Re: [CentOS] Load Balancing

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Rick Philbrick wrote:

Does this require you run a particular version of Mysql?  I am running
Mysql-4.1 using Mastr Slave replication.  I really want to do the
above described Mastr Mastr scenario.

-Rick Philbrick

On 5/24/06, Dan Trainor <dan.trainor@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Jure Pečar wrote:
> On Tue, 23 May 2006 15:32:31 -0700
> Mace Eliason <meliason@xxxxxxx> wrote:
>>My only question is I have found in the system that I setup with
>>mysql replication it worked great but if you remove one of the
>>servers and put it back in you have to stop mysql and copy over the
>>newer database and then restart both to get it to replicate
>>Is there a way to get replication to work so it will automatically
>>sync the master and slave without having to stop and copy and restart?
> This is only neccessary if somethign ugly happens to your binary logs so the syncing thread of mysql has nowhere to get the good data from. Usually this should not happen. I only had it hapen when I run out of disk space.
> I suggest you check your setup and mysql replication docs again.

Hi -

I, too, suggest this.

I have a setup which is similar to what you're going for, I think.  The
MySQL part utilizes master-master replication, or multi-master
replication, which gives me a hot spare just in case.  In the event that
one of these machines fail, it is updated automagically when it comes
back online, by it's "master".

MySQL has detailed this procedure pretty well.  Take a look at it and
see what you can find.

Hi -

Honestly, I've not started playing with MySQL until 5.0, and more recently, 5.1 - so I cannot answer that. However, this may be documented in MySQL's manual (or someone else might be able to chime in)
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