I have this really short script below that only lets me
set the font size from 5 to 50 using the slider at the bottom. Anything
higher than 50 it will not do.
run the program as "wish -f file.tcl"
Why can I not increase the font size - using the slider bar at the bottom
to anything higher than 50??? Does this work for anyone else?
Using xlsfonts there are sizes higher than 50.
proc updateText {args} {
set text [.c1 find withtag text]
foreach {name size type} [.c1 itemcget $text -font] {break}
set font [list $name $::value $type]
.c1 itemconfigure $text -font $font
set c [canvas .c1 -width 800 -height 600 -bg white]
set s [scale .s1 -from 5 -to 200 -orient horizontal -var ::value -length
set text [$c create text 400 300 -text "Test" -anchor c -fill red -tag
text -font Helvetica]
trace variable ::value w updateText
pack $c $s
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