Robert Moskowitz wrote:
Scott Silva wrote:
Robert Moskowitz spake the following on 9/4/2006 8:26 AM:
At this point in my lab, the only solid servers I have are Win2000.
So I xcopy the distro CDs into a directory that I make available for
install via ftp.
Well I have had problems copying files from this distro.
I had to use the /c option in xcopy to get past the problem files..
A few examples are:
The following files in the image directory of disk 1 has 'File creation
error - The parameter is incorrect.":
My screen buffer is only 400, so I missed any errors in the first 1500
files. And I think there was one earlier (the reason why I had to add
the /c option).
On I think CD 3 in the Centos/RPMS the file tix.8.1.4-98.i386.rpm had a
'File creation error -Date error (cyclic redundancy check).
I created both CDs twice from the ISO images, getting these errors.
There may be others.
Any input on this?
You might have bad ISO images. They can easily be corrupted during
Now that is scary. TCP SHOULD handle both missing datagrams and
datagrams out of order; within your window of course.
I could see it with a bad stack implementation like Win98.....
Well I will try downloading again and reburning.
CentOS mailing list
It may be an idea to check the MD5 sums for the ISOs *before* burning
them......I learnt this one quite a long time ago after a series of
inexplicable errors (and a lot of wasted time and CDs!).......and all
the problem ISOs in question had been downloaded under Windoze (both ME
and XP).
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