Florin Andrei wrote:
Karl R. Balsmeier wrote:
#put in whatever cron checks you need, one by one...
echo "*/3 * * * *
/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_megaraid_passive.sh > /dev/null 2>&1"
>> /var/spool/cron/root
How are you going to remove or modify that line in a _safe_ and simple
fashion when you'll have to?
Are you verifying if someone or something else has opened the
/var/spool/cron/root file for editing while you're messing with it?
With a dedicated file (separate files for each task / purpose /
application / whatever) in /etc/cron.d changes or an altogether
removal are both trivial and safe.
I am the only user on the box, -this is all part of the %post element of
a Kickstart file. No one's on there, heh. But I see what you mean. If
this were not the only cron job on the machine, i'd probably entertain
the single-file/single-job tactic.
This particular question was aimed at adding the final line in a
kickstart post-install script, e.g. modifying crontab in an automatic
way to complete a given server build. Specifically the local changes a
system gets to make it ready for Nagios monitoring, prior, I needed to
manually visit all the machines i'd built and crontab -e. But then a
phone rings, or a pager goes off, or a human appears, wanting something,
heh. Automatic is the way.
I'll be creatively using cat and echo to automate the builds with as
little sysadmin intervention as possible, I like to have a
production-ready server active within 20 minutes (I mean production as
in our company's highly detailed linux build), so here's an example of
just one of those 20+ 'moving parts', that if done manually, on 10
machines, takes an hour or so at the very least, vs. 10 seconds max:
# Megamake.sh <krb> 2007
# This script assumes you already have nagios installed,
# and send_nsca.cfg, nrpe.cfg, and /etc/xinetd.d/nrpe set properly
mkdir -v /usr/local/bin/megaraid
cd /usr/local/bin/megaraid
# don't wget from public, get from kickstart source dir.
# wget
# wget
unzip ut_linux_megarc_1.11.zip
chmod +x megarc.bin
chmod +x megarc
# test the tool, -show the RAID level and how many disks you have, and
their device ids:
./megarc -ctlrInfo -a0
# Run this command on your nagios server to see plugin results in real
# tail -f /var/log/nagios/nagios.log
cd /usr/local/src
cp check_megaraid_passive.sh /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/
chmod +x /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_megaraid_passive.sh
# run it, see if any errors pop up
# open it in vi to edit, in case there are errors, if not just close it.
vi /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_megaraid_passive.sh
# check the perms, if they match the other plugins
ls -al /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_megaraid_passive.sh
# run it again
# edit the cron job for this guy:
echo "*/3 * * * * /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_megaraid_passive.sh >
/dev/null 2>&1" >> /var/spool/cron/root
# restart crond
service crond restart
# At this point your Nagios check for this one service should go "green"
and you can hit the other 10 Nagios checks
# with your other scripts, and move on to Cacti adjustments.
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