Jerry Geis wrote:
I am wondering if there exists a centos command that runs another command
and ensures the second command doesnt take more than x seconds? When x
is given on the command line.
If the second command is not "done" the first command will just kill it
and both exit.
Does such a method or command exist?
I just need to ensure the second command does just continue to run and
run and run.
Here's my admittedly kludgey quick and dirty way of doing this ....
write a shell script that does the following:
1. takes two arguments -- the command to run (in quotes) and then the
drip dead time (in seconds? or minutes?)
2. start the command in the background, saving its PID in a var (say $pid).
3. create an "at" job to kill the pid at the appointed time, as in:
echo kill -TERM $pid | at now + 15 minutes
If the job has already finished, the kill -TERM will hopefully be
harmless (i.e., the pid's haven't cycled around and there is now a new,
but different, job with the same pid).
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