In above example u can see in the 1st example the
sender(xyz) is not real user of my domain , still he
is able to sendmail to my real users (abhi).
probably not good questions for the list but better you to read up on
what you want to do. The above is normal behavior for an smtp server
that is accepting mail for local users - how else would anyone else send
e-mail to users on your domain if it didn't work this way?
the latest postfix has this feature to tell the client to get lost if
the address in the mail from: is a local domain and if the address does
not exist.
i have replaced my real domain name with
and i have to do same thing from out side network , in
my /etc/mail/access file only is allowed .
if that is the case, it isn't working - perhaps you want to show us your
real file or read up on using sendmail.
his is working perfectly fine.
plz help me.
You need to read up on sendmail, MTA usage in general. This list can
help with configuration details but you need to get a better
understanding which would only come from in depth reading of things like
the Sendmail 'Bat' book.
I don't see that he has a problem at all besides expressing himself.
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