Rodrigo Barbosa wrote:
What are you running out of CentOS plus? MYSQL 5? PHP 5? Postgresql 8?
That is
all in Centos5. Unless you need the XFS stuff or JFS or the hardware
additions, Centos 5 might have what you need.
Firewire drives containing resiserfs filesystems?
Why in hell would anyone still be using raiserfs these days ?
At least that is what I hope you mean. A 'resiserfs' is disturbing
in so many different levels ...
Yes, typo, but perhaps Freudian ... It's a backuppc archive that's been
running for years (since before other filesystems knew how to create
files quickly) and has millions of hardlinks. The last time I tried to
copy one with a non-image method I gave up after three days - and that
was a smaller drive. This is a 250 gig drive about 75% full holding
about 725 gigs of raw data before backuppc's linking and compression
I have a 3-member raid where 2 are internal IDE drives and the 3rd is a
set of external firewire drives that I periodically connect and sync
(takes a couple of hours) and then rotate offsite.
If there is a better way to do that these days with LVM snapshots or
something, I'd consider changing the approach even if it means starting
over, but I need some way to do an image copy with no downtime - or just
a momentary unmount of the filesystem so the copy is clean.
Les Mikesell
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