Re: CentOS Digest, Vol 23, Issue 18

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I am new at CentOS.I am not able to install webmin at Centos.if there is no problem at webmin installing at Cent .where I will get the webmin rpm for Cent.


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Today's Topics:

   1. How to connect to a Windows PC in LAN (Ha Thai Duong)
   2. Re: How to connect to a Windows PC in LAN (MrKiwi)
   3. creating script for init.d (Linux Man)
   4. Re: Intel 965 Chipset on 4.4 ? (Angel Marin)
   5. Re: How to connect to a Windows PC in LAN (MikeW)
   6. command line with < > and not wanting to redirect (Jerry Geis)
   7. Upgrading Server Motherboard (Matt)
   8. Re: command line with < > and not wanting to redirect
      (Diaa Radwan)
   9. Re: Upgrading Server Motherboard (Kevan Benson)
  10. Re: command line with < > and not wanting to redirect
      (Aleksandar Milivojevic)


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 17 Dec 2006 22:10:19 +0000
From: Ha Thai Duong <duongthaiha@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject:  How to connect to a Windows PC in LAN
To: centos@xxxxxxxxxx
Message-ID: <4585C04B.4070406@xxxxxxxxx>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

I am a new bee to Linux in general. Please accept my apologies if the
question is not appropriate.

I have a LAN with 2 computers: One is CentOS and one is Windows XP.
I am trying to transfer file between 2 computers using LAN. Can you
please tell me how to do it?

I have tried Samba from the Applications menu.
Add a directory in there. Set it to Read only and Allow access to
everyone. I couldn't see the CentOS from Windows computer.

I have tried the Network Servers. There is Windows Network there. When i
click to see inside that, there is nothing.

I tried to see the all the services are running. The winbind status is
winbindd dead but subsys locked.

Thanks a lot for your help. I do appreciate that.


Message: 2
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2006 11:45:11 +1300
From: MrKiwi <mrkiwi@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re:  How to connect to a Windows PC in LAN
To: CentOS mailing list <centos@xxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <4585C877.3060106@xxxxxxxxx>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Ha Thai Duong wrote:
I am a new bee to Linux in general. Please accept my apologies if the
question is not appropriate.

I have a LAN with 2 computers: One is CentOS and one is Windows XP.
I am trying to transfer file between 2 computers using LAN. Can you
please tell me how to do it?

I have tried Samba from the Applications menu.
Add a directory in there. Set it to Read only and Allow access to
everyone. I couldn't see the CentOS from Windows computer.

I have tried the Network Servers. There is Windows Network there. When i
click to see inside that, there is nothing.

I tried to see the all the services are running. The winbind status is
winbindd dead but subsys locked.

Thanks a lot for your help. I do appreciate that.
CentOS mailing list

"service smb status" will tell you if the services (smbd,
nmbd) are running but ...

Maybe your firewall is active and blocking your requests;

 From a root prompt type
# service iptables status

If the response is "Firewall is stopped" then this is not
the problem - however if you get a list of the firewall
entries, then try
# service iptables status|egrep "445|137|138|139"
You should see 4 or so entries listed for the various
services related to samba sharing.

If you see none, you need to either ;
stop the firewall (not recommended, but you may want to stop
it to confirm that the firewall is the issue) using
# service iptables stop
(restart it with # service iptables start)
config the firewall to allow these ports (recommended solution)

try /usr/sbin/s

set Security Level to "Enabled",
Customize, under "Other ports" type "445:tcp 137:udp 138:udp

This should allow all the samba services to ba accessed.




