by nameing'
the rpm's in a way obvious to a low sophistication user (rather
than some checksum based method that does not exist) has been
proposed and rejected already.
sad, but still the case. We'll be having pain for this for
years and years. See:
Please read the archive and the back thread leading up to it.
Several @redhat.com showed up to pack the gallery at the 'last
chance' epel meeting which could have avoided this train wreck
-- Russ Herrold
-------------------- highlighted extract --------------------
00:03 < knurd> | I'm wondering if we should try a
different route: ask the FPC for a official statement if repotags
are fine for them
00:05 < spot> | we're not going to give that statement.
00:05 < spot> | just as an FYI
00:05 < knurd> | spot, ohh, I didn#t expect you would be around
00:05 < knurd> | spot, why?
00:05 < spot> | if you really want repotags vote on it,
and we'll figure out how to implement them.
00:06 < spot> | its not our domain to decide whether
they're ok or not, thats FESCo
00:06 < knurd> | spot, would you share your opnion on
00:07 < spot> | I don't know what technical problem
they solve.
00:07 < dgilmore> | spot: none
00:07 < spot> | They clutter up the namespace.
00:07 < knurd> | dag tried to explain one two me, and it
made a bit of sense
00:07 < nirik> | they allow end users to trivially see
what repo packages are causing them conflicts/problems... or
so the theory goes.
00:07 < knurd> | say there is clamav in both epel and
dags repo
00:07 < dgilmore> | i dont know how any sane person can
expect to mix repos providing the same packages and get a consistent
and sane result
00:07 < knurd> | with different sub-packages
00:07 --> | smooge (Stephen J Smoogen) has joined
00:08 < spot> | i'd tend to agree that mixing repos
with the same packagesets == BOOM
00:08 < spot> | and repotags won't resolve that.
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