Paul Heinlein wrote:
On Fri, 11 Aug 2006, Jean Figarella wrote:
Here is my problem,
On my network there is a subversion server to which everybody connects to and
checks in/out code and documents. The workstations on the network are all
based on Fedora core 3. And everybody's home directory is on a nfs share. This
nfs share is mounted via the fstab. So no matter to which box a user logs in,
his/her home dir is gonna be the same.
Again, /home is a nfs mounted dir. Now, if I am on Fedora and I cd into
/home/jean/dev/ for exmaple, and then I do svn update everything works fine.
But if I do the same on centos 4.3; cd /home/jean/dev and then svn update, it
gives me this error:
bash-3.00$ cd ~/dev/sysadmin/
bash-3.00$ svn update
svn: REPORT request failed on '/svn/code/!svn/vcc/default'
svn: REPORT of '/svn/code/!svn/vcc/default': 400 Bad Request
bash-3.00$ cd /local/new_dev/sysadmin/
bash-3.00$ svn update
At revision 30009.
On the CentOS box, can you cleanly check out a copy of the repository
to somewhere else in your NFS-mounted home directory? E.g.,
mkdir ~/svn-tmp
cd ~/svn-tmp
svn co [...]
If so, I'd be interested to compare the output of 'svn info' from the
test checkout with that of the one in ~/dev.
The subversion version on Fedora is 1.2.1 and in centos 4.3 it is
1.1.4. I have already tried upgrading to the same subversion version
and to more recent ones, and that did not work.
I am thinking that maybe this is not a subversion error because I
can sucessfully use it from fedora 3 anf 5, and debian. I think it
has to do with CentOS. I was looking to upgrade all of the FC3 boxes
in my network to CentOS (about 30 of them), but with this problem
Ill have to stick with Fedora.
The presence of the near-ancient Subversion 1.1.4 in RHEL 4/CentOS 4
is a constant sore spot around my workplace. I feel your pain. :-)
On my CentOS I cannot check out code anywhere on my NFS-mounted home.
svn simply does not work on the NFS. I tried other users and the same
thing happens. I've tried mounting the home directory manually, double
checked that uids and gids are correct, upgraded to subversion-1.3.2-1
and nfs utils version, checked the /etc/export file from the nfs server,
and everything looks right. I don't know why I CentOS giving me this
Thanks for your help.
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