Message: 3
Date: Sun, 17 Dec 2006 23:29:46 -0200
From: "Linux Man" <linuxman.uru@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject:  creating script for init.d
To: centos@xxxxxxxxxx
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

I'm moving from a very old Fedora Core 1 to CentOS 4.4, what a change!!
Three year ago, I wrote some script (network related) and worked very well.
Now, I can put into init.d by means of chkconfig and I restarted the system,
but always hang when executing my srcipt (in my new centos 4.4).
There a manual for making scripts for init.d?
there is some new requirement by which it does not work anymore?
Thanks a lots!!!!
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Message: 4
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2006 11:48:56 +0100
From: Angel Marin <anmar@xxxxxxx>
Subject:  Re: Intel 965 Chipset on 4.4 ?
To: centos@xxxxxxxxxx
Message-ID: <em5rmr$q6c$1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15; format=flowed

Shawn wrote:
Do you happen to know the driver for your nic card.
I've tried rt8111 and 8139too (different card) under fc6 without luck.

The r1000 driver from realtek:

I wanted centos originally actually but didn't think the jmicron would
work and need to pull data off a pata drive once it is up.

The jmicron controller works fine with last centos kernel. The only
issue is the installation process if it must be done from a dvd drive on
that controller. Though it's easy to workaround too (add
"all-generic-ide" kernel boot parameter during installation)

Angel Marin


Message: 5
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2006 14:09:23 +0000 (UTC)
From: MikeW <mw_phil@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject:  Re: How to connect to a Windows PC in LAN
To: centos@xxxxxxxxxx
Message-ID: <loom.20061218T144914-739@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Ha Thai Duong <duongthaiha@...> writes:

I am a new bee to Linux in general. Please accept my apologies if the
question is not appropriate.

I have a LAN with 2 computers: One is CentOS and one is Windows XP.
I am trying to transfer file between 2 computers using LAN. Can you
please tell me how to do it?

I have tried Samba from the Applications menu.
Add a directory in there. Set it to Read only and Allow access to
everyone. I couldn't see the CentOS from Windows computer.

I have tried the Network Servers. There is Windows Network there. When i
click to see inside that, there is nothing.

I tried to see the all the services are running. The winbind status is
winbindd dead but subsys locked.

Thanks a lot for your help. I do appreciate that.

Simplest way - share directory (e.g.)"shared" on Windows PC,
then NFS mount it under Linux.

On Windows: select folder "shared", set permissions for your username
as 'full control',
Create sample textfile xyz.txt in the directory to check visibility.
Note the machine name of the Windows box (my computer: properties).
The machine name can only be used on some networks, but the IP
address should always work.

Find the IP address of the Windows machine;
in a console window type 'ipconfig', note the IP address (e.g.
[If you have more than one network interface, it should be that connected to
the Linux system!]

On the Linux box, as root,
1. create a mountpoint for the Windows directory, e.g. /mnt/shared,
make it owned by yourself, group 'users' (chown ... chgrp as root)
2. create a credentials file /home/yourname/.cred for your Windows login,
containing text (fill in correct text!)

3. add the following line (it's all one line) to the end of
the text file /etc/fstab (you'll need to be root):
//<Windows IP address>/shared /mnt/shared smb

(Your system may allow you to use the machine name instead of the IP)

4. as root, type:  mount /mnt/shared, you should then be able to see the
file xyz.txt. Using "-v" option to mount might give more info about reason
if this is unsuccessful.


Message: 6
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2006 12:07:38 -0500
From: Jerry Geis <geisj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject:  command line with < > and not wanting to redirect
To: CentOS ML <centos@xxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <4586CADA.30701@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

How do you format a command line that needs < >
and they are not meant to redirect anything they are part of an email

command -f "Some Email <someemail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>" -x -y -z

I tried putting a backslach in front of the < and > but that didnt do it




Message: 7
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2006 11:11:41 -0600
From: Matt <lm7812@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject:  Upgrading Server Motherboard
To: centos@xxxxxxxxxx
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

I have a server running CentOS 4.2 that works as a web/email with very
heavy load.  It runs Directadmin web gui which is like Cpanel.  It
runs on a cheapy mATX motherboard(ECS 741GX-M) with socket A 2800+ CPU
and 2Gbyte DDR.  The OS and data are on a 300Gbyte PATA maxtor drive
and data backups are run weekly to another PATA drive.  The server is
overwelmed and data backups take over 5 hours to complete.  I have a
Tyan(K8E) server board now that is socket 939 with SATA support.

