John Summerfield wrote:
Edward Diener wrote:
Jordi Espasa Clofent wrote:
Hi Edward,
I don't now the answer to your questions, bit maybe the next info can
improve the situation:
I've not tried it, but it sounds great (especially because this Red Hat
I hope this info will be useful.
The UPS I use is an APC UPS. This is a completely different brand. I
did get the apcupsd daemon to work with my UPS. I just have to create
a nice notification system. Thanks nonetheless.
Is there a problem with nut? Other not being in EL4? It's packaged for
Fedora, so a port shouldn't be difficult & may be done.
I was put off by nut, as opposed to apcupsd, because of what seemed like
very complicated instructions to setting it up for my UPS. I will take
another look at it but another replier did say that there were problems
with it under CentOS 4. Perhaps that was just his experience and I can
set it up successfully for my system.
The apcupsd actually works quite well in shutting down my system
successfully if the A/C power is down and the UPS is running out of
battery time. It is just that the GUI interface, called gapcmon,
requires newer libraries than CentOS 4.4 can handle. Probably with
CentOS 5 those libraries will be OK. CentOS 5 should be out "real soon
now", right ? <g>
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