Jim Wildman wrote:
On Wed, 30 May 2007, Karl R. Balsmeier wrote:
while i'm on a Centos5 kick, I was just curious if I simply needed to
add a repo or if building these was a matter of waiting in terms of
Centos5. Am trying hard to stay away from Fedora if possible...
CentOS mailing list
google for cobbler and linux and you will find the repos and
um, thanks Jim, but i'm looking for a specific answer to a specific
question, so maybe i'll restate it:
For Centos5, is there a repo for cobbler or not. This is a yes/no
question in it's new format.
As for a google search, I think "centos5 cobbler repo" was pretty much
going to hit oil if it existed, but there was no info to confirm.
-what i'm really looking for is someone on the list who's probably even
working on such a repo and who will say "oh yeah, that's done like 2
weeks from now after I finish such and such", not "go research".
Perhaps you can understand where i'm coming from.
Jim Wildman, CISSP, RHCE jim@xxxxxxxxxxxxx http://www.rossberry.com
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