Patrick Useldinger wrote:
I am a Slackware user who's interested in learning CentOS. At this point
it is for intellectual curiosity only and not for any real work so the
machine need not be 100% stable at this point. It's most probably going
to be an installation into VMWare.
Given that, I thought I'd wait for 5-beta (mid-Jan'07) and start with that.
Will it be possible to upgrade from 5-beta to 5.0?
As Red Hat would say, "it's not supported, but it might work."
Or would you advise me to start with 4.4?
You can download the RHEL5 beta from or you can register
for a complimentary evaluation and get the beta and support channels.
Find the announcements for better information re the evaluation version.
You could also start with Fedora Core 6 which is the base for RHEL5.
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