Backup also would need to include an off site push. One thing I've
learned is never depend on one method, I have the main nightly backup to
disk and then also have a secondary and tertiary backup pushing off site
to machines in a different part of the country.
I had such a crash 6 months ago, and had my company up and running
within 3 hours remotely using a secondary server. They were in
California, the server was in Tennessee, it took several days to repair
and rebuild the primary server, but down time was kept to a minimum and
when we went live on the primary just a simple restore from the
secondary server.
So nasty it wasn't, having gone through the same thing with tape it was
a lot worse, we would be down for days instead of a few hours.
john plemons
John R Pierce wrote:
John Plemons wrote:
Skip the tape route, install a network backup machine using a raid
setup instead. It is quicker and cleaner.Also it can be done in
either Windows, or Centos without any big tricks..
That works great for 'nearline' short term backups, but it doesn't
play real well with many emergency recovery plan requirements, such as
offsite backups, long term archive retention, etc. One nasty crash
on that archive filesystem and a few dozen terabytes of backups could
become junk.
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