I think it may be a access permition issue, but this happens from one
day to another, and in at least 3 linux machines... so, where can i look
for solution in my server?
First, you need to identify the problem. Start with logs.
Other thing is the mail server (outgoing) doesn't work, when i try to
send a mail through the mail server (the same file server machine), it
search for the outgoing server ( and can't establish
connection. A linux user friend told me to shutdown the machine and
disconect the power cord for a minute and then restart the system. It
worked for a time, but then it start the same problem and can only be
solved by shooting down the system, and that is a bad solution. The
mail server use to work fine, 24/7.
What are you using for your mail server and what do the logs say?
These 2 problems start when a electric crash burned out the router, and
then when i replaced it the start to happen, but router configuration
is fine and doesn't seem to have a problem.
Please help me to identify or solve the problem. Thanks everyone
Check logs.
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