06-04-28, Jim Perrin <jperrin@xxxxxxxxx> napisa?(a): > On 4/27/06, Dominik Sk?adanowski <dskladanowski@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > Does anybody of you use PHP 5.0.4 from "CentOS plus" repo and > > PostgreSQL 8.1.x from www.postgresql.org (rpms for RHLE 4 AS)? > > (php-pgsql.rpm I have installed) > > You need the compatibility layer, or you can use the rpms from > dev.centos.org/ which contains a repository with postgresql 8.1.3, > which works with a couple other rpms there as a drop in replacement > for the rpms in centos. I have installed this packages: compat-postgresql-libs-3-3PGDG.i686.rpm postgresql-libs-8.1.2-1PGDG.i686.rpm postgresql-8.1.2-1PGDG.i686.rpm postgresql-server-8.1.2-1PGDG.i686.rpm I can't login to PostgreSQL using phppgadmin. psql works. Regards. -- _________________________________________________________________ D o m i n i k S k ? a d a n o w s k i VOLVO 740GL (B230E) rocznik 1991 Warszawa