I am in the process of updating a dozen or so workstations from
CentOS 4.3 to CentOS 4.4. I set up a local YUM repository, and have
been able to successfully update all systems except for one. Both
yum and rpm either hang or core dump on this system. I've done a
"yum clean all" and an "rpm --rebuilddb" (after deleting the __db
files). I was able to successfully update yum itself, but now even a
"yum --version" or "rpm -q yum" hang and can only be killed with a
"kill -9 <pid>".
Any suggestions on how to proceed? I had no problems on any of the
other systems, and they were all configured the same way. I wonder
if I may have screwed up when trying to clean up the RPM database (I
was following instructions posted a few months ago to this mailing
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