Feizhou wrote:
Mark Hull-Richter wrote:
On 5/27/07, CentOS List <centoslist@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>can you recommend me motherboard that centos 4.x supports? the proc
is inte
>core 2 duo >3.2GHZ.
I use a MSI P4M890. It has 2 PATA and 2 SATA.
I know ECS is not particularly popular, but I had really good luck
with my nForce4M-A - the only caveat is that I have to run with noapic
because it doesn't like apic for some reason.
That sounds like a board with a buggy bios. For the same reason, I
will avoid Asus boards since I have resort to noapic or apci=off
parameters to get them to run stable.
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How do I turn acpi off in centOS5? - Bob T.
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