Re: CentOS Stream from bottom works, what is this?

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On 09.12.2020 15:45, Johnny Hughes wrote:
On 12/9/20 8:41 AM, Walter H. wrote:
p.s. can someone tell in as short as possible what this CentOS Stream is
in comparison to CentOS 8?
CentOS Stream is built from the currently released RHEL Source Code + 0.1

So if RHEL 8.3 is released .. Stream is the Source Code (built) that
will become 8.4 in a few months.
what does this mean in comparison to CentOS 8, which sources are used 
for this?
to be concrete:

I can download this ISO of CentOS 8

(1) CentOS-8.3.2011-x86_64-dvd1.iso

and this ISO fo CentOS Stream

(2) CentOS-Stream-8-x86_64-20201203-dvd1.iso

which sources are used for (1) and which for (2)?

and what does it mean of the update process be 'yum update'

e.g. if one would do this with CentOS 6, there is no way; the support ended;

with CentOS 8 this will haben one day (somewhat in 2029), and what is said about this of CentOS Stream?


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