Johnny Hughes wrote:
/ Guys,
/>/ CentOS is not doing very well at this ranking site:
/>/ We need some good foo there, so if you like CentOS, go there and rank
/>/ us ...
/>/ {If you don't like CentOS then you are getting sleepy .... sleepy .....
/>/ You will not remember anything you read in this message}
/>/ Thanks,
/>/ Johnny Hughes
/>/ />/
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/>/ CentOS mailing list
/>/ CentOS at <>
// /
I am new to CentOS. Have been running it on a test machine for about 3
weeks now. And I already like it, so poured lot of love on the ranking
site. Look, Ma, CentOS is on top of the world.
Honestly, I had never heard of the name CentOS until March this year
when I also learned about the little city Tuttle.... The fact that the
person behind the project is so patient made me feel this is the distro
to use. Having used RedHat/Fedora for many years, I found myself quite
comfortable on the first day I installed CentOS.
Glad I found you, CentOS.
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