Re: letsencrypt error

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On 2/5/21 7:49 AM, Jerry Geis wrote:
*>>certbot-auto is no longer available.

See "We used to have a shell script named certbot-auto to help people install Certbot on UNIX operating systems, however, this script is no longer supported. If you want to uninstall certbot-auto, you can follow our instructions here."

... Skipping bootstrap because certbot-auto is deprecated on this system. Your system is not supported by certbot-auto anymore. Certbot cannot be installed. Please visit to check for other alternatives. My Centos 7 is basically out of the box. Previously with certbot-auto - it worked every time. Any one else run into this and know what the issue is ?
The issue is fully documented and is simply that the certbot-auto script is being discontinued by the certbot team at EFF.  Questions about why it's being discontinued would need to be taken up with the EFF team on their github issue tracker at

The EFF-recommended way to use certbot has changed.  The _new_ way is with a snap (as in 'install snapd and download the snap for certbot').  If you already have it might work, but that's going away; you need to use the solution recommended at which first instructs the user to uninstall any OS package containing certbot.  At there is a warning block: "While the Certbot team tries to keep the Certbot packages offered by various operating systems working in the most basic sense, due to distribution policies and/or the limited resources of distribution maintainers, Certbot OS packages often have problems that other distribution mechanisms do not. The packages are often old resulting in a lack of bug fixes and features and a worse TLS configuration than is generated by newer versions of Certbot. They also may not configure certificate renewal for you or have all of Certbot’s plugins available. For reasons like these, we recommend most users follow the instructions at and OS packages are only documented here as an alternative."

Further, this isn't a CentOS problem; CentOS 7 doesn't ship certbot-auto.  EPEL7 ships a certbot package, but it doesn't ship certbot-auto.  The certbot in the EPEL7 package is currently working on one of my systems, but it is at this point in time one release out of date. (the package currently in EPEL7 is 1.11.0; current is 1.12.0; 1.12.0 drops support for python2, so the move from 1.11.0 to 1.12.0 could be fun).

So, the EFF's recommended instructions for CentOS 7 running nginx are at ; (I chose the nginx page because I am running some servers with CentOS 7 and nginx; there are instructions for CentOS/RHEL 8 as well as for apache).

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