Rodrigo Barbosa wrote:
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On Mon, Jun 05, 2006 at 02:01:52PM -0600, Joshua Gimer wrote:
On 6/5/06, Max H. <btmanmeh@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Kai Schaetzl wrote:
> where do you set "swappiness"?
Echo a value 0 to 100 into /proc/sys/vm/swappiness.
Higher the number, more swap.
Here's an interesting argument from some kernel developers:
I would at least keep a little bit of swap space. If you were to ever run out
of physical memory it WILL cause a kernel panic. Just a suggestion.
And that is why we are suggesting changing swappiness instead of
turning of swap.
I assume then, with swappiness set to 0, *if* the system does happen to
need some extra pages, then it *will* go into swap, but only if all
memory is exhausted? Zat sound right?
Sam W.Drinkard -- sam@xxxxxxxxxx
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