Re: Centos 4.92

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John Summerfield wrote:
Download to a directory exported with NFS, burn the first one and boot 
with 'linux askmethod' at the boot prompt, pick 'nfs image' as the 
method and fill in the host/path information.  The install does all 
the magic of loopback mounting the iso images for you and will switch 
atomatically when needed. Once it is started you can let it run 
I much prefer http installs, and my kickstart scripts have evolved to 
expect it.
Unless I've missed something, that involves extra work and doesn't do 
anything better.  With NFS all there is to adding a new version of 
fedora/centos/k12ltsp is downloading the isos in their own directory 
under the nfs export and burning the first or the boot image from it.
  Les Mikesell

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