O/H Scott Silva έγραψε:
Mike McCarty spake the following on 3/29/2007 10:34 PM:
Bart Schaefer wrote:
On 3/13/07, Radu-Cristian FOTESCU
<beranger5ca@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
--- Jerry Geis <geisj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Where do I control the order of that menu???
You can not.
Starting with GNOME 2.12, the terminal option has been removed from the
desktop context menu.
Is that what is in CentOS 5? If so, and CentOS 4 still has that on
the menu, then I probably will not be installing 5.
I realize this is moving off-topic for the CentOS list, but: What (if
any) is the rationale for the desktop menu NOT being
user-configurable? Why shouldn't I be able to put anything in there I
I geuss they are afraid that newbies will shoot their feet off.
[slightly off-topic reply]
Hehe, users' fate is not in our hands. An example at my work proves it:
Average "would be 31337 H@xx0r" employee discovers loss of ethernet
connection on his winblows machine.
He rumbles the PC cables for some seconds to no avail and then heads to
the company's rack. He starts pulling out all ethernet cables from the
switch, in a vain attempt to locate and correct his network problem.
Seconds later, company's employees emerge from their offices, yelling
and running down the hallways complaining of unsaved data /frozen pc's /
lost internet - you get the idea. 5 minutes later I receive a service call.
So I say leave it as it is, Gnome people. Let them pay us more of their
precious juice.
Rizoulis Thanasis
Electronic Computing Systems Engineer
Larissa Greece
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