DVD Sounds to me like DMA. Which xine are you using? Have you run
xine-check? Are you using SATA?
c5050 wrote:
Does anyone have an idea why cpu usage varies constantly, from as low as
4.X % to as high as 20+%? All that I have open at the time of running
"top" is the gnome-terminal. The reason why I'm hunting this, is that I
just can't seem to play DVD's (using Xine) without choppy playback
(sound is fine). I know my laptop is aching - running CentOS 4.4 with a
Celeron 800 and 256MB RAM (DMA's turned on), but still - I think it
should be able to play DVD's, or not? I have the feeling that the more I
can tweak CPU usage, the better my chance of success will be. Any advice
would be appreciated.
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John Newbigin
Computer Systems Officer
Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies
Swinburne University of Technology
Melbourne, Australia
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