Maxtor makes a utillity that will copy there drives so I bought a
second identical PATA drive and plan on copying it so if I screw
something up it will be a backup copy and not the critical original.

My first question is can I simply plug this drive into the new faster
motherboard and have it just boot up and run?

Next, should I get a dual core CPU or just a fast single core?  Most
of the load on this server is due to Spamassassin dealing with about
2000 email accounts.  Although it also serves up websites that is
pretty minor load I beleive since they do not get all that many hits.

I was told up2date will update this server too 4.4.  Problem is that
the Directadmin GUI is a bit touchy.  Any modifications to the
services its married to could be bad.  I really need to talk to there
tech support on this.

My new server motherboard is socket 939 and supports DDR 400.  It was
a bargin off ebay but appears to work fine.  Would I be better off
getting a socket AM2 that supports DDR2 or will that make much
difference in performance?  The 939 motherboard supports a max of
4Gbyte DDR too.

I also purchased a Seagate SATA 500Gbyte drive.  The 300G PATA drive
is just under half full.  I imagine mostly email.  Mailboxes for the
most part have 50M cap but there alot of them and still adding more.
Is there anyway to copy the OS installed on the PATA to a larger and
faster SATA drive?  I am doubting this since the drives place/mnt in
/dev will change.

I know the best solution is to install CentOS 4.4 on new box, install
Directadmin, and then backup and restore to new server but that will
result in substantial downtime that I am trying to get out off.  Plus
a lot of work.  The Directadmin install has been heavilly customized
and I will need to remember what I all did to it.  Actually I may
still do that but I would like to move to a faster motherboard first
so just maybe the backups run faster.

Thanks for any help or advice.



Message: 8
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2006 19:27:12 +0200
From: Diaa Radwan <diaaradwan@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re:  command line with < > and not wanting to
To: CentOS mailing list <centos@xxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <4586CF70.2030707@xxxxxxxxx>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Jerry Geis wrote:
How do you format a command line that needs < >
and they are not meant to redirect anything they are part of an email

command -f "Some Email <someemail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>" -x -y -z
use single quote

command -f 'Some Email <someemail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>' -x -y -z

I tried putting a backslach in front of the < and > but that didnt do it


CentOS mailing list

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Message: 9
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2006 09:36:10 -0800
From: Kevan Benson <kbenson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re:  Upgrading Server Motherboard
To: CentOS mailing list <centos@xxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <200612180936.11004.kbenson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Content-Type: text/plain;  charset="iso-8859-1"

On Monday 18 December 2006 09:11, Matt wrote:
Next, should I get a dual core CPU or just a fast single core?  Most
of the load on this server is due to Spamassassin dealing with about
2000 email accounts.  Although it also serves up websites that is
pretty minor load I beleive since they do not get all that many hits.

If you have the extra physical space, have you considered running the new
server as a dedicated spamassassin server?  Ideally, you would probably want
the faster and larger drive handling the mail storage, but if downtime is
really a problem, offloading the process causing the most load might give you
the time to design and implement a more elegant solution.

- Kevan Benson
- A-1 Networks


Message: 10
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2006 12:06:33 -0600
From: Aleksandar Milivojevic <alex@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re:  command line with < > and not wanting to
To: centos@xxxxxxxxxx
Message-ID: <20061218120633.vuun1hxxwsos0co8@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; DelSp=Yes; format=flowed

Quoting Jerry Geis <geisj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

How do you format a command line that needs < >
and they are not meant to redirect anything they are part of an
email address.

command -f "Some Email <someemail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>" -x -y -z

I tried putting a backslach in front of the < and > but that didnt do
it either.

That's strange.  Your example (with double or single quotes) should
work.  It surelly works for me:

$ echo "Some Email <someemail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>"
Some Email <someemail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Have you done something strange in your shell's config file?


CentOS mailing list

End of CentOS Digest, Vol 23, Issue 18

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