Tom Diehl wrote:
On Sun, 21 Jan 2007, John Summerfield wrote:
Peter Serwe wrote:
Scott Silva wrote:
If you want the latest and greatest, CentOS is not for you. Try
Fedora. If you
want a consistent environment that you won't have to re-compile or
your mission critical apps at every update, that is what CentOS and
all other
enterprise class distros are all about.
I realize why I see this mantra of try Fedora Core all the time when
people are requesting
bleeding-edge features from a distro that specifically mandates
otherwise in it's stated purpose,
but isn't recommending a project that has announced it's shutting
down kind of counter-productive
for everybody? Granted, it is bleeding edge, but the project's
shutting down, so it seems
kind of a wrong answer.
Fedora's not shutting down. Fedora Legacy is reducing support
(dropping RHL 7.3 and other RHL and (maybe) older FC).
Fedora Legacy is not reducing support, it is dead!! It died due to lack of
interest on the part of the people who do the actual work.
I'm not sure it's entirely dead, though it's closer than I suggested.
Here's the notice from its website:
"The current model for supporting maintenance distributions is being
re-examined. In the meantime, we are unable to extend support to older
Fedora Core releases as we had planned. As of now, Fedora Core 4 and
earlier distributions are no longer being maintained."
You are correct though that Fedora is not shutting down. I mention this
there seem to be people on this list that do not understand the
difference. :-(
It's always the case that what seems clear to some is unclear to me.
btw, if you're particularly keen to stat at about the RHL 7.3 level then
CentOS 2.1 is close, CentOS 3 is close to FC1 (I think) and CentOS 4 is
a good match for FC3.
Note, "good match" is less than "perfect match." Making it work may
require some skill:-)
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