On 1/13/22 12:28 PM, Johnny Hughes wrote:
On 1/7/22 12:18, Gordon Messmer wrote:
On 1/7/22 09:39, Gionatan Danti wrote:
is kernel live patching working for CentOS Stream 9?
My understanding of live kernel patching is that the feature allows
systems to update specific individual kernel functions, and is
primarily useful for addressing security vulnerabilities (and not, for
example, for updating from one kernel version to another). I don't
know for a fact, but my expectation is that CentOS Stream systems
aren't going to get "live" patches because there's no ongoing support
for individual kernels.
Indeed .. you will get those things rolled into the next kernel, but not
as live patches.
In layman's language summary: RedHat Enterprise features (including
"live" kernel patching) are to be expected _only_ in RedHat Enterprise
"binary replica" distributions, which CentOS Stream is not.
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