since about 10:40am yesterday...
Torrent: CentOS-5.0-i386-bin-DVD.torrent
Upload rate: 99942B/s Limit: 256000B/s Total: 13182992264
Peers: 100 Min: 1 Max: 100
Ratio: 4.77 Seed time: 72h Seed ratio: 0.00
Cache in use: 304KB Wants: 304KB Max: 16MB
Torrent: CentOS-5.0-x86_64-bin-DVD.torrent
Upload rate: 129347B/s Limit: 256000B/s Total: 11633975900
Peers: 100 Min: 1 Max: 100
Ratio: 3.52 Seed time: 72h Seed ratio: 0.00
Cache in use: 1296KB Wants: 16384KB Max: 16MB
so, 25GB uploaded so far... I've got to throttle to 500kbyte/sec total
between the two as the server I'm using doubles as a radio streaming
encoder, and any more than that might interfere.
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