Re: Login problem on CentOS 4.4 GDM

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On 5/23/07, Mark Hull-Richter <mhullrich@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Also, I cannot manipulate passwords at all.  When I try to set a user
password using the users and groups applet, it hangs.  When I try to
set a user password from the root login via passwd <user>, I always
get an authentication failure.

Does that clarify the problem to anyone else?
This very much smells like a permissions error. Did you muck with
/etc/  at all when you were moving things around?

You might want to try something like 'rpm -V setup' or even 'rpm -Va >

The output of these commands will tell you if anything has been
changed for the setup package (which has the password files) or all
rpms respectively. If,as root, you cannot manipulate a user's password
with 'passwd userfoo' then it's probably a permissions error on
/etc/passwd or /etc/shadow

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