I get a message while booting of:
ide2: I/O resource 0x3EE-0x3EE not free.
ide2: ports already in use, skipping probe
Googling for this, I find it is relatively common, and on different laptops.
I thought it might be my internal SD reader causing the problems, but
these other notebooks do not have such devices. Then I found:
IrDA - works except on COM3 / ttyS2
It appears that *ttyS2* (the FC2 default) does not work as the IrDA - on
boot it reports `*ttyS2 at I/O 0x3e8 (irq = 0) is a 16550A*' and `*ide2:
I/O resource 0x3EE-0x3EE not free.*', `*ide2: ports already in use,
skipping probe*'. As such, during *POST* press *F2* and *Alt-P* 3 times
and set the IrDA to *COM2* or *COM4* (which select *IRQ 3* with *I/O
0x2f8* or *0x2e8* on *ttyS1* or *ttyS3* - ra3 is the latter). Edit
*/etc/pcmcia/config.opts* to `*exclude irq 3*' (so that the IRQ is free)
and */etc/sysconfig/irda* to set `*DEVICE=/dev/ttyS3*' (or *1*), and run
`*chkconfig irda on*' so that it starts on reboot (or
`*/etc/rc.d/init.d/irda start*' or `*irattach /dev/ttyS3 -s*').
It should load *ircomm_sir*, *sir_dev*, *irnet*, *ppp_generic*, *slhc*,
*ircomm_tty*, *ircomm*, *irda*, *irtty_sir* and *crc_ccitt*, and
*/var/log/messages* should have"
Now I have already put ttyS2 on irq3 (from dmseg):
ttyS2 at I/O 0x3e8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A
How do I test the IRDA?
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