--- Jos??? Alburquerque <jaalburquerque@xxxxxxx> wrote: > Hi all. I have a simple question: CentOS relies > mostly on "yum" to > keep systems up to date, although I understand that > like on RHEL, > "up2date" is also available. On my system I've run > both KDE and GNOME > as Graphical Desktops under X (though I presently > run GNOME), and I've > noticed that there is an applet called "CentOS > Network Alert Icon" (from > the "System Tools" menu) which when run appears in a > "status area" in a > panel to show whether the system needs updating or > not. This applet > shows the up2date sources, but my question is: Is > there any way to have > some sort of similar applet that does this for yum. > I just think that > when we add repos we usually add them through yum. > Also when we update > the system we usually use yum. Hence I think it > would be better to use > an applet similar to up2date's for yum so that there > is no need to edit > both yum and up2date files and there is consistency > between when the > applet signals a need for updating and the actual > "yum update" command. > Am I making sense? > > I found a site > (http://fedoranews.org/tchung/yum-applet/) with the > source for a yum applet. I know I can build this > for myself, but I was > wondering what others on this list think and whether > such an applet > should be more widely available to the general > CentOS audience. Can I > go ahead and build this for my system? TIA for your > answers. > > Sincerely > Jose Alburquerque Incase you did not know, the link someone gave to yum applet applies to Fedora 4, 5 and onwards. CentOS 4 is based on RHEL which was in turn based on Fedora core 3. For the statisticians the 87% of the packages in FC3 appeared unmodified in nahant beta. In Fedora Core 3 and earlier the familiar rhn applet notifies you when updates are available. Read between the line when consulting Fedora material beacuse it mostly appies to FC5 or FC4 all newer than CentOS. CentOS 5 will be based on RHEL 5 which will be based on FC5 (minus the annoying bugs and stuff upstream do not want to support). This situation may be confusing to people who may not be aware of the development chain. CentOS 4 has already a working applet rhn-applet-2.1.24-3.centos4.i386.rpm available in the base directory. __________________________________________________ Improve the mailing list by performing a simple search before posting and reading the FAQ/etiquette. Protect the integrity of your installation with the yum plugins. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com