M. Fioretti wrote:
On Sun, Feb 18, 2007 16:49:02 PM +1300, MrKiwi (mrkiwi@xxxxxxxxx)
Beware of the thread ...
on Slashdot regarding Port Knocking - there are some good points,
but loads and loads of misinformation and uninformed whining about
Port Knocking lowering your overall level of security.
May we ask you to sum up in a few lines both the good points and the
misinformed/whining ones?
That pretty much wraps it up.
Whoah! Thanks for the quick and very detailed answer. I look forward
to read further comments to it from other expert sysadmins here. Me,
I'll print it out and mull it over for 3/4 days to metabolyze all the
concepts, so don't be surprised if you don't hear from me again on
this topic soon, but it is really helpful.
Oh - I`m no expert sysadmin, i just listen to lists like
this and pick up what i can.
This list (and many other resources like /.) have taught me
a lot about filtering hype/FUD/misconceptions from
fact/useful advice.
Remember that no good review of port knocking would be
complete without a strong recommendation to read up on
Single Port Authorization. (Authorisation for fellow Kiwis)
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