How can i copy a file to another with the same name without being prompted
for a confirmation ?
Hello, Mario.
Type this:
# alias
This should show you the current alias for the cp command.
I personnally have this:
alias cp='cp -i'
The -i option requires the user confirmation for each copied file. This is
for safety concerns.
Therefore, if this is also your case, you need to add the --reply=yes option
so that it automatically answers yes to all questions.
Therefore you would type:
cp --reply=yes ./myfile ./myfile2
and if myfile2 existed it shouldn't ask any confirmation.
However, this '-i' cp alias command should only be there for any user shell
(even root), but should not be there for any cron script or use outside of a
shell command, so the -f would be sufficient in this case.
However, putting 'unalias cp', and then 'cp -f' should do in your case also,
and I don't understand why it doesn't..
Hope it helps.
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