On Mon, 2006-01-09 at 14:29 +0100, Jean Lee wrote: > Hi all, Please start a new thread with a new message rather than hijacking an existing one with a reply/change-subject. > Does anybody knows where I can found an eclipse 3.1 package for Centos ? Doesn't seem likely. I had a crack at rebuilding the latest FC4 package from source and the build-dep requirements seem daunting... http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/core/updates/4/SRPMS/eclipse-3.1.1-1jpp_1fc.FC4.12.src.rpm $ rpmbuild --rebuild eclipse-3.1.1-1jpp_1fc.FC4.12.src.rpm error: Failed build dependencies: ant is needed by eclipse-3.1.1-1jpp_1fc.FC4.12.x86_64 gcc-java >= 4.0.2 is needed by eclipse-3.1.1-1jpp_1fc.FC4.12.x86_64 java-gcj-compat-devel >= 1.0.33 is needed by eclipse-3.1.1-1jpp_1fc.FC4.12.x86_64 ant-antlr is needed by eclipse-3.1.1-1jpp_1fc.FC4.12.x86_64 ant-apache-bcel is needed by eclipse-3.1.1-1jpp_1fc.FC4.12.x86_64 ant-apache-log4j is needed by eclipse-3.1.1-1jpp_1fc.FC4.12.x86_64 ant-apache-oro is needed by eclipse-3.1.1-1jpp_1fc.FC4.12.x86_64 ant-apache-regexp is needed by eclipse-3.1.1-1jpp_1fc.FC4.12.x86_64 ant-apache-resolver is needed by eclipse-3.1.1-1jpp_1fc.FC4.12.x86_64 ant-commons-logging is needed by eclipse-3.1.1-1jpp_1fc.FC4.12.x86_64 ant-javamail is needed by eclipse-3.1.1-1jpp_1fc.FC4.12.x86_64 ant-jdepend is needed by eclipse-3.1.1-1jpp_1fc.FC4.12.x86_64 ant-jmf is needed by eclipse-3.1.1-1jpp_1fc.FC4.12.x86_64 ant-junit is needed by eclipse-3.1.1-1jpp_1fc.FC4.12.x86_64 ant-nodeps is needed by eclipse-3.1.1-1jpp_1fc.FC4.12.x86_64 ant-swing is needed by eclipse-3.1.1-1jpp_1fc.FC4.12.x86_64 ant-trax is needed by eclipse-3.1.1-1jpp_1fc.FC4.12.x86_64 ant-jsch is needed by eclipse-3.1.1-1jpp_1fc.FC4.12.x86_64 jsch >= 0:0.1.18-1jpp is needed by eclipse-3.1.1-1jpp_1fc.FC4.12.x86_64 jakarta-commons-beanutils is needed by eclipse-3.1.1-1jpp_1fc.FC4.12.x86_64 jakarta-commons-collections is needed by eclipse-3.1.1-1jpp_1fc.FC4.12.x86_64 jakarta-commons-digester is needed by eclipse-3.1.1-1jpp_1fc.FC4.12.x86_64 jakarta-commons-dbcp is needed by eclipse-3.1.1-1jpp_1fc.FC4.12.x86_64 jakarta-commons-el is needed by eclipse-3.1.1-1jpp_1fc.FC4.12.x86_64 jakarta-commons-fileupload is needed by eclipse-3.1.1-1jpp_1fc.FC4.12.x86_64 jakarta-commons-launcher is needed by eclipse-3.1.1-1jpp_1fc.FC4.12.x86_64 jakarta-commons-logging is needed by eclipse-3.1.1-1jpp_1fc.FC4.12.x86_64 jakarta-commons-modeler is needed by eclipse-3.1.1-1jpp_1fc.FC4.12.x86_64 jakarta-commons-pool is needed by eclipse-3.1.1-1jpp_1fc.FC4.12.x86_64 mx4j >= 2.1 is needed by eclipse-3.1.1-1jpp_1fc.FC4.12.x86_64 tomcat5 is needed by eclipse-3.1.1-1jpp_1fc.FC4.12.x86_64 tomcat5-jasper is needed by eclipse-3.1.1-1jpp_1fc.FC4.12.x86_64 tomcat5-servlet-2.4-api is needed by eclipse-3.1.1-1jpp_1fc.FC4.12.x86_64 lucene is needed by eclipse-3.1.1-1jpp_1fc.FC4.12.x86_64 lucene-demo is needed by eclipse-3.1.1-1jpp_1fc.FC4.12.x86_64 regexp is needed by eclipse-3.1.1-1jpp_1fc.FC4.12.x86_64 junit >= 3.8.1-3jpp is needed by eclipse-3.1.1-1jpp_1fc.FC4.12.x86_64 Might try requesting the package from RPMforge or ATrpms, but don't hold your breath as many of the packages above are not available for EL4. Users rpmforge <users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> ATrpms user list <atrpms-users@xxxxxxxxxx> Phil